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HU Yui Lien 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 44 NO. 3821 1951-02-15
    미분류 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS MIDI - 0291) 16 February 1951

NAME: HU Yui Lien (胡玉仁) (CCF)
AGE: 36
UNIT: 38th Army, 112th Div, 336th Regt, 1st Bn, 2nd Co, 1st Plat
DUTY: Plat Ldr
EDUCATION: Primary School 2 yr
PLACE AND DATE CAPTURED: 151000 Feb 51 at Hill 578 (CS 527405)

Cooperative and seemed to be sincere. Information is considered fairly reliable, except information as to disposition of units other than his own. Appeared to be unobservant. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Chronology:
336th Regt entered KOREA from CHIAN, MANCHURIA, crossing the YALU River by rail 15 Oct 50. Regt detrained after travelling southward for a distance of 23 km after entering KOREA. 25 Oct 50, Regt joined the rest of 112th Div at KUJANG-DONG and continued southward and arrived at Location approx 28 km N of the 38th Parallel 26 Dec 50. Same day PW and approx 120 men from 112th Div were dispatched to HAKPONG-MYON (CT0963) to obtain food for the division. Group arrived there 23 Dec 50. 6 Jan 51, after the food was obtained and cached in the mountains in the vicinity, the group departed HAKPONG-MYON and crossed the HAN River 26 Jan 51. About 6 days later the group met the 112th Div Asst CG south of the HAN River, where the 121 men returned to their parent units, while the 112th Div Hq group, consisting of 40 men, proceeded to the 112th Div Hq. PW group of 22 arrived at their regimental CP 2 Feb 51. From here PW and 4 others proceeded to the 1st Bn CP (believed to be in vic of CS437403) arriving on the same day. PW was then returned to his plat which was deployed on a hill (believed to be in vic of CS485410) 300 m from the Bn CP. 5 Feb 51, PW platoon withdrew from the hill with the 2nd Co to Hill 578 (CS527408). Here the 2nd Co joined the 3rd Co and the 336th Regt security Co and took up defensive positions. 12 Feb 51, the UN forces attacked the hill with tanks, infantry aircraft and arty. 142130 Feb, the UN infantry penetrated the NW and SW sides of the hill defense perimeter at which time, the 2nd Co withdrew from the hill. However, PW deserted with two others and descended the hill to a small village (believed to be in vic of CS590400) and hid in a cave. At dawn of 15 Feb 51, the group was discovered by a local civilian, who reported them to UN troop who captured them.

b. Organization and Strength (Present):
In addition to 3 rifle battalions in 336th Div, there were two x 82mm mortar companies with a normal strength of 140 men each. Present strength was unknown.
14 Feb 51 the total strength of 1st Bn 336th Regt was approx 200 men, including 56 men in the 2nd Co. Strength of 1st and 3rd companies, as well as the HMG company, was believed about the same as the 2nd Co.
336th Regt Security Co, deployed with 1st Bn on Hill 518, totalled approx 90 men as of 14 Feb 51.
No reinforcements for 336th Regt arrived since entering KOREA. Heard from 2nd Co Comdr that an officer from the 1st Bn had been dispatched to MANCHURIA to bring additional troops for the battalion 15 Jan 51. At that time there was much talk of reinforcements arriving. However, since such reinforcements have not materialized, it was not discussed very often recently.

c. Deployment of PW Own Unit:
1st Bn CP located on the E slope of a hill (believed to be in grid CS530430) 14 Feb 51.

d. Status of Arms and Ammunition:
2nd Co had following weapons and ammo 14 Feb 51:
1 x 60mm mortar with 40 rd of ammo.
3 LMG with 600 rd per LMG
6 Canadian SMG with 200 rd per SMG
12 US M-1 rifles with 100 rd each
In addition, each man carried 4 grenades. As of the same date, 1st Bn HMG Co carried 4 HMG (1000 rd each), 2 x 82mm mortars (20 rd each) 6 Jan 38 model rifles (40 rd each) and 2 grenades ea.
There were also 3 horses on which the 82 mm mortars were carried.
1st Bn was supplied with small arms ammo and grenades at Hill 578 7 Feb 51. PW platoon received 1800 rd of LMG ammo, 700 rd of rifle ammo and 20 hand grenades. This was the only time his plat was supplied with ammo since entering KOREA. However, a total of about 300 rd of captured ammo for the M-1 rifles was supplied PW platoon since entering KOREA.

e. Status of Food and Clothing:
An 120-man group was sent to gather food at HAKPONG-MYON 25 Dec 50. PW group of 22 men from the 336th Regt was told to obtain 200 tons for the regiment. Only 35 tons, however, were actually obtained. 2/3 of the food consisted of rice, while the remainder consisted of corn. This food was obtained from farmers in the area, who received receipts for the amount given and who were informed that such receipts could be used in deducting from their yearly food taxes imposed upon them by the NK govt. After the food was gathered it was cached in a cave at the foot of a hill in the HAKPONG-MYON Area.
Food was not brought to the front lines since PW heard from his Bn CO that the 336th Regt, as well as the remainder of the 112th Div, would be resting N of the HAN River for a period of one or two months during which time the food would be consumed.
Prior to rejoining PW platoon 2 Feb 51, he ate twice daily which was sufficient. Usually ate once daily during combat, and it was insufficient.
Men in his bn were each supplied with a pair of shoes 12 Feb 51 at Hill 578. No other supplies of clothing were received since entering KOREA.

f. Mission and Intentions:
11 Feb 51, platoon leaders in the 2nd Co were told by the Co CO that Hill 578 must be held at all costs for a period of one week, after which time reinforcement would arrive. Further, informed that 2 UN divisions were opposing 38th Army front and that it was the intention of UN to drive 38th Army N of HAN River and to establish defense positions south of the HAN River, which positions would be difficult to attack since the ice on the HAN River would soon melt.

g. Personalities:
WANG Kai Yung (王■榮), 26 yr, CO 2nd Co, 1st Bn, 336th Regt

h. Medical:
Unit had minor colds, and some light cases of frostbite and malnutrition, and no casualties in PW company due to illness of diseases.

i. Armor or Arty:
Never saw any CCF Arty pieces or tanks since entering KOREA.

j. Tactics:
During an UN attack on a hill defended by PW unit, each type of weapon was used successively as the UN forces closed in as follows:
(1) 60mm mortars were used when at a distance of 1000-1500 m and only when 10 or more men bunched together in a group.
(2) HMG were used at a distance of approx 800-1000 m.
(3) LMG opened fire within 300-500 m range of closer when the slopes of the hill permitted observation
(4) Rifles commenced firing within 100 m range.
(5) SMG commenced their fire at 200 m.
(6) Grenades were hurled when within 70-30 m.
Foxholes were dug 3 m apart in staggered positions on uneven terrain and 10 m apart on level terrain. Squad leader’s position was at the center of the sqd, with his foxhole located 3 m behind the rear line of foxholes. The asst sqd leader was deployed on either the left or right flank of the squad. The squad leader and asst sqd ldr carried SMG.
The distance between squads was 30 m on uneven terrain and 50 m on level terrain.

k. Propaganda:
Promise of good treatment including food and clothing appealed to PW most in the surrender leaflets. One of the greatest fears he had in being captured was that since the enemy would not understand his language, he would be mistreated because of misunderstandings.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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