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1st Div
 Anti-desertion Measures, NKF160
 Anti-surrender Measures189
 APO Numbers29
 Armament27, 34, 37, 39, 189
 Attitude, NKF Personnel190
 Capabilities, Units160
 Casualties29, 37, 190
 Circumstance of Capture27, 29, 34, 37, 39, 160, 189
 Conscription, ROK Civilians76. 77. 160
 Effect of UN Propaganda189, 190
 Korean Personnel from CCF29
 Medical Personnel30
 Military Communication Net37
 Military Convalescent Facilities36
 Military Hospitals36
 Morale14, 28, 30, 160, 190
 Movement of Unit14, 27, 36, 47, 76, 160, 189
 Personalities29, 34, 39
 Personnel Types160
 Propaganda, UN Leaflets189
 Replacements, Personnel27, 29, 34, 37, 39
 River Crossing Equipment37
 Security Against Desertion27
 Soviet Military Advisors34, 161
 Strength27, 29, 34, 36, 37, 39, 47, 189
 Supply14, 28, 30, 34, 35, 39, 40, 161
 Supply Depots161
 Tactical Employment of Unit27, 29, 34, 36, 37, 155
 Tactical Withdrawal27
 Tactics, Defense27
 Tactics, Military189
 Tactics, River Crossing37
 Training47, 76
 Unit Code Names29
 Unit Code Numbers36
 Unit Dispositions27, 29, 30, 36, 37, 47, 154, 189
 Unit Headquarters36, 37, 47, 160
 Unit Identification14, 27, 29, 30, 34, 36, 39, 47, 76, 154, 160, 189
 Unit Inactivation76
 Unit Mission14, 28, 30, 35, 40, 160
 Unit Organization76, 189
 Use of Captured Equipment39
 Use of Soviet Munitions34, 37, 39
 Vehicle Movement of Personnel37
2nd Div
 Anti-tank112, 129, 134, 135
 Anti-surrender Measures, NKF96, 136
 Anti-withdrawal, Measures, NKF96, 137
 Armament23, 24, 45, 95, 108, 112, 113, 129, 132, 134, 135
 Armor97, 129, 135, 162
 Artillery3, 112, 114, 129, 135, 136, 162
 Attitude, ROK Civilians133
 Cadre, Personnel3
 Camouflage, Munitions45
 Capabilities, Units162, 164
 Casualties108, 129, 130, 135
 CCF Intentions136
 Chemical Warfare Equipment97
 Circumstance of Capture19, 23, 46, 109, 127, 130, 132, 135, 162
 Defenses, Antiaircraft164
 Disease, Unknown97
 Effect of UN Air Attack96, 97, 128, 130, 162
 Effect of UN Artillery130, 162
 Engineer Equipment95, 112, 129
 Evacuation of Casualties128, 136
 Evacuation of UN PsW109
 Immunization97, 109, 130, 137
 Indoctrination, Political3
 Korean Personnel from CCF3, 162, 164
 Korean Personnel from Soviet Army165
 Loss of Equipment97, 129, 130, 162
 Medical Facilities136
 Medical Personnel112, 136
 Medical Supply129, 136
 Military Communications Equipment112, 129, 134
 Morale20, 96, 109, 128, 130, 133, 137, 164
 Movement of Unit3, 23, 45, 46, 95, 109, 127, 130, 135, 162
 NCO Training Unit3
 Personalities46, 96, 108, 121, 130, 132, 136, 165
 Personnel Types162
 Rail Movement of Personnel45
 Redesignation of Unit3
 Reorganization of Unit3
 Replacements, Personnel23, 24, 46, 108, 109, 128, 130, 132, 136, 162
 Security Against Air Attack164
 Soviet Military Advisors163
 Strength3, 24, 46, 95, 108, 112, 113, 129, 132, 134, 135, 162
 Supply19, 20, 24, 45, 46, 96, 109, 128, 130, 132, 136
 Supply Depots45, 164
 Supply Routes, Munitions136
 Tactical Employment of Unit19, 45, 46, 122, 130, 132, 135
 Tactical Withdrawal162
 Tactics, Antiaircraft164
 Tactics, Military Communications163
 Tactics, River Crossing46
 Training3, 45, 54, 95, 135
 Training Political54
 Treatment of Casualties136
 Unit Code Numbers45, 95, 112, 113, 129, 134, 165
 Unit Dispositions3, 45, 46, 108, 113, 122, 129, 135, 163
 Unit Headquarters3, 45, 113, 127, 135, 163
 Unit Identification3, 19, 23, 45, 54, 95, 108, 112, 121, 127, 129, 132, 134, 162
 Unit Mission46, 96, 109, 122, 133, 136, 165
 Unit Organization95, 96, 108, 112, 113, 129, 132, 134, 135, 162
 Unit Transport112, 129, 134, 135
 Use of Captured Equipment137
 Use of Civilian Personnel164
 Use of ROK Civilians96, 136
 Use of Soviet Munitions45
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions45, 96, 136
 Vehicle Movement of Personnel45, 46
 Vehicle Movement of Supplies164
3rd Div
 Camouflage, Munitions178
 Circumstances of Capture179
 NCO Training Unit3
 Replacements, Personnel178
 Supply Depots178
 Tactical Employment of Unit163
 Unit Dispositions3, 68, 163
 Unit Headquarters3
 Unit Identification3, 68, 163, 178
 Unit Mission68
 Use of US Equipment178
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions178
4th Div
 Anti-withdrawal Measures, NKF114
 Cadre Personnel47
 Circumstances of Capture113
 Condition of Equipment48
 Confiscation, Food Supply114
 Effect of UN Air Attack114
 Evacuation of Casualties114
 Movement of Unit113
 Replacements, Personnel113, 114
 Tactical Employment of Unit122
 Unit Activation47
 Unit Dispositions93, 113, 122, 225
