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CHOU Len Yuen 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 50 NO. 4127 1951-03-07
    전사 무학 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS - MISDI - 0341) 10 March 1951

NAME: CHOU Len Yuen (趙連元)
AGE: 21
DUTY: Ammo Bearer
UNIT: CCF, 42d Army, 126th Div, 376th Regt, 3d Bn, 9th Co
DATE AND PLACE OF SURRENDER: Surrendered at (CS849579) 071300 March 1951 to the 8th Cav Regt

PW was a member of an engineer unit, but had very little information on his unit. Cooperative but seemed unable to remember dates or the places that he passed which limited information of tactical value.

a. Organization and Strength (present):
The following organization and strength was given:
42d Army; 124th, 125th, 126th Div, Arty Bn, Security Bn, Engineer Bn, Signal Plat, Telephone Plat, Medical unit.
126th Div; 376th, 377th, 378th Regt, Arty Bn, Engr Co, Stretcher Bn, Security Co, Signal Plat, Medical Unit.
376th Regt; 3 battalions, Arty Btry, signal plat, security company, medical unit.
3d Bn; 7th, 9th, Rifle Co, Hvy Wpn Co
9th Co; 1st, 3d Rifle Plat, 60mm Mortar Plat
9th Co70
3d Bn200

b. Deployment of PW Own Unit:
7th Co and 9th Co of the 3d Bn arrived at hill approx 15 days ago and prepared defensive positions. Heard his company commander state that the 8th Co was annihilated approx 20 days ago near the HAN River. 9th Co CP was approx 3 km SW of a hill (believed to be Hill 366 (CS845582). 7th Co CP was approx 1.5 km SW of the hill. 3d Bn CP was in a valley approx 400 m N of 9th Co CP. Saw what he was told to be the 126th Div ammo dump approx 4 km N of 9th Co CP o/a 27 Feb 51. He was unable to give any particular on the dump since he merely collected 12 boxes of 60mm mortar shells and departed the area immediately.

c. Status of Arms and Ammo:
Arms and Ammunition other than SA of the 3d Bn:
3d Bn:HMG4 
9th Co:60mm mortars320 rd each
Arty Btry:Mt Guns (horse drawn) 

d. Status of Food Clothing:
Food (rice, millet) was procured locally and approx 4 Lb of flour per person were issued to the 9th Co approx 12 days ago.
PW received a pair of rubber shoes on two occasions since entering KOREA, but he did not receive any other clothing.

e. Chronology:
126th Div entered KOREA during the latter part of Oct 50, via MANPOJIN and marching through mountain trails, arrived at a hill approx 40 km S of the 38th parallel o/a 9 Feb 51, where it rested for approx 13 days. Here PW was reassigned to the 376th Regt, 3d Bn, 9th Co as an ammunition bearer.
PW 3d Bn departed the above hill and proceeded southeastward through mountain roads and arrived at a hill 4 days later where it prepared defensive positions. After engaging UN forces steadily for a number of days until 071230 March 51 PW deserted his unit and travelling SE for approx 1.5 km, and surrendered to the 8th Cav Regt.

f. Mission and Intention:
PW was told by his company commander that they were to defend their positions until the main force arrived.

g. Physical Condition of Troops:
Within his 9th Co, 10 men were suffering from frostbite and another 10 men were suffering from colds. There were no contagious disease prevalent.

h. Information on Armor, Engr, Arty, and Other Special or Technical Info:
CCF troops were more afraid of arty fire than air attacks, because arty fire caused a higher percentage of casualties.

i. Psychological Warfare:
PW picked up surrender leaflets on four occasions and heard a broadcast approx one week ago, which led to his surrender.

j. Morale:
Morale of the men is low because they were without rest and received almost daily air strikes.

k. Replacements:
During the middle of Feb 51, stretcher Bn (strength approx 500) of the 126th Div was ordered by the division to be transferred to the 376th Regt and 377th Regt PW, with 160 other men, were assigned to the 376th Regt while 240 men were assigned to the 377th Regt. PW told by stretcher bn commander that remaining 100 men were to instruct Chinese civilian stretcher bearers from CHINA. Observed approx 40 of these civilians on duty. These civilians wore CCF military overcoats and civilian cotton padded clothes, either black or dark blue. The cap was fur lined with ear flaps that were either black or brown. Their shoes were made of cotton, and they ate their meals together with the troops.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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