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CHON Yung Hwa 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 50 NO. 4120 1951-02-27
    미분류 초등교육 남성

NAME: CHON Yung Hwa (陳永華)
PW NO: 1-M-P-4648
AGE: 23
RANK: Team Leader (group of 3 men of his Ren Co)
DUTY: Rifleman
UNIT: CCF, 4th Field Army, 13th Army Group, 39th Army, 116th Div Hq, Recon Co
DATE AND PLACE OF SURRENDER: 272000 Feb 51 at DS0947 to the 1st Marine Div
EDUCATION: Primary School 6 yr

PW had 6 yr of education under the Japanese at FORMOSA and spoke Japanese rather fluently. Surrendered voluntarily. Cooperative and sincere during interrogation which left the interrogator little room for doubt as to the credibility of his information. Recommended for further interrogation on air installations.

a. Chronology:
Volunteered into the CNA at FORMOSA Oct 45 and was transferred to PEIPING, North CHINA, after 6 months of basic training. Jun 48, PW impressed into service with the CCF 39th Army, 116th Div, 346th Regt, 3d Bn, 9th Co when his unit surrendered en masse to the CCF at KYORIGA, MANCHURIA. However, PW and one other CNA soldier escaped to MUKDEN where they re-joined the CNA 207th Div Youth’s Army.
28 Oct 49, PW was assigned to Security Co which was attached to the 116th Div Hq following his unit’s surrender to the 39th Army. 39th Army arrived at ANTUNG, MANCHURIA o/a 15 Oct 50. On the following day, the 39th Army marched to SINANJU and proceeded southward via UNSAN, PYONGYANG, arriving in SEOUL during the early part of Jan 51. Here Security Co was redesignated a Recon Co.
O/a 15 Jan 51, the 39th Army departed SEOUL and proceeded eastward along the north bank of the HAN River. O/a 15 Feb 51, the 116th Div and 117th Div of the 39th Army attacked CHIPYONG-NI. 116th and 117th Div were forced to retreat when they received heavy casualties. 116th Div retreated to the via of CHOWON-NI (DS083537) arriving o/a 19 Feb 51, and met the 39th Army Hq section there.
O/a 22 Feb 51, ordered by his Plat Ldr to accompany a Recon Staff Officer of the 116th Div Hq who was to reconnoiter UN position in the ICHUN-NI area, located 2 - 4 km SE of CHOWON-NI. Together with 1 NKA liaison soldier and 2 CCF troops of the Recon Co, accompanied the Staff Officer and proceeded to ICHON-NI, arriving the same day. Deserted the group after dusk and proceeded to SANGSAN-NI (DS0980), arriving 24 Feb 51. On the following day, he proceeded southward on the main road to HONGCHON (DS0373) and on 27 Feb 51, he surrendered to US forces.

b. Organization and Strength:
4th Field Army: 13th, 14th, 15th Army Groups, and Arty Div
13th Army Group: 38th, 39th, 40th, and 50th Armies
39th Army (Nam Hae Bu): 115th, 116th, 117th Div, and FA Bn (Jap model 38 pieces) drawn by 8 horses
116th Div (16 Bu): 346th, 347th, 348th Regt, Arty Bn and a Recon Bn, Engr Bn, Sig Co, Stretcher Co, and Med Unit
Regt: 3 Rifle Bn, Arty Btry, Recon Plat, Stretcher Plat, Sig Plat
Bn: 3 Rifle Co, HMG Co, 82mm Mort Co
Strength of the 116th Div as of 22 Feb 51 is estimated:
Original: 15,000
Present: 10,800

c. Deployment of PW Own Unit:
As of 22 Feb 51, the 116th Div CP was on a hill approx 1.5 km NE of CHOWON-NI. 39 Army CP was on a hill approx 7 km N of CHOWON-NI.
Having sustained heavy casualties at CHIPYONG-NI, 116th Div and the 39th Army Hq Section retreated to CHOWON-NI area where replacements were to be received, after which the 39th Army was moved into the ICHUN-NI area, on the E flank of the 66th Army.

d. Deployment of Other Units:
66th Army was of the 39th Army.
O/a 26 Feb 51, PW slept for the night at an Arty Regt situated 5.2 km S of HONGCHON on the HONGCHON HOENGSONG main road. Learned from a soldier with the unit that his was the 60th Ind Arty Regt. Saw 3 truck-drawn US 105mm Howitzers parked and camouflaged with pine branches along side the main road. He noticed that the Regt was widely dispersed in the area in order to avoid detection from the air. This limited his observation as to the number of guns possessed by the Regt. Told that this Regt was one of three Regt of an Arty Div attached to the 4th Field Army. Told that 2 Regt of this Arty Div, which were equipped mainly with “Kachushas”, were sent back to CHINA about a month ago because the “Kachushas” either went over or fell short of their mark since their range of fire could not be controlled effectively.
Saw this Arty Div in PYONGYANG about a month ago while there. Also told that there was an AA Gun Bn in the Arty Div which he saw in action in the UNSAN area.
Told that the 60th Regt was to be divided soon and its units sent to various units in need of arty support.
In Aug 49, while in CHINA, he noticed that there were four US 105mm Howitzers to an Arty Btry, the total for an Ind Arty Regt being about thirty-two 105mm Howitzers.

c. Status of Arms and Ammunition:
FA Bn: Field GunsJap model 38, horse drawn12 
116th Div Arty Bn:Hvy Mort (US)4 
Arty Btry:Jap model 92 guns4 
HMG Co:HMG (water cooled)4 
82mm Mort Co:82mm mortars 50 rd ea
Rifle Co:LMG (Canadian)6600 rd ea
 Carbines (US)12200 rd ea
 Rifles (Jap M-38)30100 rd ea
 Thompson SMG (US)10150 rd ea
 Magnetic Hand-grenades (Jap)30per Co
Unknown number of LMG and small arms ammunition and TNT were received per Regt at UNSAN.

f. Status of Food and Clothing:
Food was procured locally was served twice daily. On two occasions his Regt received canned goods such as port and fish.
A pair of cotton shoes was issued to all troops at PYONGYNAG and a pair of rubber shoes plus a pair of cotton trousers at SEOUL.

g. Mission and Intentions:
116th Div retreated to CHOWON-NI in order to received reinforcements, having suffered heavy casualties at CHIPYONG-NI, after which they intended to launch an attack.

h. Personalities:
CHON Yong Kan (陳永康), 25, CO Recon Co.

i. Physical Condition of Troops:
80% of the troops were suffering from light TB cases and a few from frostbite.

j. Air Attacks:
They received air attacks almost daily.

k. Psychological Warfare:
PW endeavored to surrender ever since he picked up his first surrender leaflet at SEOUL. Did not hear any broadcasts, because during the day he would be in hiding and sleeping in foxholes.

l. Morale:
Morale was low among the men because they were being attacked by UN air almost daily, coupled with the fact that they were not being rotated or issued sufficient food or warm clothing promised them prior to their entry into KOREA.

m. UN PW:
Saw approx 80 US prisoners interned in a house at CHIPYONG-NI. Heard rumors that these UN prisoners were going to be sent to the rear.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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