 Unit Identification47, 96, 113, 122, 225
 Unit Mission114
 Use of Soviet Munitions48
5th Div
 Armament9, 10
 Circumstances of Capture9
 Engineer Equipment9
 Korean Personnel from CCF9, 152
 Movement of Unit9, 152
 Personalities9, 10
 Strength10, 152
 Tactical Employment of Unit153
 Tactics, Command Post9
 Tactics, Engineer9
 Unit Code Numbers9
 Unit Dispositions206
 Unit Identification9, 63, 152, 206
 Unit Mission10
6th Div
 Anti-surrender Measures, NKF139, 141, 144
 Anti-withdrawal Measures, NKF140
 Armament36, 63, 64, 76, 78, 79, 138, 141, 143
 Artillery36, 63, 151
 Attitude, NKF Personnel140, 158
 Capabilities, Units158
 Casualties63, 64, 77, 88, 138, 143, 158, 222
 Circumstances of Capture63, 64, 78, 88, 141, 157, 222
 Confiscation, Food Supply141
 Conscription, ROK Civilians64
 Desertion63, 139
 Discharge, Physically Unfit151
 Effect of UN Air Attack138
 Effect of UN Propaganda64, 140
 Engineer Equipment138
 Evacuation of Casualties88, 141
 Korean Personnel from CCF152
 Loss of Equipment138
 Medical Equipment144
 Medical Facilities144
 Medical Personnel63, 143
 Military Communications Net63
 Morale64, 77, 79, 139, 140, 142, 144, 158
 Movement of Unit63, 139, 141, 143, 152, 157
 Munition Storage64, 79
 Personalities64, 79, 139, 158
 Propaganda, UN Leaflets63, 64, 139
 Rail Movement of Personnel34, 36
 Redesignation of Unit36
 Replacements, Personnel64, 76, 78, 79, 139, 142, 151, 222
 Restrictions on NKF Personnel144
 River Crossing Equipment138
 ROK Personnel in NKF79
 Soviet Military Advisors139
 Strength34, 63, 64, 77, 78, 138, 143, 152, 157
 Supply64, 76, 79, 88, 139, 141, 143, 158
 Supply Depots139
 Tactical Employment of Unit78, 102, 122, 153
 Tactical Withdrawal63
 Tactics, Attack93
 Tactics, Engineer63
 Tactics, River Crossing92, 93
 Training, Engineer139
 Training, Maneuvers152
 Training, Mountain Warfare151
 Unit Annihilation139
 Unit Activation157
 Unit Cade Names63, 76, 88, 150
 Unit Code Numbers63, 76, 78, 88, 138, 141, 143, 149, 150, 158, 222
 Unit Dispositions34, 63, 64, 77, 78, 92, 93, 122, 138, 222
 Unit Headquarters63, 151
 Unit Identification34, 36, 63, 76, 78, 88, 92, 102, 122, 138, 141, 143, 149, 157, 222
 Unit Mission64, 77, 79, 122, 139, 144
 Unit Organization63, 64, 76-78, 138, 143, 150
 Use of Captured Equipment79, 142
 Use of Soviet Munitions36
 Vehicle Movement of Ammunition76, 79
7th Div
 Air Defense Measures180
 Anti-desertion Measures, NKF93, 207
 Anti-surrender Measures, NKF82, 92, 104
 Anti-tank82, 91, 92, 241
 Anti-withdrawal Measures, NKF107
 APO Numbers81, 154
 Armament82, 84, 91, 92, 101, 103, 106, 171, 172, 207, 208, 238, 240, 241
 Artillery91, 92, 207, 208
 Attitude, NKF Personnel94
 Capabilities, Units155, 168
 Casualties82, 85, 92, 93, 173, 181, 206, 208
 Circumstances of Capture81, 101, 104, 167, 170, 173, 181, 208, 238, 240
 Condition of Equipment181
 Confiscation, Food Supply101
 Conscription, ROK Civilians154
 Death Rate93
 Desertion94, 106
 Destruction, Equipment82
 Discipline94, 181, 207
 Effect of UN Air Attack94, 168, 180
 Effect of UN Artillery173
 Effect of UN Propaganda81, 239
 Evacuation of Casualties93, 104, 181
 Evacuation of UN PsW105
 Fuel Supply241
 Korean Personnel from CCF93, 168, 206
 Loss of Equipment208, 209
 Medical Personnel82
 Medical Supplies93
 Military Communications Net209
 Morale85, 92, 94, 102, 105, 155, 168, 181, 207, 209, 238, 241
 Movement of Unit8l, 90, 91, 101, 154, 167, 170, 172, 173, 180, 181, 208, 238, 240
 Munition Storage92
 Personalities83, 93, 104, 154, 155, 168, 241
 Personnel Types101, 155
 Rail Movement of Munitions92
 Rail Movement of Personnel170
 Replacements, Personnel93, 101, 102, 104, 107, 154, 170, 172
 Security Against Air Attack170
 Strength82, 84, 91-93, 101, 103, 106, 152, 170, 206-208, 238, 240
 Supply82, 92, 101, 104, 107, 155, 168, 173, 180, 181, 207, 209
 Tactical Employment of Unit81, 90-92, 102, 122, 155, 167, 170, 173, 181, 206, 208, 209
 Tactics, Artillery209
 Tactics, Attack93
 Tactics, March90
 Tactics, Military Communications241
 Tactics, Rail Movement170
 Tactics, River Crossing92, 93
 Tactics, Security90
 Training180, 206, 240
 Training, Political206
 Treatment of Casualties93
 Uncontrolled Withdrawal181
 Unit Activation81, 152
 Unit Code Names84, 90, 101
 Unit Code Numbers84, 90, 91, 154, 167, 181, 238
 Unit Dispositions92, 101, 103, 106, 122, 154, 163, 167, 206, 209, 238, 241
 Unit Headquarters82, 84, 92, 154, 241
 Unit Identification6, 81, 84, 90, 101, 103, 106, 122, 152, 154, 163, 167, 170, 172, 180, 206, 208, 238, 240
 Unit Mission83, 85, 92, 93, 102, 104, 122, 155, 168
