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CHA, Yong Kil 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 49 NO. 4074 1951-03-03
    중위 미분류 남성
FIELD REPORT (521 MISDI 0516) 6 March 1951

PW NAME: CHA, Yong Kil
UNIT: III Corps, 15th Div, 3d Regt, 1st Bn, 3d Co NKA
DATE & BY WHOM CAPTURED: 3 Mar 51; by 17th RCT

PW was convinced he would be killed upon captured. Appeared to be still in doubt as to his welfare. Answered all questions but never volunteered additional information. Reliability - Good.

a. Personalities:
NameRankCode No.Position
CH'OE, Yon GunChief Marshal O/a, NKA
CH'OE, Yon HiLt Col#51Political Off, 3d Regt
CH'OE, Huk SonLt Col#52Exec Off, 3d Regt
KIM, Yon HunSr Capt Political Off, 1st Bn, 3d Regt

b. Codes, Names and APO Numbers:
15th Div: “MOHYAN SAN”
3d Regt: “CHUNMAN GANG” APO 781

c. Supply:
23 Jan 51, one pair of black canvas shoes per man and a special ration of pork (½ pig per co) received at PENAMKOL (16km S of INJE DT2714). Told that this was a gift from the Chinese people and that they should fight more than ever until final victory is won.
18 Feb 51, one hand grenade per man (1st Bn) issued at MULGOL (DS 426450).

d. Arty:
When the 15th Div departed CHONCHON (BA 8505), the Arty Regt departed at the same time with 7 x 76mm guns M-1942 and 3 x 45mm guns M-1942. Rifle regt passed through mt paths most of the time but the arty regt followed the main road. PW observed the arty regt and its guns on two occasions enroute, once near POKKYE-RI (CT 4856) and the second time just prior to arriving INJE (DT 2714). Each gun was pulled by 2-3 oxen.
O/a 25 Jan 51, while PW and part of his co were at PENAMKOL (approx 16km S of INJE) he observed 3 x 76mm guns M-1942 and 3 x 45mm guns M-1942 in the woods nearby. There were approx 30 soldiers at each gun receiving instructions and training with the guns.
O/a 28 Feb 51, the CO, 3d Regt told the officers as follows:
“The three arty regt of the III Corps are now training near INJE and they will return to their respective div upon completion of training. Then we will have arty support. Until then we will defend TOKSU SAN (DS 4449) and CHANGMI SAN (DS 4447) at all cost.”

e. Night Bombing:
O/a 27 Dec 50 (2400-0100 hr) at POKKYE-RI, the 3d Regt was strafed and bombed with air burst bombs. Casualties: 18 killed, 12 wounded in 1st Bn. No flares were dropped prior to the air attack, so PW believes the troops were detected because it was a moonlight night and there were about 30 oxen with carts loaded with rice at the head of the column which could not get off the road to avoid being detected. After this incident, the regt moved by bn.

f. CCF:
O/a 28 Dec 50 near POKKYE-RI, observed approx 300 CCF litter-bearers dressed in dark navy blue civilian clothing with black round Chinese caps. Heard they came from MANCHURIA. Were resting along side of the road as the 1st Bn passed through. A small group carrying stretchers were seen heading N. They appear to work in groups of 7 men - 4 men carrying a stretcher, with 2 alternates and one group leader who has a rifle.

g. Psychological Warfare:
Read a surrender leaflet o/a 28 Feb 51 at MULGOL (DS 428-459). Also heard broadcast on same date. Believes that the leaflets and broadcasts may cause some soldiers to wonder whether there may be something to it, but doubts very much if they will cause many to surrender. Leaflet did not influence PW to surrender.

h. UN Fire Power:
PW was told and believed that the NKA was fighting a small group of UN troops with only airplanes as their main asset and weapon and that wars cannot be won from the air. PW was under fire for the first time 2-3 Mar 51 and was shocked by the great fire power and his observation after capture of so many tanks, arty, trucks and other equipment. Believes that the NKA - both officers and men - do not know what they are up against. He is now convinced that the NKA will end in disastrous defeat even with aid of the mass manpower of the CCF.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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