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KU, Shih Pin 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 45 NO. 3867 1951-02-15
    전사 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS MIDI 0296) 19 February 1951

NAME: KU, Shih Pin (古時彬) (CCF)
AGE: 32 yrs
UNIT: 38th Army (code name: 54 Unit) (五四部), 114th Div (code name: 3rd Det (三支隊), 341st Regt (code name: 41st Bn) (四一大隊), 3rd Bn (code name: 3rd Sqd) (三分隊), 9th Co (code name: 9 Plat) (九小隊)
DUTY: Bugler
OCCUPATION: Rice Processer
EDUCATION: Primary School 5 yrs
DATE & PLACE OF CAPTURE: 15 Feb 51 at vic 08574409 to the 19th ROK Unit

Cooperative and willing to give information. Seemed intelligent and information is fairly reliable but limited. He was observant in spite of unfamiliar places and names. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Chronology:
PW was in CNA for about 10 yrs holding the rank of W O. Captured by the CCF Sep 49. Trained as a bugler for about a month and assigned to present unit in Oct 49.
25 Oct 50, the 341st Regt crossed YALU River by train from CHIAN Manchuria to MANPOJIN, Korea. Got off the train on the same day and marched for about a month, arriving at unknown place, where they had the first contact with UN forces, which forced them to withdraw approx 40 km N.
Nov 50 they advanced southward and arrived 8 km N of SEOUL 6 Jan 51, where they rested for about 20 days. 6 Feb 51 the Regt departed and arrived YANGPYONG (CS670495) 11 Feb 51, after crossing a frozen unknown river (believed to be PUK HAN River). Immediately after arrival they crossed the frozen HAN River and proceeded SW. Approx 3km SW from the point of crossing the river, the Regt attacked a UN force which withdrew to another village to the south. As soon as the 3rd Bn occupied an unknown hill, it was subjected to heavy shelling which continued until morning. Night of 14 Feb 51, the Regt withdrew to vic 3 km SE of YANGPYONG, where it rested for 3 days. The 3rd Bn departed the Regt and arrived vic 1 km NW of (CS574409), where PW deserted his unit and gave himself up to the 19th ROK Regt 150500 Feb 51.

b. Organization and Strength:
The 38th Army had 112th, 113th, and 114th Div. The 114th Div had the 340th, 341st, and the 342d Regts and one Arty Bn.
The 341st Regt had 3 Rifle Bn, and Arty Btry, Howitzer Btry, Sig Co, and a Med Unit.
The 3rd Bn had 3 rifle co, and a hvy wpns co, the bn strength as of 15 Feb 51, was approx 500 men. The 9th Co had 3 rifle plat and one 60mm mort plat. Co strength was approx 80-90.
11 Feb, his Bn received approx 200 casualties at hill vic 3 Km SW of YANGPYONG.
c. Deployment of PW Own Unit
The 341st Regt Hq was located 3 Km SE of YANGPYONG with the 1st and 2nd Bn as of 14 Feb 51. The 3rd Bn CP was located 1.5 Km N of PW Co which in turn was located approx 1 Km NW of (CS574409).

d. Deployment of Other Units
PW heard from fellow soldiers that elements of 112th Div were deployed at the rear (west) of PW Bn.
Believed the other Regt of 114th Div were located in area SE of YANGPYONG. The Div Hq was also heard to be located in the vic of YANGPYONG.
3 Feb 51 heard from fellow soldiers that 39th and 40th Armies were situated in the west coast area. The 42nd Army was heard to be situated in the vic of the 38th Army in the YANGPYONG area. Also heard that 50th and 56th (or 66th) Armies were in KOREA.

e. Status of Arms and Ammunition
9th Co:
60mm mortar1unknown
LMG31,000 rd/per
Rifles20-2580 rd/per
Pistols470 rd average
US SMG M-38100 rd/per
Handgreandes2-6 per man 
Explosives3 boxes 
4 Jap model 92 arty pieces and howitzers were observed in his Regt when they came into KOREA. However, at the crossing of HAN River 11 Feb 51, only one piece was seen being taken across the river. PW did not know what had happened to the howitzers and other arty pieces. There were 2 bazookas, 3 HMG, and one 82mm mortar left in his Bn.
His Co received no resupply of ammo since entering KOREA.
14 Feb 51, observed 4 horse carts loaded with ammo being unloaded at approx 4 Km N of the mountain where PW Co was deployed.

f. Status of Food and Clothing
Food was procured locally. Recently emergency rations prepared during the 20 days rest N of SEOUL, were being consumed due to critical shortages.

g. Mission and Intentions
Co CO stated that their mission was to hold the hill approx 1 Km NW of CS 574409 at any cost.

h. Personalities
LIU (fnu) (劉), CO 3rd Bn
NYU Fung Ping (牛鳳平), 28, CO 9th Co
LEE (fnu) (李), 30, Co Political Ldr
RYANG (fnu) (■), CG 38th Army

i. Medical
In PW Co there were 17 severe cases of frostbite, of which 3 men were sent to the rear, 2 cases of Malaria, 5 cases of colds and 2 cases of malnutrition. The rest seemed to be in good condition, although not in the best of health.

j. Enemy Tactics
The road sign (■), was used by the 341st Regt. The sign was sometimes made on the snow or indicated by grass.
PW was a buglar. At the time of surrender, his bugle was confiscated. Bugles not presently used for signalling attacks, since it gives away positions, but for meals and other calls in the rear.
To signal attacks or for identification, whistles are used. Whistle calls are changed daily. If an unknown unit is met at night whistle is blown 3 times and is countered by one long and a very short reply.

k. Psychological Warfare
Co CO stated to his men that anyone taken in by surrender leaflets and surrenders himself to the enemy will be killed since the captors would not understand anything said. However, PW picked up surrender leaflets twice and faithfully believed in them. Since then, PW awaited the opportunity. Those who could not read leaflets came to him asking what they were when they were dropped from air. He explained to them sincerely when the CO was not around, and the majority of them were willing to surrender, but it was very hard to get away from the watchful eyes of superiors.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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