 Unit Organization82, 84, 90-92, 101, 103, 106, 240
 Use of Draft Animals92, 207, 208
 Use of Japanese Equipment206, 207
 Use of ROK Civilians92, 207
 Use of Soviet Equipment173
 Use of Soviet Munitions92
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions92
 Water Movement of Munitions92
 Wearing of ROK Uniforms93
8th Div
 Anti-surrender Measures, NKF44
 Armament1, 13, 15, 17, 41, 44, 60, 62, 67, 73, 195, 196, 210, 212
 Cadre Personnel43, 59, 210, 212
 Camouflage, Munitions66
 Capabilities, Units44
 Casualties15, 41, 43, 44, 59, 60, 196, 210
 Circumstances of Capture1, 13, 15, 17, 43, 44, 59, 61, 62, 67, 72, 195, 212
 Confiscation, Food Supply42, 72
 Conscription, ROK Civilians41, 212, 213
 Effect of UN Air Attack41, 211, 212
 Effect of UN Artillery72, 211
 Effect of Ground Attack1, 59, 212
 Korean Personnel from CCF212
 Military Communications Net213
 Military History1
 Military Hospitals66
 Morale15, 18, 41, 44, 196, 211, 213
 Movement of Unit13, 41, 66, 67, 72, 210, 212
 Munition Storage66
 Patrols, Reconnaissance72
 Propaganda, UN Leaflets211
 Rall Movement of Munitions67
 Replacements, Personnel1, 15, 17, 43, 59-61, 66, 195, 210
 ROK Personnel in NKF44, 67
 Security Against Desertion15
 Soviet Military Advisors44
 Strength1, 13, 15, 41, 43, 44, 60, 62, 67, 73, 196, 212
 Supply2, 13, 16-18, 42, 44, 60, 62, 67, 72, 211
 Supply Depot66
 Tactical Employment of Unit41, 43, 67, 72, 195, 210, 212, 231
 Tactical Withdrawal61
 Tactics, Attack231
 Tactics, Engineer49
 Tactics, Security42
 Training41, 212
 Transport Equipment41
 Unit Annihilation67
 Unit Dispositions1, 2, 15, 43, 49, 61, 67, 68, 72, 195, 210
 Unit Headquarters66, 67
 Unit Identification1, 13, 15, 17, 41, 43, 49, 59, 61, 66, 72, 195, 210, 212, 231
 Unit Mission2, 13, 16, 18, 42, 44, 60, 62, 68, 73, 196, 210, 213
 Unit Organization67, 195, 196
 Use of Draft Animals67, 195, 196
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions66, 67
 Vehicle Movement of Supplies72
9th Div
 Anti-surrender Measures, NKF122
 Anti-tank118, 224
 Armament116, 118, 119, 224
 Armor119, 121, 224
 Artillery119, 224
 Burial of Dead111
 Casualties110, 119, 224
 Chemical Warfare Equipment123
 Circumstances of Capture110, 116, 224
 Condition of Equipment122
 Condition of Troops225
 Confiscation, Food Supply225
 Conscription, ROK Civilians119
 Desertion122, 123
 Engineer Equipment119
 Effect of UN Air Attack121
 Effect of UN Ground Attack121
 Evacuation of Casualties121
 Lack of Air Support122
 Medical Facilities111
 Medical Personnel111, 224, 225
 Medical Supplies111, 121
 Military Communications Equipment118, 119, 123
 Military Communications Net224
 Military Hospitals121
 Morale111, 122, 225
 Movement of Unit110, 120, 225
 Personalities120, 121, 224
 Replacements, Personnel111, 116, 117
 Soviet Military Advisor122
 Strength116, 118, 119, 224
 Supply111, 117, 121, 225
 Supply Depots121
 Tactical Employment of Unit102, 110, 116, 119, 121, 122, 163, 225
 Tactics, Attack93, 123
 Tactics, Military Communications123, 163
 Tactics, River Crossing92, 93
 Training, Chemical Warfare123
 Treatment of Casualties111, 121, 122, 225
 Uncontrolled Withdrawal225
 Unit Code Names110
 Unit Code Numbers110, 118, 224
 Unit Dispositions92, 93, 110, 113, 119, 121, 122, 125, 129, 163, 224
 Unit Headquarters119
 Unit Identification92, 102, 110, 113, 116, 118, 125, 129, 163, 224
 Unit Mission111, 122, 225
 Unit Organization116, 118, 119, 224
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions225
 Wearing of Civilian Clothing110
10th Div
 Circumstances of Capture216
 Condition of Troops217
 Effect of UN Air Attack217, 218
 Effect of UN Artillery216, 218
 Korean Personnel from CCF216
 Loss of Equipment217
 Unit Code Numbers216
 Unit Dispositions218
 Unit Identification216
 Unit Organization217
12th Div
 Unit Identification6
13th Div
 Armament174, 183
 Capabilities, Unit184
 Casualties174, 183
 Circumstances of Capture183
 Condition of Equipment169
 Effect of UN Air Attack174
 Effect of UN Propaganda174
 Escape of UN PsW57
 Evacuation of Casualties169
 Female Personnel in NKF169, 183, 184
 Interrogation of ROK Police57
 Loss of Equipment174, 184
 Medical Equipment169
 Medical Personnel169, 183, 184
 Medical Supplies184
 Military Hospitals169
 Morale174, 184
 Movement of Unit160, 184
 Personalities174, 183
 Personnel Types169
 Propaganda, UN Leaflets174
 Strength57, 174, 183, 184
 Supply58, 174, 184
 Tactical Employment of Unit57, 58, 163
 Tactics, Military Communications174
 Tactical Withdrawal58
 Training, Chemical Warfare169
 Training, Medical174
