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CHO Won 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 44 NO. 3817 1951-02-05
    전사 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS MIDI - 0267) 8 February 1951

NAME: CHO Won (周文) (CCF)
AGE: 38 yr
UNIT: 38th Army (Code name: PING SHAN PU) (平山部), 113th Div (Code name: 2nd Bn), 337th Regt, 1st Bn (1st Sqd), HMG Co, 2nd Plat, 5th Sqd
DUTY: Shovel Carrier
PLACE AND DATE OF CAPTURE: Surrendered at CS467336, 050900 Feb 51.
OCCUPATION: Photographer
EDUCATION: Primary School 2 yr

Cooperative; due to his lack of education and poor memory, information limited and unreliable. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Chronology:
Conscripted at IHE SONG, MANCHURIA, Sep 49 and after receiving 9 months training, assigned to present unit Jul 50.
In the middle part of Oct 50, PW Bn marched across bridge spenning YALU River and arrived at MANPOJIN. Travelling through KUJANG-DONG, TOKCH’ON, and arrived at a point 8 km E of SEOUL o/a 2 Jan 51, where they stopped for 2 days. O/a 4 Jan 51, departed and after marching about 40 km came to HAN River, where they stayed for 2 weeks. O/a 31 Jan 51, unit crossed HAN River and arrived at vic CS467336 on 2 Feb 51. 041000 Feb 51, UN Forces attacked them and engagement continued until that evening. After sundown unit withdrew but PW stayed behind intending to surrender as he had picked up a surrender leaflet and also heard the surrender broadcast that day. 050900 Feb 51 he surrendered.
At KUJANG-DONG, another Co had contact for the first time and withdrew about 40 km, however, damage unknown. Second contact was at the 38th Parallel 31 Dec 50, his Co incurred 4 casualties. Battle at vic CS467336 4 Feb 51, unit sustained heavy casualties.

b. Organization and Strength (Present):
337th Regt composed of 3 Bn; 1st Bn composed of 3 Rifle Co and HMG Co. Present strength was approx 240 as of 4 Feb 51. HMG Co consisted of 2 HMG Plat, 1x72mm Mortar Plat and 1 Plat which was composed of mess, and communication personnel. Present strength of HMG Co was approx 60 men as of 4 Feb 51, original strength was 160.

c. Deployment of PW Own Unit:
Heard from Co CO that 1st Bn assigned sector was area vic CS467336 prior to attack of 4 Feb 51.

d. Deployment of Other Units:
Heard from fellow soldiers that 40th, 42nd, and 52nd Armied were in KOREA.

e. Status of Arms, Ammunition, and Equipment:
Estimated arms and ammo of his Co:
2x82mm mortars ammo : none
4 HMG ammo : 800 rd ea
3 Bazookas ammo: Approx 5 rd ea, none for the captured bazookas
2 Handgrenades per man
No resupply of arms nor ammunition. Last ammo received was at KAIWEN, MANCHURIA, just before departure.

f. Status of Food and Clothing:
Brought 3-4 days emergency rations from MANCHURIA, which was gone soon after entering KOREA. Since then food was confiscated from Korean villages.
No clothing supply was received or expected, except for a pair of shoes, which were issued at TOKCH’ON.

g. Mission and Intentions:
Heard from political officer that PW Bn was to prepare a defense line at vic CS467336 while other units in the 38th Army rested at the rear until spring attack, which was said to be after New Year of Lunar Calendar. Also heard that most of the units of 38th Army are at the other side of HAN River.

h. Personalities:
WANG (fnu) (王), 45, Co 1st Bn
WANG (fnu) (王), 25, HMG Co CO
PAI (fnu) (白), 30, Co Political Officer.

i. Medical:
All personnel in his Co were healthy enough to fight except one who suffered from frostbite.

j. Engineer:
Saw approx 300 men, believed to be engineer unit fixing a bridge, location unknown, in early part of Dec 50. They had only picks and shovels and were laying logs on a damaged bridge. Asked one of them and found out that they were engineer unit of the 38th Army.

k. Propaganda:
Political leader told them that it was obvious that the US would attack MANCHURIA after occupying North KOREA, as she wants the natural resources (iron) in MANCHURIA.
Majority of his Co read surrender leaflets, heard broadcast from ground while they were at vic CS467336 o/a 3 Feb 51. Since they were prohibited to read or discuss leaflets and broadcasts, PW was not able to obtain the other’s opinions. Believed majority of them are willing to surrender.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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