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CHANG Tung Chi│YANG Lin Chieng 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 51 NO. 4180 1951-03-02
    미분류 무학 남성

NAME: CHANG Tung Chi (張東計)
AGE: 23 yr
RANK: Plat Ldr
UNIT: CCF, 66th Army, 197th Dib, 591st Regt (26 Bu), 3d Bn, 8th Co (8 Sqd), 3d Plat
PLACE AND DATE OF CAPTURE: Surrendered at a hill 200 m NW of HOENGSONG (DS1149) on 021220 March 51 to US forces.

NAME: YANG Lin Chieng (楊林江)
AGE: 25 yr
DUTY: Rifleman
UNIT: 66th Army (Fong Hwang Fu), 197th Dib, 591st Regt (26 Bu), 3d Bn, 8th Co, 1st Plat, 3d Sqd.
EDUCATION: Primary School 1yr
PLACE AND DATE OF CAPTURE: Surrendered at a hill 200 m NW of HOENGSONG on 021200 March 1951 to US forces.

PW had approx one year of CCF military service and although they were cooperative during interrogation, they possessed little knowledge of particular value. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Chronology:
66th Army marched across YALU River 24 Nov 50, at ANTUNG and proceeded southeastward, resting now and then, and arrived HOENGSONG (DS0372) 26 Feb 51, via UNSAN, PYONGYANG and point 120 Km S of 38th parallel. 197th Div was in vic of main road to HOENGSONG whereas the remaining two divisions were N of HONGCHON. 591st Regt, separating from 197th Div, proceeded to hill approx 200 m NW of HOENGSONG (DS1149), arriving 270600 Feb 51. Took up defensive positions. However, due to approaching UN forces and heavy arty bombardment, withdrew northward 021100 Mar 51, suffering approx 1/3 personnel and 1/3 equipment losses. PW remained in their fox holes and 021200 Mar 51, were approached by UN forces and surrendered.

b. Organization and Strength:
20th Army Group: 66th, 67th, and 63th Armies. 67th and 68th Armies remained in CHINA.
66th Army: 196th, 197th, 198th Div and FA Bn.
197th Div: 589th, 590th, 591st Regt.
591st Regt: 3 battalions, FA Co (battery)
3d Bn: 7th, 8th, 9th Companies and Hq Co
8th Co: 3 plat, 60mm Mortar Plat
3d Plat: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Sqd
 Original StrengthPresent Strength
3d Bn:500250
8th Co:13070
3d Plat:2712
12th Sqd:74

c. Deployment of PW Own Unit:
8th Co CP was in a hill approx 200 m NW of HOENGSONG. Also PW (CHANG Tung Chi) was told by company commander that 3d Bn CP was 2 Km NW of HOENGSONG and approx 800 meters W of main road to HONGCHON, and 591st Regt CP was 4 Km N of HOENGSONG and approx 400 m W of main road to HONGCHON. He was also told that all units of 591st Regt were along the west side of main road between HONGCHON and HOENGSONG not more than 800 m away. 590th Regt was along main road on east side. 589th Regt, 197th Div and other two divisions (196, 198) of 66th Army were north of HONGCHON. The assigned sector of 197th Div was to defend both sides of main road between HOENGSONG and HONGCHON.

d. Deployment of Other Units:
Observed elements of 38th and 40th Armies one month after entering Korea.

e. Status of Arms, Ammo-Supply and Equipment:
3d Bn:Jet M38 Riflesunk100 rd each
 82mm Mortars2unk
8th Co:LMG41000 rd each
 60mm Mortars23 rd each
 Handgrenades6 per man 
591st Regt: Mountain Guns ( 2 horse drawn)2unk
The 3d Bn received 30 rd per M38 rifles and 2 handgrenades per man approx one month ago north of 38th parallel.

f. Status of Food and Clothing:
Food (rice, beans) was procured locally and 8 pairs of rubber shoes were issued to their company approx one month ago together with ammunition.

g. Mission and Intention:
PW (CHANG Tung Chi) was told by company commander 2 March 1951, that 197th Div Intends to oppose UN forces and gradually withdrew northward until reinforcements arrive. Upon being reinforced, they were to launch an attack.

h. Personalities:
CHEN Shao Nan (陳紹南), about 45, CG 197th Div
Wang (fnu) (王), 51, CO 591st Regt
Yang Yu San (揚玉山), about 50, Ass’t CO 591st Regt
Yang (fnu) (楊), about 30, CO 3d Bn
LI Chang Shui (李長水), about 30, CO 8th Co
MA Pu Hsing (馬福興), about 27, Political Officer 8th Co

i. Medical:
There were no known contagious diseases among troops, however, 50% were suffering from frostbite and all troops were suffering from malnutrition.

j. Information on Armor, Engr, Arty and Other Special or Technical Info:
They received air attacks most everyday, extent of damage unknown.

k. Psychological Warfare:
The found surrender leaflets on two occasions and heard a broadcast north of 38th parallel which was clear. The political ldr said that broadcast and leaflets were all lies, but PW believed they were true.

l. Morale:
Morale was low because they were forced to live in air shelters and march at night while suffering from frostbite.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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