 Treatment of Casualties169
 Treatment of Refugees57
 Unit Code Numbers183
 Unit Dispositions30, 57, 185
 Unit Headquarters57, 58, 160
 Unit Identification30, 57, 160, 163, 169, 174, 183
 Unit Mission30, 58, 160, 184
 Unit Organization175, 183, 184
 Unit Transport174, 183, 184
 Use of Japanese Equipment184
 Use of ROK Civilians57
 Use of Soviet Equipment184
 Use of US Equipment184
14th Div
 Unit Disposition30, 113
 Unit Identification30, 113
 Unit Mission30
15th Div
 Anti-desertion Measures, NKF194
 Anti-surrender Measures, NKF194, 199
 Anti-tank12, 55, 220, 235
 APO Numbers11, 25, 233, 235
 Armament8, 12, 25, 55, 193, 198, 200, 203, 204, 205, 220, 235
 Armor235, 237
 Artillery26, 55, 203, 205, 235, 237
 Cadre Personnel55
 Capabilities, Unit221
 Casualties11, 12, 25, 215, 233, 236
 Circumstances of Capture7, 11, 25, 55, 193, 198, 200, 202, 204, 215, 220, 236
 Condition of Troops199, 221
 Confiscation, Food Supply199, 234
 Desertion193, 215
 Disease, Malaria204
 Effect of UN Air Attack8, 11, 25, 26, 199, 205, 237
 Effect of UN Artillery11, 25, 199
 Effect of UN Ground Attack55
 Effect of UN Propaganda194, 201, 205
 Evacuation of Casualties234, 237
 Food Supply Storage99
 Loss of Equipment12, 237
 Military Communications Equipment215, 220
 Military Communications Net214, 215, 221
 Morale8, 26, 194, 199, 203, 205, 215, 221, 234, 237
 Movement of Unit7, 11, 25, 55, 193, 200, 202, 214, 233, 236
 Personalities7, 8, 11, 25, 56, 215, 233, 236
 Propaganda, Military203
 Propaganda, UN Leaflets199, 205, 215
 Rail Movement of Personnel25
 Redesiganation of Units25, 56
 Replacements, Personnel8, 198, 204, 214, 220, 236, 237
 Replacement, Units25
 Security Against Air Attacks235, 236
 Strength8, 11, 12, 55, 193, 198, 200, 202-204, 214, 215, 233, 235, 236
 Supply8, 12, 26, 199, 203, 215, 220, 234, 237
 Supply Depot58
 Supply Routes, Munitions205
 Tactical Employment of Unit25, 55, 163, 200, 202, 215, 236
 Tactics, Attack200, 202
 Tactics, Withdrawal237
 Training25, 55, 200, 202, 233
 Training, Communications214
 Transport Equipment214
 Unit Activation55
 Unit Code Numbers25, 56, 202, 233, 235
 Unit Dispositions25, 30, 55, 68, 163, 200, 202, 204, 213, 233, 235-237
 Unit Headquarters214, 215, 235
 Unit Identification7, 11, 25, 30, 54, 58, 68, 73, 99, 163, 193, 197, 198, 200, 202, 204, 213, 214, 220, 233, 235
 Unit Mission12, 30, 68, 73, 194, 198, 201, 205, 221, 234, 237
 Unit Organization55, 193, 200, 202-205, 215, 233, 235
 Unit Transport26, 235
 Use of ROK Civilians237
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions237
 Wearing of Civilian Clothing202
17th Div
 Condition of Equipment227, 228
 Destruction, Equipment227, 228
 Effect of UN Air Attack227, 228
 Loss of Equipment228
 Movement of Unit227, 228
 Rail Movement of Armor228
 Rail Movement of Personnel228
 Tactics, Night Movement228
 Unit Code Numbers227
 Unit Dispositions227
 Unit Identification227
 Unit Organization227
1st Brigade
 Cadre Personnel90
 Movement of Unit90, 222
 Unit Code Names90, 222
 Unit Dispositions90, 222
 Unit Identification90, 222
 Unit Mission90
 Unit Organization90, 222
2nd Minch'ong Training School
 Redesignation of Unit217
 Unit Identification217
3rd Border Brigade Headquarters
 Conscription, ROK Civilians120
 Movement of Unit120
 Redesignation of Unit120
 Tactical Employment of Unit120
 Unit Identification120
3rd People’s Youth Training Counter Branch No. 7
 Redesignation of Unit236
 Unit Identification236
3rd Replacement Regiment
 Indoctrination, Political66
 Movement of Unit17, 43, 59, 66, 72, 195
 Replacements, Personnel72
 Strength17, 43, 66, 72
 Training17, 43, 195
 Training, Communist66
 Training, Political43
 Unit Activation66
 Unit Dispositions43, 59, 72
 Unit Identification17, 43, 59, 72, 195
 Use of Japanese Equipment43
4th Independent Infantry Brigade
 Unit Identification236
5th Detachment
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Military Service Volunteers152
 Redesignation of Unit152
5th Training Battalion
 Unit Identification4
7th Division Replacement Depot
 Movement of Unit172
 Treatment of Casualties172
 Unit Identification172
16th Armored Division
 Replacements, Personnel231
 Unit Activation48, 231
 Unit Organization48
16th Infantry Brigade
 Armor124, 125
 Camouflage, Vehicles125
 Circumstance of Capture125
 Loss of Equipment124
 Movement of Unit124, 125
 Tactical Employment of Unit125
 Tactics, Armored125
 Unit Code Numbers124
 Unit Dispositions124, 125
 Unit Headquarters124
 Unit Identification124
 Unit Organization124
 Unit Transport124
16th Tank Brigade
 Loss of Equipment148
