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KIM, Song Won 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 48 NO. 4004 1951-02-28
    미분류 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (521 LDI 0503) 2 March 1951

PW NAME: KIM, Song Won
AGE: 25
DUTY: Ass’t Sqd Ldr
UNIT: III Corps, 15th Div, 3d Regt, 2d Bn, 4th Co, 1st Plat
DATE & BY WHOM CAPTURED: 28 Feb 51 by 7th Div

Attitude: Cooperative
Reliability: Fair
Education: Primary School (6 yr)
Agricultural School (3 yr)
Physical Condition: Good
Occupation: Laborer

a. Chronology:
15 Sep 50 - Conscripted at SONGJIN, and attached to 4th Co, 2d Bn, 3d Regt of 15th Div.
Late Sep 50 - 3d Regt departed SONGJIN.
Mid Oct 50 - Arrived CHONCH’ON (YE 8502). 3d Regt received 2 1/2 mo of military training. PW heard 1st and 2d Regt of 15th Div were also receiving training in vicinity of CHONCH’ON.
Late Dec 50 - 3d Regt departed CHONCH’ON. PW believes 1st and 2d Regt departed prior to 3d Regt.
Late Jan 51 - Arrived vicinity of YANGYANG via HUICHON, SUNCH’ON, SONGCH’ON, SHINJE and KOKSAN.
2 Feb 51 - Arrived vicinity of HONGCH’ON. 3d Regt rested for about 7 days due to typhus epidemic. Entire 5th Co of the 2d Bn, 3d Regt were affected with typhus and were shipped to rear hosp (approx 100 men). The personnel from 4th and 6th Co were reassigned into 5th Co.
10 Feb 51 - Arrived HOENGSONG.
18 Feb 51 - Arrived vicinity of PYONGCHANG.
24 Feb 51 - The 3d Regt retreated to PANGNIM NI.
26 Feb 51 - PW deserted when Regt contacted UN Forces.
28 Feb 51 - Surrendered in vicinity of PANGNIM NI.

b. Organization, Strength, and Weapons:
15th Div: 1st, 2d, and 3d Regt
3d Regt: 1st, 2d, and 3d Bn
UnitStrengthWpns & Ammo
2d Bn, 3d Regt300 
 4th Co50-609 PPSH SMG w/200 rd, 9 LMG Russ w/500 rd, 30-35 Russ rifles w/160 rd, 2-3 grenades ea.
 5th CoSame as above.
 6th Co50-609 PPSH SMG w/200 rd, 9 LMG Russ w/500 rd, 30-35 Russ rifles w/160 rd, 2-3 grenades ea.
 HMG Co606 HMG (Russ) w/3,000 rd, 3 PPSH SMG, 30 Russ rifles.
 Mortar Co603/120mm (Russ) mortars, unk number of 82mm mortars, 30-40 Russ rifles.
 AT Plat203/14.5mm AT rifles (Russ), 12 Russ rifles.
4th Co:  
 1st Plat18-203 PPSH SMG, 3 LMG, 10-12 rifles
 2d 〃Unk
 3d 〃Unk
 4th Plat (HMG)Unk
  Sqd:5-61 PPSH SMG 1 LMG, 4 Russ rifles, 2-3 grenades.

c. Personality:
KIM, Tong Chun, 25, Lt, CO, 4th Co.

d. Codes:
2d Bn, 3d Regt, 15th Div: 781 KUN PUTAI
4th Co: “TANKUSA (4)”
5th 〃: “TANKU O (5)”
6th 〃: “TANKU U (6)”

e. Supply:
3 Feb 51, 3d Regt received ammo at HONGCH’ON.
Amount ReceivedAmmo on hand
60 rd per rifle man160 rd
300 rd per LMG500 rd
1,500 rd per HMG3,000 rd

For the AC of S, G-2:


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