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WON HI NAM 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 2 NO. 716 1950-08-18
    전사 중등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0534) 20 August 1950

Name: WON HI NAM (元喜男) (원히남), SK conscripted by NK Army.
Rank: Pvt
Age: 18
Organization: 6th Div, 13th Regt (Code 657), 1st Bn, 2nd Co, 2nd Plt, 3rd Sqd
Duties with Unit: Rifleman
Education: Middle School 3 yrs
Occupation: Student
Date & Place Captured: 2030 hrs, 18 Aug 50 at 1364.5-1134.5 by 1st Bn, 35th RCT
Interrogator: Sgt MUKEE

PW was cooperative; information is considered reliable.

Military History:
Inducted 24 Jul 50 at P’YONGTAEK. Received no training. Left P’YONGTAEK on 1 Aug 50, marched for 15 days and joined 13th Regt on 17 Aug 50 at 1356.4-1133.3. PW received no weapon. PW was ammo bearer for LMG in 2nd Plt. About 1,000 men left 1356.4-1133.3 at 17 2100 K Aug 50, and marched north, arriving at 1365.9-1334.5 18 1830 K Aug 50. Subject was going to run away from his unit and go home, but he was captured by US Forces about an hour later. PW has never fired or even carried a weapon. The group of 4,000 conscripts (including the PW) marched South. The men were all conscripted in KYONGGI-DO.

T/O & E of PW’s Unit:
Higher echelon unknown. 17 Aug 50 at 1356.4-1133.3 the T/O & E of the 1st Bn was changed. As of that date the bn was composed of nine (9) companies. The 1st Co was Arty company with 2 artillery pieces. 2nd Co was LMG Co with one LMG. 3rd Co was mortar company with 15 x mortars. 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th companies unknown.

Location of 6th Div Units on 18 Aug 1950
6th Div Hq --- 1356.4-1133.3
13th Regt (elements?) --- 1365.91334.5

Estimated Strength of above Units: 18 Aug 50
3rd Sqd - 6 men - 1 x DEGTYAREV LMG, 3 x 1891/30 rifles, 1 x submachine gun (one man without weapon)
2nd Plt - 20 men - 1 x DEGTYAREV LMG, 13 x submachine guns, 5 or 6 men without weapon, and the rest carried 1891/30 rifles.
2nd Co - 80 men - 18 x DEGTYAREV LMG, 12 x submachine guns, 15 or 16 men without weapon, and all others carried 1891/30 rifles.
Each rifleman had about 40 rounds. Each submachine gun had 2 drums. LMGs were short on ammunition. 13th Regt - about 1,000.

No information.

3 x T-34/85 tanks observed at 1356.4-1133.3 18 Aug 50. Condition unknown.

No information.

Food and Ammunition Supply:
During the march to the south, PW noticed horse carts travelling with the group. Sometimes the carts were in the rear and sometimes preceded the troops. Subject thinks they were loaded with ammunition and rice. The carts an drawn by 2 horses harnesses abreast, while a 3rd horse is lead the rear of the cart and is used as a spire.

Capabilities of Unit:
Morale: The men of the “Volunteer Army”, South Korean conscripts, didn’t like the idea of being in the army. They wanted to leave and go home. The NCO’s and officers continue to talk with confidence to the men, but PW believes that inwardly they are not so sure of winning.
Replacements: See Military History.

South Korean Sentiment:
Many of the South Korean civilians are being swayed to the side of the NK Army. Most of the SK civilians believe that the NK will win the war.

Enemy Intentions:

Special Intelligence:
On the trip South the 4,000 conscripts were divided into squads, platoons and companies. It appeared to PW that the route and the bivouac areas enroute were planned in advance. The group marched mostly at hight; however, sometimes they had to march until after daybreak before they reached their pre-selected areas. Platoons would stop at the small villages and companies would stop at the larger towns. The men were told when they could smoke. The group ate just after arrival and just before departure. PW does not know where the rice was coming from. From squad leader on up were North Koreans.
The group was strafed 5 or 6 times enroute, about four (4) times in early morning and once or twice during the day. The route followed was:
Enroute, the officers would tell the people of the villages that the North Korean Army had lost of planes but they would not use them because top many South Korean civilians would be killed. PW observed very few NK troop enroute.


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