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CHANG Ung Wea 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 47 NO. 3957 1951-03-02
    미분류 미분류 남성
FIELD REPORT (163 - MISDI - 0312) 3 March 1951
(Atchd 1st Mar Div)

PW NAME: CHANG Ung Wea (張文■)
PW NO: 1st M-P-4691
DUTY: Rifleman
UNIT: 66th Army, 197th Div, 591st Regt, 1st Bn, 1st Co, 1st Plat, 3d Sqd

PW was a rightist and was seeking opportunity to desert from CCF for a long time. 2 Mar 51, deserted by telling his Sqd leader that he was going down the village to procure food. Surrendered in the vicinity of HOENGSON to advancing UN Forces.
Recommended for further interrogation. PW cooperative.

a. Mission: 66th Army mission was to defend present position until reinforcement arrived. Then they were to take offensive.

b. Strength of Unit:
(1) Original Strength:
Upon arriving SINUIJU, o/a 29 Nov 50.
66th Corps - 40,000
(2) Present Strength: 2 Mar 51
66th Corps - 30,000 (maximum estimated)
197th Div - 4,000
591st Regt - 1,700
1st Bn - 300 to 400
1st Co - 110
Code Numbers and Names: 66th Corps - “FENG HWA FU” (奉化部)
196th Div - #41 unit
197th Div - #42 unit
198th Div - #43 unit
196th Div: 536th Regt - #21 unit
587th Regt - #22 unit
588th Regt - #23 unit
197th Div: 589th Regt - #24 unit
590th Regt - #25 unit
591st Regt - #26 unit
198th Div: 592d Regt - #27 unit
593d Regt - #28 unit
594th Regt - #29 unit
General Headquarters - “TE CH’UAN PU” (德川部) (Name of place).

c. Chronology:
1 Apr 45 - Entered CNA in “HU NAN SHEN” (河南省).
Oct 48 - Graduated PEIPING (北京) No 1 Officer’s Training School as 1st Lt.
Dec 48 - Became Assistant Co CO in CNA Army.
1 Jan 49 - Captured at PEIPING (北京) by CCF. PW and 280,000 CNA troops were conscripted into newly formed PW Bn. Kept his title of Assistant Co CO in PW Bn.
23 Sep 50 - 66th Army left TIAN JIN (天津) for KOREA.
27 Nov 50 - Army arrived ANTUNG.
O/a 29 Nov 50 - 196th Div and 198th Div of 66th Army entered KOREA.
O/a 30 Nov 50 - 197th Div entered KOREA.
Early Dec 50 - Newly formed PW Bn entered KOREA. Bn was attached to 66th Army Hq. Heard 196th, 197th and 198th Div contacted UN Forces in KUSONG, o/a 29 Nov 51.
Latter part of Dec 50 - Unit (PW Bn and 66th Corps Hq) arrived KUMHWA. 196th Div, 197th Div and 198th Div were already in this area. Assigned to 3d Sqd, 1st Plat, 1st Co, 1st Bn, 591st Regt, 197th Div, 66th Army as a rifleman at KUM■■■.
O/a 5 Feb 51 - 66th Army left KUMHWA.
O/a 7 Feb 51 - Arrived vic of HONGCHON (DS 0171).
O/a 10 Feb 51 - Arrived NAL GOL (DS 1349) and contacted ROKA. After 2 days of firefighting PW unit captured NAL GOL and resumed travel South. 196th Div and 198th Div took different route South. At this time 66th Army’s mission was to cut Un MSR South of WONJU and capture WONJU.
O/a 14 Feb 51 - 197th Div arrived vic of SAM BONG (DS 1535). Was about to be encircled so after staying there one day, 197th Div withdrew North. 66th Army assembled at UCHON MYON (DS 1744).
O/a 26 Feb 51 - 197th Div arrived vic of DS 1153. 591st Regt position: 1st Bn: 1st Co - DS 1153 Heavy Machine-gun nest at DS 115301 and A4.
2d Co - DS 1354
3d Co - Believed to be DS 0955 and 1055.
2d Bn: DS 1252, 1352, 1253 and 1353 alongside of highway.
3d Bn: DS 0955 and 1055.
2 Mar 51 - Deserted his unit and surrendered to oncoming 1st Marines in vic of HOENGSONG.

d. Personalities:
HSIAO Esin (肖新■), 66th Army CG
CHEN (FNU) (陳), 66th Army Asst CG
WANG Ch■e Fung (王■逢), Political Advisor
CHANG Lean K■en (張建奎), Asst Political Advisor
LEOG Su (刘蘇), 66th Army Chief of Staff
LUG I Jin (■一經), Political Section Chief
LEE Chiyou Ya (李■■), 197th Div Arty Bn CO
SHUE Ung You (許■■), 1st Co Asst CO

e. Weapons and Equipment:
197th Div - 4 to 5 x 75mm Howitzers.
HQ 591st Regt - 4 to 6 x 82mm Mortars.
1st Bn - 6 x 82mm Mortars
12 x 60mm Mortars.
12 HMG
Few US M1 Rifles, rest Chinese rifles.
66th Army had trucks and horses. 66th Army had enough transportation to haul ammo from rear every day. Each Regt had one wireless transmitter. Telephone communication was used up to Bn level.

f. Status of Supply; Route of Supply:
Ammo as resupplied almost every day from rear by trucks. Did not know the type of ammo nor the amount. Heard ammo dump located approx 7.5 Km N of KUMHWA. A big ammo dump located in ANTUNG, MANCHURIA and believed most ammo are coming from there. PW unit did not receive any food supply since crossing 38th Parallel. Every man in front line had 7 lb of powdered rice for emergency. No clothing resupply.
POL were resupplied from MANCHURIA by trucks.
Medical supply low. Many troops were suffering from frost bite.
Shelter was always taken in the mountains.

g. Other Units: 590th Regt - E flank of 591st Regt.
589th Regt - W flank of 591st Regt.
E flank of 197th Div was 198th Div.
W flank of 197th Div was 196th Div.
E flank of 198th Div was approx 3 div strength of NKA.
Heard 39th Army are resting approx 40 Km rear of 66th Army and will reinforce 66th Army soon. Engineer Bn of 39th Army already reinforced 66th Army about 6 days ago. Heard Tank Div and Airplanes are coming from rear very shortly. Heard 3d Field Army’s 9th Army, 27th Army, 28th Army and 29th Army and 4th Field Army’s 38th, 39th, 40th, 41st, 42d, 43d (?) and 50th Armies, 66th Army were fighting in KOREA at present. Also TUNG PEI (東北) Arty Div is supporting 4th Field Army’s, 38th Army and 40th Army.

h. Foreign Elements:
Did not see any NKA since Jan 51.

i. Morale:
Morale was low except for ldr and political personnel. Morae then two-third of 66th Army members were former CNA troops.

j. Most Feared Weapons:
Arty barrages are feared the most.

k. Tactics:
“Suicide Charge” Unit were sent out frequently. Their purpose was either to disperse the UN line or to break through the line. 66th Corps is the weakest CCF Unit in KOREA.

l. Information Concerning PW:
PW brother is Div CG of CNA Army in FORMOSA. PW is Anti-Communist and CCF labeled him as radical. He was strongly against surrendering to CCF at PEIPING (北京). PW begged to be allowed to rejoin CNA as soon as possible.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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