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WE Hon Tun 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 46 NO. 3904 1951-02-22
    전사 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS MIDI - 0316) 26 February 1951

NAME: WE Hon Tun (구洪德) (CCF) (YU Hung Tch)
AGE: 34 yr
UNIT: 66th Army, 197th Div, 591st Regt (Code Name: ARYUBU-26 Unit), 2d Bn, Hvy Wpn Co, 3d Plat, 7th Sqd
DUTY: Mortar Ammo Bearer
EDUCATION: Primary School 4 yr
PLACE AND DATE OF CAPTURE: Captured 221400 Feb 51 by US 1st Marine Div

PW was cooperative during interrogation and information though limited, is fairly reliable.

a. Brief Chronology:
Was formerly with CNA for 8 yr. 4 Apr 49, PW unit surrendered to CCF at TAIWEN, CHINA and was placed into CCF 66th Army then stationed in TIENTSIN, CHINA, until Dec 50. The same month, 66th left TIENTSIN for ANTUNG, MANCHURIA by train arriving Nov 50.
From ANTUNG 66th Army crossed into SINUIJU, on foot. From SINUIJU they proceeded forward arriving KUSONG, where they engaged in their first battle. Advancing, they passed 40 Km E of P’YONGYANG, Jan 51 66th Army arrived in vic of 38th parallel, where 589 and 590th Regt of 197th Div engaged in battle. After two days of battle 66th Army withdrew to KUMHWA for reorganization, rest and reinforcement.
66th Army was to stay there for two months. 5 Feb 51 after 20 days rest they departed KUMHWA and headed south because of counter-attack by UN forces. 66th Army moved out because his 197th Div was the last to depart 10 Feb 51.
591st Regt traveling in bn arrived vic of WONJU. They rested for 4 days. After this rest the regt traveled approx 12 Km and arrived unk hill and relieved a regt of 196th Div. Here they moved out in bn. 21 Feb 51, after traveling approx 6 Km 2d Bn arrived UKKORI (DS2142) where PW surrendered.
22 Feb 51, 2d Bn position was hit by artillery and air attack and at 1200 hr the Bn started withdrawing but PW remained behind intending to surrender. 1400 hr the hill was captured by UN forces PW surrendered.

b. Organization and Strength:
66th Army had 196th, 197th, and 198th Div with artillery bn, security bn, engineer bn, signal bn and medical unit attached directly to the Army. 197th Div formerly had approx 7000 men. At present approx 3000 men. The depletion of strength was caused largely by air attacks. The Div was composed of 589th, 590th and 591st Regt, with artillery bn, security bn, signal bn, eng co, and a medical unit. 591st Regt present strength is approx 1000 men, composed of 1st, 2d, 3d bn, with artillery co, security co, signal co, and a medical unit attached directly to Regt. PW 2d Bn, at present, had approx 300 men. It is composed of 2 rifle co, hvy wpn co. PW heavy weapons co, as of 21 Feb 51, had approx 80 men.

c. Status of Arms and Ammo:
PW Hvy Wpn Co had the following weapons as of 22 Feb 51:
82mm Mortars220 rd each
HMG41500 rd each
Jap M38 Rifles4100 rd each
They received ammo once at vic of WONJU. He heard that these were brought in on carts.

d. Status of Food and Clothing:
In vic of WONJU, where they received ammo, every man in 591st Regt received a new pair of canvas shoes.
Food in PW unit was acute because none could be foraged from local villages. Recently he ate not more than once or twice a day. This situation was created by the effective UN air actions in stopping the flow of food from CHINA. The resultant shortage in food supply had much to do with the low morale now so evident among the troops.

e. Mission and Intention:
The mission of 591st Regt was to defend the area (DS2142). PW 2d Bn was to defend the hill (DS2142). They were to defend it at all cost until replacement came in.

f. Personalities:
FU Fe Far, 23, CO Hvy Wpn Co
PO Chiun Sun, 22, 3d Plat Ldr

g. Medical:
In PW Co, of approx 80 men, 10 men were suffering from frostbite and most of the troops are suffering from fatigue and hunger.
h. Tactics:
Their present tactics are to wage a defensive war until such time as replacements arrived to counterattack and take the offensive.
i. Propaganda and/or Surrender Leaflets:
PW saw leaflets several times and read them. Believing the leaflets he decided to surrender. He also heard broadcasts but could not hear them clearly.
j. Ammo Supply:
An arsenal is located at MUKDEN, MANCHURIA where ammo for artillery and small arms is procured. He believes that supplies are brought here from other big arsenals located at TAIWEN, CHINA, and HAMYANG, South China. These are the largest arsenals for Communist CHINA.

k. Morale:
Pointing to his torn and tattered clothing and empty stomach, PW shook his head and hands and said “How do you expect the morale of the troops to be high when one is in such an awful a predicament as myself, having to wage a war on an empty stomach and clothing just torn to shreds.”

For the AC of S, G-2:


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