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CH’OE YUN SUN 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 3 NO. 817 1950-08-25
    전사 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0652) 28 August 1950

Name: CH’OE YUN SUN (崔允淳) (최윤순)
Rank: Pvt
Age: 20
Orgn: 1st Div, 2nd Regt, Signal Plt, 3rd Sqd (Regt Code Name MASAN, Signal Plt Code Name THUNDER)
Duties with Unit: Wireman (telephone)
Education: 6 yrs
Occupation: Farmer
Address: KANGWON DO, HOEYANG GUN, NAEKUM GANG MYON, KUMGANGWON NI, 273 (江原道 淮陽郡 內金剛面 金剛院里 二七三)
Date and Place Captured: 25 Aug 50 12 km S of KUNWI (1150-1470)
Temple located approx 17 km NE of T’AEGU
Interrogator: Sgt MIYATA

Due to short period of service, information limited but fairly reliable.

Military History:
Inducted 20 Jul 50, WONSAN (元山).
Received no military training.

Tactical Movements:
PW and approx 500 men (conscripts, inducted latter part of Jun and Jul 50) departed WONSAN 23 Jul 50 by rail - arrived CH'ORWON (鐵原) 25 Jul 50
Departed CH'ORWON 26 Jul 50 - marched - arrived CH’UNCH’ON (春川) 27 Jul 50
Departed CH’UNCH’ON 28 Jul 50 - marched - arrived HONGCH’ON (洪川) 29 Jul 50
Departel HONGCH’ON 30 Jul 50 - marched - arrived WONJU (原州) 1 Aug
Depurted WONJU 1 Aug 50 - marched - arrived CH'UNGJU (忠州) 3 Aug
Departed CH'UNGJU 4 Aug 50 - marched - arrived CH’ONGJU (淸州) 7 Aug
Departed CH’ONGJU 8 Aug 50 - marched - arrived MUN’GYONG (聞慶) 10 Aug 50
At MUN’GYONG the 500 men were separated into groups of 100, and assigned to various units (disposition unk). PW and approx 100 men were assigned to the 2nd Regt, 1st Div (10 Aug 50). When the 100 men arrived at the 2nd Regt only 400 men of the Regt were left, According to these men, the rest of the 2nd Regt were casualties at MUN’GYONG (聞慶) (7 Jul 50).
11 Aug 50, the 2nd Regt, 1st Div departed MUN’GYONG (聞慶) - marched - arrived HAMCH’ANG (咸昌) 12 Aug 50
Departed HAMCH’ANG 14 Aug 50 - marched - arrived KUNWI (軍威) 20 Aug
Departed KUNWI 21 Aug 50 - marched - arrived 12 km S KUNWI 21 Aug 50
In this area for four days, stringing telephone wire from 2nd Regt Hqa to 1st Div Hq, Hqs was located approx 10 km N of Regt Hq Area. 25 Aug 50 (0500 hours), PW deserted from his unit because the Bn CO (unk) threatened him with death by the firing squad for shooting himself with a rifle. In other words, PW shot himself to get away from military service. After running for 1½ hours PW was picked up by ROK Medical troops 25 Aug 50.

No information.

Weapons and Personnel:
Present strength and equipment (24 Aug 50): Regt - 500 men, Bn - 200 men, Co - 70 men, Plt - 20-25 men, Sqd - 6 men. Mortar Co in Bn, 40 men, 4 x 120mm mortar, 20 shells per mortar. HMG Co in Bn, 40 men, 5 x HMG, two ammunition cans per HMG. Inf Co. 12 x DP LMG. Signal Plt - 35 men, 4 x field telephone (UNA 1-31), 15 x reels of telephone wire (one reel 1, 500 meters long), armed with M1938 carbine, 10 rounds.

Observed 2 x T-34/85 tanks, 4 km N of KUNWI 20 Aug 50.

No information.

Observed 5 x GAZ-51 trucks: 4 km N of KUNWI 20 Aug 50.

PW received average of two meals a day. Food was looted from farmers. Ammunition last received KUNWI, 20 Aug 50, 10 rounds per man.

Enemy Intentions:
Objective of 1st Div was T’AEGU.


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