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SIN, Yong Sung 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 56 NO. 4394 1950-10-03
    전사 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS – 0096) 29 October 1950

PW NAME: SIN, Yong Sung (申永昇)(신영승)
RANK: Pvt (戰士)
AGE: 26
DUTY: Artillery man
UNIT: 9th Div. Arty, 1st Bn, 1st Btry
EDUCATION: 3 yr night school
PLACE OF BIRTH: KOREA, HWANGHAE-DO, UNYUL-Gun, PUKBU-Myon, KARANK-Ni #105 (黃海道 殷栗郡 北鄭面 家樂里 一0五)

Cooperative, but of low intelligence. His judgement of measurements, directions, and distances appeared poor. However, his memory seems good. Reliability, fair.

Drafted by the Japanese Army at P’YONGYANG 28 May 45, and sent to HAILAR, MANCHURIA. At end of World War Ⅱ, PW was at TSITSIHAR, MANCHURIA where he surrendered to the Russian Army with fellow Japanese soldiers. Interned at No 34-1 PW Camp (30 Aug 45 – Apr 47), No 34-4 PW Camp (Apr 47-May 47), and No 34-5 PW Camp (May 47-Aug 48) in KRASNOYARSK with approximately 2,000 Koreans and 2 or 3 Japanese in KHABAROVSK with approximately 2,000 Koreans and 2 or 3 Japanese medical doctors. While interned in KRASNOYARSK, there were 40 Koreans at No 34-1 and No 34-4 PW Camps and 100 Koreans at No 34-5 PW Camp. These Koreans organized a separate company inside these PW Camps and political education was given to them by using Korean interpreters. This political indoctrination lasted from 30 minutes to 1 hour, after working hours; however, not every day. When interned in KHABAROVSK, political education, including problems concerning the Independence of KOREA was held for 4 hours every day after work.
25 Former policeman and others in similar categories were considered. “reactionaries” and were not allowed to return to KOREA when all the other Koreans were sent back to HUNGNAM (興南) via NAKHODKA in Dec 48.
Examples of “Political Education” and “Problems concerning the independence of KOREA”:
1. South KOREA must be united with North KOREA and the present South KOREA Govt must be destroyed. Reason: (a) The elections resulting in the present South Korean Government were carried out by intimidation and were not fair elections.
b. The method of ruling South KOREA adopted by the present Govt will ruin KOREA (no concrete explanation was given).
c. If the South Korean Govt becomes strong enough they will invade North KOREA and kill everyone living in North KOREA.
2. The “capitalists” in all of KOREA must disappear as a class. For example, land lords will be expelled from their residences to different villages and all tenants will be given an equal share of the landlord’s land under the supervision of the Peoples Committee, and the landlord’s property will be divided among the poor people. 25% of the crops will be delivered to the government and 75% will belong to the farmers.
3. Workmen will enjoy the final victory, since 80% of the entire population are workmen and if this 80% unite together the task of overthrowing the capitalists, who constitute only 20% of the population, will be easy.
4. “Down with USA”. North KOREA is going to unite with South KOREA but USA is assisting South KOREA to resist us. We must overthrow USA too.
5. The present South Korean police system is carrying out exploitation of food in KOREA, so we have to destroy this system and shoot all the policeman or send them to penal servitude.
6. Although there will be Capitalism in the future, those who work hard will become richer than those who do not work hard. However, regardless of how rich or poor, they will be, the living standard will be same. One fellow PW asked the question, since the rich are able to buy things, how could their living standard be the same? To which the answer was, you should not ask these questions and should be satisfied with the explanations given by us.
7. If the workman work hard the general living standard will be raised – so work hard.
8. Men and women between the ages of 18 and 55 will work eight hours everyday except Sundays. When the 8 hours of work are not completed, they must be made up the following day. In cases the daily work norm is completed without actually working eight hours, no additional work will be allocated for that day. In case anyone works beyond that is required, special wages will be paid since it is work beyond obligation.
9. Sexes will enjoy equal rights. Women have not been treated fairly in KOREA throughout history.
10. A powerful USSR is necessary. The emancipation of the Koreans was possible only by the efforts of RUSSIA during World War Ⅱ. We all must make sacrifices to make RUSSIA powerful, and Communism will spread throughout the world.
11. No one who is against Communism will be sent back to KOREA since he will interfere with our plan in KOREA.
12. Medium and large size plants and stores will not be owned by individuals but managed by the government since they are the cradle of Capitalism.
13. Land remaining after tenants receive their share (according to the size of their family) will be turned into collective farms for unemployed workers. Youth Organization Groups will be allowed to work large areas of land and use the proceeds for their organization. In this case 25% of the crop will be delivered to the Govt and 75% will be disposed according to desire of the organization (divide it among the members or sell it in the market). Heard rumors that this system for organization might be discontinued in the future since there was too much black market caused in RUSSIA by this system.
14. Other lectures concerning law were also given to the Korean PW, however, PW did not understand them.
15. All orchards will be managed by the government since they require more capital and are breeding places of Capitalism. Only true Communists are members of the Democratic Youth League. (民主靑年同盟員) will be employed in these orchards.

INDUSTRIAL TARGETS:                 Obs: 1945-48
Plant Area: An area 2.1 km x 1 km surrounded by a board fence 3 m high, a double track RR which branched off the Trans-SIBERIA RR and a dirt road 10m wide ran through this plant area. At the four places where the above mentioned tracks and road enter the area there were gates with armed civilian guards who searched everyone passing through.