 Redesignation of Unit148
 Tactical Employment of Unit148
 Unit Activation148
 Unit Dispositions148
 Unit Identification148
 Unit Organization148
 Unit Transport148
17th Armored Brigade
 Movement of Unit146
 Personnel Types146
 Redesignation of Unit74, 146
 Training, Armored74
 Unit Identification74, 146
17th Armored Division
 Anti-surrender Measures, NKF49, 51-53, 231
 Armor48, 49, 51, 52, 74, 75, 145, 229, 230
 Camouflage, Armored Vehicles51
 Camouflage, Munitions48, 49, 74
 Capabilities, Armor52
 Casualties52, 74
 Circumstances of Capture49, 51, 52, 74, 146
 Condition of Equipment48, 49, 74, 231
 Destruction, Bridges49
 Destruction, Equipment49, 51, 52, 74
 Effect of UN Air Attack51, 74, 145, 146
 Effect of UN Artillery49
 Evacuation of UN PsW146
 Fuel Supply146
 Korean Personnel from CCF49
 Lack of Communications146
 Loss of Equipment145, 146, 230
 Military Communications Net75
 Morale49, 146, 231, 232
 Movement of Unit48, 51, 74, 146, 230
 Personalities49, 53, 75, 145, 230, 231
 Rail Movement of Armor74, 230
 Rail Movement of Munitions48, 51
 Rail Movement of Personnel48, 51, 74
 Replacements, Personnel146, 231
 Security Against Air Attack146
 Strength48, 49, 51, 52, 74, 229, 230
 Supply48, 49, 52, 145, 146
 Supply Routes, Munitions231
 Tactical Employment of Unit51, 75, 231
 Tactics, Armored146
 Tactics, Attack231
 Tactics, Night Movement74
 Tactics, River Crossing49, 51
 Tactics, Security51, 74
 Training, Armored48, 51, 230
 Transport Equipment75
 Unit Activation48, 230
 Unit Code Numbers74, 145, 229, 230
 Unit Dispositions48, 51, 74, 145, 230
 Unit Headquarters75
 Unit Identification47, 48, 51, 74, 145, 229
 Unit Mission48, 75, 146
 Unit Organization48, 75, 145, 229, 230
 Unit Transport145
 Use of Soviet Munitions231
31st Border Constabulary Brigade
 Unit Identification90
73rd Independent Infantry Regiment
 Antiaircraft4, 5
 Armament4-6, 31, 32
 Casualties5, 31
 Circumstances of Capture3, 5, 31
 Effect of UN Air Attack5
 Effect of UN Ground Attack31
 Finance4, 5
 Movement of Unit4, 31
 Personalities5, 31
 Rail Movement of Personnel4, 31
 Replacements, Personnel6
 Security Against Desertion31
 Strength4-6, 32
 Supply6, 32
 Tactical Employment of Unit5, 31, 32
 Tactics, Night Movement4
 Tactics, Security4
 Unit, Activation4
 Unit Code Numbers3
 Unit Dispositions4, 31, 32
 Unit Identification3, 4, 31
 Unit Mission32
 Unit Organization5, 6, 31, 32
 Unit Transport4
 Use of Soviet Munitions32
80th Field Hospital
 Hungarian Personnel in NKF68
 Medical Personnel68
 Unit Identification68
103rd Independent Armored Brigade
 Replacements, Personnel231
 Unit Identification231
103rd Regiment
 Circumstances of Capture70
 Morale70, 71
 Movement of Unit69
 Propaganda, UN Leaflets71
 Redesignation of Unit69
 Replacements, Personnel69
 Unit Dispositions69
 Unit Headquarters69
 Unit Identification69
 Unit Mission70
 Use of Captured Equipment70
 Use of Japanese Equipment70
 Use of Soviet Munitions70
105th Armored Division
 Unit Dispositions50
 Unit Identification50
150th Unit
 Air Defense Measures116
 Movement of Unit116
 Unit Identification116
208th Armored Division
 Unit Identification75
208th Armored Training Regiment
 Training, Armored230
 Unit Identification230
574th Independent Regiment
 Unit, Activation21
 Circumstances of Capture21
 Movement of Unit21
 Strength21, 22
 Tactical Withdrawal21
 Unit Identification21
 Unit Mission22
603rd Motorcycle Regiment
 Camouflage, Weapons243
 Tactical Employment of Unit243
 Tactics, Suicide Attack243
 Transport Equipment243
 Unit Identification243
1200th Unit
 Unit Identification236
1927th Border Constabulary Battalion
 Movement of Unit90
 Personnel Types90
 Unit Identification90
 Unit Mission90
I Corps
 Korean Personnel from CCF161
 Unit Dispositions237
 Unit Identification161, 237
II Corps
 Unit Dispositions237
 Unit Identification237
 Unit Organization237
III Corps
 Unit Identification237
Chishi Constabulary Unit
 Training, Irregular63
 Unit Identification63
Chorwon Railroad Guard Brigade
 Movement of Unit81
 Unit Identification81
Chuulon Higher Middle School
 Cadre, Personnel4
 Training, Compulsory Military4
Democratic Youth League Training Unit
 Movement of Unit7
 Redesignation of Unit7
 Unit Identification7
Eastern Sector Headquarters
 Unit Identification6
Independent 4th Infantry Division
 Unit Identification230
Kyongsong Railroad Guard Battalion
 Movement of Unit81
 Unit Identification81
Military Internal Affairs Office
 Training, Officers120
 Training, Political119, 120
 Unit Identification119
Ministry of Defense
 Unit Identification236
