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CH’OE I Yun 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 39 NO. 3580 1951-02-14
    중위 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (528 LDI - 0189) 14 February 1951

PW NAME: CH’OE I Yun (崔利胤) (최리윤)
PW NO: Jackson Temp #365
AGE: 25
DUTY: Bn Supply Officer
UNIT: I NK Corps, 8th Div, 1st Regt, 2nd Bn Hq
EDUCATION: 6 yr primary school
DATE OF CAPTURE: 140800 Feb 51

PW seemed to be in good physical condition at the time of interrogation. PW was employed by the P’YONGYANG Rubber Co at P’YONGYANG for 5 yr prior to entering the NKA. Cooperative and of average intelligence. Information considered fairly reliable. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Unit Organization, Strength and Equipment:
UnitCode NumberCode Name
1st Regt157Unk
I NK Corps composed of 8th, 47th and an unk Div.
8th Div composed of 1st, 2nd, 3rd Regt.
1st Regt composed of 3 Rifle Bn, Communication Co, Medical Co, SMG Co, and Arty Bn.
2nd Bn composed of 3 Rifle Co, Med Plat, Communication Plat, Arty Sec, an AT Plat, HMG Co, and Mortar.
UnitOrig StrDatePresent StrDate
I NK Corps over20,000Dec 50unk 
8th Div8,000〃 〃unk 
1st Regt2,000〃 〃unk 
2nd Bn400〃 〃300Feb 51
Artillery and air strikes caused heavy casualties in PW unit.
SMG Co had approx 50 PPSH M1941 SMG.
HMG Co had 12 M1910 HMG.
AT Plat had 6 PTRD 1941 AT rifles.
Mortar Co had one 82mm M1941 mortar.
Troops had rifles (M1891/30). Each man had two hand grenades (RG-42).

b. Unit Assignment and Intentions:
1st Regt ordered to go to vic KWANAK-SAN (CS2046) 12 Feb 51.

c. Disposition:
The morning of 14 Feb 51, 1st Regt of 8th Div was disorganized by a surprise attack by elements of UN forces in vic of KWANAK-SAN. 12 Feb 51, PW heard from the 2nd Bn CO that 2nd and 3rd Regt were located in SEOUL.

d. Communication:
Telephones were used by units down to Bn level. Runners were used by lower echelon units. Telephone wires were installed by the Communication Unit and were laid on the ground.

e. Personalities:
PAEK, Hae Lim (白學林) Col - Regt CO, 1st Regt
CHAE, Ho Bun (崔虎範) Maj - Bn CO, 2nd Bn

f. Artillery:
O/a 5 Feb 51, observed one 76mm gun being towed by a truck towards SEOUL from YONGDUNGPO (CS1555). Heard from another officer that the gun belonged to the 8th Div.

g. Morale:
Morale of the majority in PW unit was relatively low due to lack of food, insufficient clothing, over exhaustion, and fear of artillery and air attacks. Men in unit appeared to be in fairly good physical condition.

h. Chronology:
Conscripted into the NKA 12 Jul 50 at P’YONGYANG and received two months of basic training. Upon completion of basic training, assigned to present unit and commissioned a Lt. 16 Oct 50, entire 8th Div withdrew from P’YONGYANG to CHOSAN (YF3624) arriving there early Nov 50. 15 Dec 50, Div marched southward and arrived at the CHONGCHON River 20 Dec 50. Div continued southward and arrived vic of P’YONGYANG o/a 24 Dec 50. O/a 26 Dec 50, 1st Regt departed P’YONGYANG on food and arrived at HAEJU (YC3813) o/a 28 Dec 50. 2nd and 3rd Regt headed towards KAESONG (BT8604) when 1st Regt departed for HAEJU. From HAEJU, 1st Regt moved southward and arrived vic of SEOUL o/a 12 Jan 51. 1st Regt crossed the HAN River over the ice at SOBINGGO (CS230540) arriving at YUKSAM-NI (approx 8 km south of SEOUL) 14 Jan 51. Here, 1st Regt was rejoined by 2nd and 3rd Regts, and conducted advanced combat training until 8 Feb 51. 8th Div withdrew from YUKSAM-NI 8 Feb 51 and went to AHYON-DONG (West sector of SEOUL) arriving 10 Feb 51. 12 Feb 51, 1st Regt received orders to proceed to a point 4 km north of KWANAK-SAN (CS2046). The night of 12 Feb 51, 1st Regt departed AHYON-DONG on food and crossed the HAN River at TUKTO (CS2855) on the same night. 1st Regt marched towards their objective and enroute, approx 10 - 12 km SW from TUKTO, 1st Regt was attacked by US troops 13 Feb 51. During the attack, the unit became disorganized and the men started retreating towards the rear. Regt CO ordered the retreating troops to advance. During this engagement, approx 50% of the 1st Regt were KIA, few taken PW, and few became stragglers. Deserted his unit during this engagement and walked approx 15 km and slept approx two hours by a small stream. When PW awoke, he observed 10 US troops about 30 meters away and surrendered.

i. Food and Ammo Supplies:
There were 2 days of food supplies (barley and rice) in the 2nd Bn 12 Feb 51. They were fed twice a day approx 600 grams per man per meal.
Men in PW unit received one issue of 200 rd of s/a ammo since entering service. No supplies were received from the rear.

j. Psychological Warfare:
Picked up one UN leaflet o/a 11 Feb 51 at AAHYON-DONG. After reading the leaflet, PW had no desire to fight and had intentions of surrendering.

k. Captured Equipment:
There was one US carbine in PW unit.

e. Medical:
Most common disease in PW unit was scrub-typhus. During the period, Jan 51 to 14 Feb 51, there were 6 cases of scrub-typhus in the 2nd Bn. Men infected with scrub-typhus were sent to the Regt Medical Co. Treatment given unk.

f. Effectiveness of Night Bombing:
2nd Bn was subjected to night bombing at YUKSAM-NI 14 Jan 51 and again 15 Jan 51. Casualties suffered were 6 KIA.

PW was previously interrogated by the 3rd Div IPW Team.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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