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CHUN Chong Ling 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 43 NO. 3765 1951-02-18
    전사 무학 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS - MISDI - 0297) 20 February 1951

NAME: CHUN Chong Ling (陳滄鈴) (CCF)
AGE: 42
UNIT: 39th Army, (Code Name: 55th unit 五五部隊), 115th Div, Medical Bn, 2nd Co, 3rd Plat, 9th Sqd
DUTY: Stretcher Bearer
PLACE AND DATE CAPTURED: Surrendered on 181900 Feb 51 at CS892430
OCCUPATION: Laborer and Wood Dealer

Cooperative and willingly gave information. Information limited due to unfamiliar places and names and low education. Very poor memory on dates. Information may be considered fairly reliable. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Chronology:
PW entered in CNA in 45 and in Oct 48, was captured by CCF in MANCHURIA. Immediately after capture he was assigned to the present unit in PEIPING.
In late Oct 50 Stretcher Bn, which was directly attached to 115th Div, crossed the YALU River. Proceeded south and arrived at UNSAN (YE3928), where they stayed approx 10 days. In late Dec 50, arrived approx 8 Km N of P'YONGYANG and after 4 days rest Bn advanced further south, arriving point 4 Km N of SEOUL in early Jan 51. After about 15 days, departed and travelled eastward and after crossing unk frozen river (believed to be PUKGANG River), marched south and arrived at village (CS885460) 16 Feb 51. 17 Feb 51, Bn withdrew northward taking same mountain trail which they used on the southward march. Because PW was not fit for his job as a stretcher bearer was told to carry rice bags and follow the unit. When his unit withdrew northward, PW deserted, spent one night at CS892430 and surrendered 181900 Feb 51.

b. Organization and Strength:
39th Army composed of 115th, 116th and 117th Div, Medical Section, Artillery Bn and Engineer Bn. PW heard from Bn CO o/a 10 Feb 51 that army strength was approx 23,000.
115th Div composed of; 36th, 37th, and 38th Regt (Sic), Medical unit, stretcher bn and artillery Btry Div strength was unk to him.
Stretcher Bn composed of 3 Co, and Bn strength was approx 320 as of 17 Feb 51.
2nd Co composed of 3 plat, and approx 100 men.
Bn was composed of stretcher bearers plus 3 medical officers per Co.
3rd Plat, 29 men, composed of 3 sqd. There were 6 stretchers in each Plat.

c. Deployment of PW Own Unit:
As of 17 Feb 51, 115th Div Hq was located at approx 6 Km N of village (CS885460).
PW heard from plat leader that the 39th Army Hq was located approx 20 Km to the rear of his Bn.
PW Bn Cp was located at village (CS885460), however, on 17 Feb 51 Bn withdrew northward to unk place.

d. Deployment of Other Units:
During a conversation between his Co CO and Plat Ldr on 16 Feb 51 overheard that 38th Army was deployed on the left (east) about 20 Km away and 40th Army on the right (west) at unk distance of the 39th. No additional information.

e. Status of Arms, Ammo, Supply, and Equipment:
Bn was armed with 2 pistols, carried by Bn CO and ass't CO and 20 Jap 38 model rifles. Riflemen, each had 40 rd of ammo and 2 handgrenades.

f. Status of Food and Clothing:
On New Years received emergency food rations (koaliang and flour) of about 4 cupfuls per man, which would last for 4 days. Usually obtained food from vic villages of their stay. Did not have enough food.
Received pair of shoes on New Year, but no other clothing had been received after entering Forces.

g. Mission and Intention:
PW Bn mission was to evacuate the wounded CCF to Div Hq. Wounded would be brought to his Bn from regt.

h. Personalities:
FU (fnu) (胡), 28, CG 39th Army
KANG Kui Chang (姜貴常), 37, CG 115th Div
KU (fnu) (鼓), 32, Bn CO
CHANG (fnu), 28, CO 2nd Co
WONG Sun Chung (王■■), 34, 3rd Plat Ldr

i. Physical Condition of Troops:
Physical condition in his Bn was generally poor. There were 6 deaths due to cold, 20 cases of severe frostbite which were evacuated to the rear, and 6 men presently suffering from frostbite.

j. Road Signs:
Bn road sign was as indicated below.
Length about 3 feet and indicated by line. When it snows it is made by black stuff.

k. Psychological Warfare:
In early Jan 51 his fellow soldier picked up surrender leaflets and PW was informed what was written on them. Majority who read leaflets believed them, however, they seemed scared of being captured as they might be killed by misunderstanding.

l. Evacuation of wounded:
The night of 16 Feb 51 his Bn evacuated approx 280 CCF wounded to Div who were forwarded to his Bn from 3 Regt by stretcher Co, which were attached to the Regt. Then, PW Bn forwarded the wounded men to Div Hq from there they were to be forwarded to Army Hq. On the night of 17 Feb 51, approx 140 wounded soldiers were again brought to his Bn from 3 Regt. Thereafter Bn withdrew to the north carrying the wounded at the same time. About 10 wounded men were left behind at the village (CS885460) because there were not enough men to evacuate them.
PW Bn has evacuated approx 5,000 wounded since entry into KOREA. No KIA were handled by his Bn.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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