Ministry of Interior
 Communist Police Measures235
 Occupation Measures99, 100
 Security Against Propaganda99
 Unit Dispositions99, 100
 Unit Identification99, 235
 Unit Mission99, 100
Nanam Peace Preservation Officers' Training Center
 Unit Identification3
Nanam Youth Training Center
 Unit Identification214
North Korea Military Academy
 Unit Identification165
North Korean People’s Army Supply Headquarters
 Rail Movement of Supplies164, 165
 Unit Disposition164, 165
 Unit Headquarters164
 Unit Identification164
 Vehicle Movement of Supplies165
Peace Preservation Unit
 Unit Identification80
People’s Volunteer Army (ROK Conscripts in NKPA)
 Conscription, ROK Civilians59, 78, 101
 Movement of Unit78, 101
 Training59, 78
 Unit Identification59, 78, 101
P’yongyang 1st Military Academy
 Cadre, Personnel4
 Soviet Military Advisors4
 Strength3, 4
 Training3, 4
 Unit Identification3
P’yongyang Central Hospital (SADON CHUYUNAN PYONGWUN)
 Unit Headquarter186
 Unit Identification186
 Unit Organization186
P’yongyang Ordnance Section
 Unit Identification4
P’yongyang Tank Training Regiment
 Armor47, 48
 Training, Armored47
 Unit Identification48
Security Force (JIANTAI)
 Unit Dispositions98
 Unit Identification98
Sinuiju Democratic Youth League Training Unit
 Unit Identification29
Sinuiju Guard Unit Headquarters
 Unit Identification120
Sinuiju Training Center
 Replacements, Personnel4
 Soviet Military Advisors6
 Unit Identification4
Volunteer Army
 Conscription, ROK Civilians39, 66
 Unit Identification39, 66, 68
 Unit Organization66
Wonchong Supply Dump
 Destruction, Supply Facilities41
U/I Infantry Company
 Unit Dispositions98
U/I Engineer Battalion
 Unit Dispositions98
U/I Infantry Battalion
 Replacements, Personnel86
 Supply86, 87
 Tactics, Attack87
 Tactics, March87
 Tactics, Military Communications87
 Tactics, Security87
 Unit Dispositions86, 98
 Unit Mission87
U/I Independent Regiment
 Salvage of Equipment25
 Unit Identification25
U/I Infantry Regiment
 Armament176, 177
 Replacements, Personnel176
 Strength176, 177
 Tactical Employment of Unit177
 Unit Organization176, 177
U/I Signal Regiment
 Military Communications Net197
 Unit Organization197
U/I Division
 Unit Headquarters99
U/I Infantry Division
 Anti-Surrender Measures192
 Atrocities Against ROK Civilians192
 Circumstances of Capture191
 Confiscation, Food Supply192
 Desertion191, 192
 Unit Identification191
 Unit Mission192
 Unit Organization192
 Unit Transport192
U/I Air Units
 Airfields14, 122, 158, 164, 168, 189, 213, 232
 Airforce Personnel94
 Air-Ground Operations122
 Airplanes28, 122, 164, 168, 232
 Effect of UN Air Attack189
 Unit Organization65
U/I Ground Units
 U/I Antiaircraft Units
 Antiaircraft155, 164
 Defenses, Antiaircraft155
 U/I Anti-tank Units
 Anti-tank8, 96, 125, 139, 164
 Tactical Employment of Unit125
 Tactics, Anti-tank164
 Use of Draft Animals8
 U/I Armored Units
 Armor1, 8, 16, 18, 26, 28, 37, 44, 60, 64, 66, 70, 73, 76, 79, 85, 86, 92, 96, 99, 104, 109-111, 116, 130, 139, 155, 161, 173, 179, 200, 218, 233, 246
 Camouflage, Munitions64
 Camouflage, Vehicles99
 Destruction, Equipment233
 Loss of Equipment111, 218
 Repair, Armor52
 Security Against Air Attack179
 Tactical Employment of Unit111
 Tactics, Camouflage85
 Tactics, River Crossing79
 Unit Activation231
 Unit Code Numbers99
 Unit Transport99
 Use of Japanese Equipment99
 U/I Ground Units
 U/I Artillery Units
 Artillery2, 13, 22, 27, 28, 32, 37, 39, 44, 46, 60, 66, 87, 96, 99, 107, 139, 164, 185, 200, 205, 234, 246
 Camouflage, Munitions37, 87
 Camouflage, Weapons27, 32
 Strength27, 32, 60, 99
 Supply37, 205
 Tactics, Artillery164
 Transport Equipment37, 39
 Unit Transport205
 Use of Draft Animals44, 234, 246
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions37, 39, 44, 205
 U/I Border Guard Unit
 Unit Identification66
 U/I Guerrilla Unit
 U/I Medical Units
 Evacuation of Casualties98
 Field Hospitals98
 Medical Personnel98
 Military Hospitals29, 30
 Treatment of Casualties30
 U/I Motorcycle Unit
 Unit Dispositions163
 U/I Replacement Units
 Armament198, 220
 Casualties1, 61
 Conscription, ROK Civilians86, 191
 Effect of UN Afr Attack1, 61, 191
 Movement of Unit1, 19, 23, 27, 29, 39, 61, 69, 86, 103, 104, 113, 127, 132, 143, 172, 176, 178, 191, 192, 198, 204, 210, 220
 Rail Movement of Personnel27, 29
 River Crossing Equipment29
 Security Against Air Attack191
 Strength1, 4, 19, 23, 27, 29, 39, 61, 69, 86, 130, 132, 141, 143, 176, 178, 191, 198, 204, 210, 214, 220
 Tactical Employment of Unit103
 Training27, 61, 69, 103, 113, 127, 130, 132, 162, 191, 204, 231