A single story L shape light yellow concrete block buildings 100m x 15m x 15m + 25m x 15m x 15m with a gabled tile roof. A double RR spur ran into the longer, wing where PW observed 2 locomotives under construction and 5 completed locomotives on the track near the entrance. The shorter wing was a lathe room where approximately 9 various size lathes were in operation processing steel plates, 70cm x 30cm x 5cm, producing nuts and bolts, etc. Employed at this plant for 2 days in Dec 47.

A light yellow concrete block building, 80m x 25m x 20m, with a gabled title roof, 400m E of the Locomotive Manufacturing Plant. Four sheet iron smokestacks 1.5m night and 2m in diameter was standing in one row on top of the gabled roof. There was a single track spur running to the E side of this power plant building. Just E of the building and the spur, there was a cooling pond, 150m x 100m, with many pipes and sprinklers. Just NE of this building along both sides of the spur there were 2 coal piles, 20m x 5m. Employed one night to unload six 30-ton freight cars loaded with coal at this coal dump. Each of these 2 coal dumps had a track running just to the E of the building. Each track had one coal Jump car 3m x 2m x 1.2m which was operated by electricity and made one trip each onece a minute. Did not have a chance to enter the power plant. While employed at Locomotive Plant, he observed high tension power lines and ordinary size insulated electric lines going to point 1 and point 6 from this power plant (see sketch). Also observed ordinary size insulated electric lines going to the coal dumps (point 3) from this power plant.

COAL DUMP:                       Obs: Nov 47
Area: 1km x 700m without fence. Observed 3 spurs and several small guard huts in this area. In each guard hut were 2 civilian guards armed with rifles. Coal was delivered by 30-ton freight cars. Employed here for only one day and did not know the amount that was delivered. The coal was black and shining. Estimated that this coal was of very good quality. Did not observe any coal dump larger than this during his interment in KRASNOYARSK. Heard from a Russian civilian employee at this coal dump that this coal dump supplied coal to all the plants around here and also to homes.

FOUNDRY                        Obs: 1947
A single story grey concrete block building, 80m x 25m x 17m, with a gabled black tile roof located 30m NW of the 10meter wide dirt road and 300m N of the Locomotive Manufacturing Plant (Point 1). A single track spur was running into a large room 80m x 16m x 17m at the SE end of this building. Employed here one night to unload six 30-ton freight cars loaded with fine sand. Near the middle of the room, along both sides of the track there were two scrap iron piles, each containing approximately 20 tons. Also along the spur outside the building near the entrance, observed another scrap iron pile of approximately 40 tons. The NW side of this building consisted of two rooms. The room on the E side was unidentified. The other room contained 15 iron rods 1m long and 20cm in diameter piled up near the NE side and 15 molds in the center of this room. At the SW side of this room observed something like a tall furnace, however his observation was not clear since there was steam in the room and he could not see well enough. At the NW side of this building there was a single story red brick building 30m x 10m x 7m, with a gabled tile roof and at the N side of this building there were 2 single story buildings, 25m x 10m x 7m. Did not know what these 3 buildings were used for.
Point 5 – Plant Area: Just SW and SE of the Locomotive Manufacturing Plant (Point 1) there was a large size plant area 1.5km x 500m. Heard sounds like a large hammer pounding sheet iron, small hammer tapping metal, end other machines operating when he passed the road running along the NW side of Unit plant area.
At night all electric lights were on. A fellow Japanese PW heard from a Russian employee when they were returning from work in this area that the entire plant area was operating in three 8-hour shifts. Some Russian employees had oil on their pants and PW had the impression that they were blacksmiths. Remembers that he observed 4 smoke stacks. The largest was 20m high, 3m diameter at the top and 5m diameter at the base. The other 3 were 10m to 15m high. They were from 50-100m apart. The smoke was white.

APARTMENT HOUSE AREA: (Pt 6)             Obs: 1945-47.
An area 400m x 250m without fence located 300m S7 of the Plant Area along the dirt road. (See sketch point #6). Twenty 2-story cinder block buildings of same size with gabled slate roofs were constructed between Dec 45 and Mar 47, by PW and fellow Japanese PW. The cinder block walls were 40cm thick and plastered with 1cm of mortar. Some houses were painted white, some yellow, and some green. There were no basements. Timber 20cm square placed 1m apart and the wooden floor was constructed on top of it. There were five 1-meter high red brick smoke stacks, 30cm x 30cm at both sides of the gabled roof on each building. Many Russian Lt, Capt, and a Maj were coming to this area during the construction period end Russian supervisor was saying that those houses would be used for officers and their families. However PW could not identify those people that moved into some of the completed buildings in Dec 46, while he was employed to complete the unfinished buildings in this area.

AIRFIELD:                        Obs: Jul 47
3km N of No 34-1 PW Camp of KRASNOYARSK, there was a round airfield 1km in diameter. Two paved runway (concrete or asphalt) 700m x 15m were running N/S 20m apart. At the north end of each runway, there was a white-washed hanger, 30m x 20m x 15m, with a gabled tile roof. Aside from this hanger PW observed 7 white-washed buildings, 15m x 5m x 5m with gabled sheet iron roofs (see sketch No 2). Observed 3 single-engine planes and 2 twin-engine planes. Aside from the paved runways, the entire airfield was unpaved with short grass near the edge of the airfield. The observation of this airfield was made in Jul 47, when employed with few other Koreans to repair the road running N/S just W of the airfield. The maintenance of this 6m wide dirt road was fair and it was passable for trucks immediately after rain. Did not observe control tower, antennae, nor taxiways.

For the Commanding Officer:


2 sketch
Point 1 – Locomotive Plant
2 – Thermo-Electric Power Plant
3 – Coal Dumps
4 – Foundry
5 – Plant Area
6 – Apartment House Area

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