 Transport Equipment29
 Unit Dispositions39, 98, 192
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions220
 U/I Self-propelled Gun Units
 Armor13, 200
 U/I Signal Units
 Military Communications Equipment99, 210
 Unit Dispositions99
 U/I Transportation Units
 Camouflage, Vehicles85
 Evacuation of Casualties60
 Transport20, 22
 Transport Equipment30, 32, 70, 85, 88
 Use of Japanese Equipment85
 Use of US Equipment85
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions85
 Vehicle Movement of Personnel32
 Vehicle Movement of Supplies32, 60, 70
 North Korean People’s Army Units
 Equipment Markings219
 Movement of Unit208
 Strength88, 170
 Tactics, Camouflage192
 Tactics, Engineer164
 Tactics, Military Communications197
 Tactics, Night Movement68
 Tactics, Reorganization121
 Tactics, River Crossing6, 99
 Tactics, Security68
 Treatment of Casualties186
 Unit Headquarters4, 163
 Unit Organization163
 U/I Ground Units
 North Korean People’s Army, Miscellaneous
 Agents155, 156, 218
 Albanian Personnel in NKF65
 Anti-gas Measures, NKF188
 Anti-sabotage Measures166
 Anti-surrender Measures, NKF107, 158, 159
 Atrocities Against Anti-communists100
 Atrocities Against ROK Civilians123
 Atrocities Against UN PsW242
 Attitude Toward UN Action185
 Bridges, Underwater99
 Burial of UN Dead142, 156
 Cadre Personnel98
 Camouflage, Munitions32, 164
 Capabilities, Armor48
 Capture of UN PsW94
 CCF Supply of Equipment65, 122
 Condition of Equipment158, 166
 Conscription1, 110, 119, 155, 193, 213, 228
 Conscription, Former US Employees15
 Conscription, ROK Civilians15, 17, 43, 72, 88, 90, 98, 99, 106, 141, 143, 172, 176, 178, 195, 222
 Counterintelligence166, 218
 Defenses, Antiaircraft185
 Destruction, Railroads189
 Disease, Cholera111, 187
 Effect of UN Air Attack156, 166
 Effect of UN Artillery166, 185
 Effect of UN Propaganda155, 192
 Escape of UN PsW242
 Espionage155, 156, 166, 218
 Evacuation of UN PsW40, 64, 77, 79, 94, 102, 107, 128, 130, 137, 156, 166, 168, 232
 Evacuation of Casualties186
 Food Supply Storage88
 Fuel Storage164
 Indoctrination, UN PsW161, 168
 Indoctrination, Political165
 Internment of UN PsW79, 94, 107, 122, 126, 140, 156, 161, 166, 168, 186
 Interrogation, UN PsW186
 Korean Personnel from CCF32
 Medical Facilities186
 Medical Personnel188
 Military Communications Equipment94, 197
 Military Communication Net213
 Military Hospitals87, 186
 Military Medical Equipment186
 Morale56, 99
 Munition Markings158
 Munition Storage58, 164, 165
 Pharmaceutical Supplies186
 Political Activities156
 Propaganda56, 87, 190
 Propaganda, Anti-American161
 Propaganda, Anti-ROK158, 159, 161, 165, 185, 218
 Propaganda, Military161, 220, 221
 Propaganda, NK Leaflets94
 Propaganda, UN Leaflets155
 Propaganda, Use of UN PsW99
 Rail Movement of Munitions32, 33, 68, 92, 121, 164
 Rail Movement of Supplies32, 33, 121
 Rail Movement of Vehicles32, 33
 Replacements, Personnel15, 17
 Restrictions on ROK Populace122
 Security Against Air Attack100, 164, 165
 Security Against Propaganda166
 Soviet Equipment Supply122, 169
 Soviet Military Advisors19, 67, 146, 167, 185, 218, 228
 Soviet Munitions Supply168, 231
 Supply30, 164
 Supply Routes, Munitions68
 Training1, 14, 21, 31, 81, 84, 95, 109, 146, 170, 208, 238
 Training, Chemical Warfare188
 Training, Engineer95
 Training, Maneuvers218
 Training, Medical170, 184, 188
 Training, Military Communications197
 Training, Officers109
 Training, ROK Conscripts15, 17, 98
 Treatment of UN PsW168, 186, 225
 Uniforms, ROK Conscripts15, 17
 Uniforms, Soviet Military Advisors167
 UN PsW211
 Use of Draft Animals30
 Use of Drugs187
 Use of Japanese Drugs187
 Use of Japanese Equipment158, 186, 197
 Use of RoK Civilians99, 123, 242
 Use of Soviet Equipment158, 197
 Use of Soviet Munitions121
 Use of US Equipment165, 186
 Vehicle Movement of Munitions121, 246
 War Correspondents, Soviet60
 Water Movement of Munitions164
 Weapon Markings158
U/I North Korean Naval Forces
 Naval Bases94, 156, 232
 Naval Headquarters94
 Naval Personnel94
Chinese Communist Forces
 5th Detachment
 Unit Identification152
 8th Route Army
 Korean Personnel in CCF157
 Movement, CCF Units to KOREA157
 Unit Identification157
 106 Division
 Korean Personnel in CCF34
 Redesignation of Unit34
 Rail Movement of Personnel34
 Unit Identification34
 164th Division
 Korean Units in CCF63
 Movement of Unit152
 Redesignation of Unit152
 Unit Activation63
 Unit Identification63, 149, 152
 165 Division
 Korean Units in CCF63
 Redesignation of Unit63
 Unit Activation63
 Unit Identification63
 166th Division
 Korean Units in CCF63
 Personalities37, 38
 Rail Movement of Personnel36
 Redesignation of Unit36, 63, 151
 Tactical Employment of Unit151
 Unit Activation63
 Unit Identification9, 36, 149, 151
 Unit Organization36
 Use of Captured Equipment36
 Use of Japanese Equipment36
 I Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 Chinese Communist Forces
 II Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 III Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 IV Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 V Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 VI Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 VII Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 VIII Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 IX Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 X Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 XI Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Unit Identification152
 XII Corps
 Korean Personnel in CCF152
 Personnel Types152
 Unit Identification152
 Advance Column
 Disarmament of Unit151
 Korean Personnel in CCF151
 Military Service Volunteers151
 Movement of Unit151
 Redesignation of Unit151
 Unit Activation150
 Unit Identification150
 Unit Mission150
 Chinese Communist Military Medical College
 Unit Identification183
 First Army District
 Operations Areas149
 Unit Identification149
 Fourth Army District
 Movement, CCF Units to KOREA152
 Operations Areas149
 Unit Identification149
 Unit Organization152
 Independent 3rd Division
 Redesignation of Unit152
 Tactical Employment of Unit152
 Unit Identification152
 Independent 4th Division
 Korean Personnel in CCF151
 Military Service Volunteers151
 Tactical Employment of Unit151
 Unit Identification151
 Korean Independent Army
 Unit Identification216
 Chinese Communist Forces
 Korea Volunteer Army
 Deactivation of Unit150
 Korean Personnel in CCF150
 Military Service Volunteers150
 Movement of Unit150
 Unit History150
 Unit Identification150
 Unit Mission150
 Lee Hung Gwang Detachment
 Redesignation of Unit151
 Tactical Employment of Unit151
 Unit Identification151
 Second Army District
 Operations Areas149
 Unit Identification149
 Third Army District
 Operations Areas149
 Unit Identification149
 Yenan Military College
 Unit Identification161
Chinese Communist Forces, Miscellaneous
 CCF Intentions92, 100
 Korean Personnel in CCF36, 153
 Korean Units in CCF208
 Volunteer, Korean34
MANCHURIA, Strategic Information
 Disease, Cholera187
 Political Activities150, 161
 Population, Koreans150
North KOREA, Strategic Information
 Bacteriological Warfare137
 CCF Supply of Equipment6
 Civilian Hospitals29, 30
 Condition of Equipment187
 Destruction, Manufacturing Facilities219
 Destruction, Munitions Manufacturing219
 Effect of UN Air Attack218, 219
 Manufacturing Facilities119, 219
 Mfg of Pharmaceutical Supplies187
 Medical Experiments137
 Munition Manufacture166, 219
 Rail Movement of Armor6
 Rail Movement of Munitions156, 168
 Shipment, Food to USSR92, 121, 168
 Soviet Munitions Supply164, 166
 Soviet Occupation Activities151
 Training, Compulsory Military4
 Tunnels, Railroad51
 Uranium Mines94
 Water Movement of Munitions156
Republic of KOREA, Strategic Information
 Anti-communist Activities123
 Attitude, Anti-communist140, 144
 Attitude, ROK Civilians137, 140, 142, 144
 Attitude, ROK Populace65, 77, 79, 80, 87, 89, 94, 97, 102, 105, 128, 191, 222, 225
 Bridges, Railroad6, 13, 19, 23, 67, 155, 164, 179
 Bridges, Road37, 86, 155, 164, 168, 185, 192
 Bridges, Underwater192
 Civilian Communications205
 Civilian Hospitals173
 Communist Police Measures94, 166
 Condition of Railroads218
 Condition of Roads192, 194, 196, 205
 Destruction, Railroads23, 213
 Destruction, Bridges6, 41, 164, 168, 179, 185, 192
 Detours, Road185
 Disease, Cholera109
 Effect on UN Air Attack23, 213
 Escape of ROK Troops98
 Gold Mines87
 NKF Occupation Agencies94, 99
 Occupation Measures94
 Organizations, Anti-communist97
 Organizations, Communist139, 178
 Propaganda, UN Leaflets8
 Railroads6, 13, 98, 155, 185
 Refugees57, 98
 Repair, Railroad Bridges155, 164
 Repair, Highway Bridges164
 Repair, Roads164, 168
 Roads6, 37, 55, 57, 60, 155, 164, 168, 185, 200, 218
 Sabotage165, 166
 Tactics, Camouflage67
 Tunnels, Railroad58, 64, 68, 74, 88, 92
Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, Strategic Information
 Slave Labor, Anti-communist Koreans100
 Soviet Intentions65, 161, 166, 231
 Soviet Munitions Supply for NKF121
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