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HAM Yu Son 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 36 NO. 3437 1951-02-07
    중사 미분류 남성
FIELD REPORT(163-MISDI-0274) 11 February 1951
(Atchd 1st Mar Div)

PW NAME: HAM Yu Son (咸裕善)
PW NO: 1st M-P-4352
DUTY: Sqd Ldr
UNIT: II Corps, 10th Div, Arty Regt, 2nd Bn, 4th Co, 2nd Plat, 3rd Sqd

PW cooperative. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Mission: The 10th Div mission when they left HWACH’ON, was to come into South KOREA and cut the strength of the UN force by forming a guerrilla bands, they were told to make roadblocks and attack small units for the purpose of taking weapons and equipment. Also to take all weapons and equipment from all villages which they pass. By doing this their fire power will strengthen and UN will eventually run short of fire arms.

b. Strength of Unit:
Original Strength - 26 Dec 50 at HWACH’ON, North KOREA.
10th Div - 4500
Arty Regt - 400
2nd Bn, Arty Regt - 120
4th Btry, 2nd Bn - 40
2nd Plat, 4th Btry, 2nd Bn - 17
3rd Sqd, 2nd Plat - 7
25th Regt - 1000
27th Regt - 1000
29th Regt - 1000
APO No. for 10th Div - #769 Mar 50
The Arty Regt Code Name: “CHONCH’ON-GANG” (name of river)
Present Strength: 6 Feb 51 at PING-SAN-DONG (ER 2324)
Arty Regt - 400
2nd Bn - 100
4th Btry, 2nd Bn -30
2nd PLat, 4th Bty - 10
3rd Sqd, 2nd Plat - 5

c. Chronology:
9 Apr 50 - PW conscripted into the NKA at SUKCH’ON, North KOREA.
15 Sep 50 - Because his sqd ldr was transferred into the Infantry unit, PW was promoted to Sqd Ldr, at SONGJU-GUN, SONGJU-MYON, South KOREA.
15 Dec 50 - 10th Div reorganized at HWACH’ON, North KOREA.
26 Dec 50 - 10th Div left HWACH’ON via. YANGGU, and E of WONJU, CHECHON, YONGJU and ANDONG for the purpose of securing weapons from the UN Forces. Stated that the 27 and 29th Regt were sent as forward echelon, followed by 10th Div Hq, 25th. Regt and Arty Regt.
6 Jan 51 - PW heard that 27th and 29th Regt received air attack. Casualties unk.
15 Jan 51 - 10th Div arrived in the Eastern vicinity of ANDONG (ER 7646).
20 Jan 51 - 10th Div assembled at HASA’-DONG (DR 9724), SANGSADONG (DR 9725), and TAESA-DONG (DR 9827). 10th Div divided as follow:
TAESA - DONG - The 10th Div Hq, Arty Regt and 29th Regt stayed within this village area.
SANGSA - DONG - The 27th Regt stayed within this village area.
HASA - DONG - 25th Regt stayed within this village. The entire 10th Div stayed in this area for five days.
25 Jan 51 - 27th and 29th Regt left for an unknown area. The 10th Div Hq, 25th Regt, and Arty Regt, left for PONGSAN - DONG (ER 2224).
4 Feb 51 - Arrived PONGSAN - DONG. (The group took 10 days to reach this destination because of UN Forces in this locale.) The Div Hq, 25th and Arty Regt were instructed to avoid contact with UN Force when practicable.
5 Feb 51 - Half of the personnel of Div Hq, 25th and Arty Regt stayed in PONGSAN village and half of the troops were put on Guard throughout the area of PONGSAN-DONG.
6 Feb 51 - 1730 hours they were committed in a fire fight with KMC and US Marines. At 1900 hours PW was hit by a hand grenade shrapnel. Being hit, PW went down into the village of PONGSAN-DONG to take shelter.
7 Feb 51 - PW heard that his unit went East and was to follow the river South. PW left PONGSAN - DONG 0600 hours following the same route hoping to catch up with his unit. PW was quite sure that the Div Hq, 25th Regt and Arty Regt headed South. At 1700 PW arrived at SINGI. Here he was captured by the 1st Bn, KMC. Disposition of 10th Div Hq, 25th Regt and Arty Regt were unknown.

d. Personalities:
2nd Plat Ldr - HAK, Chon Sun, Jr Lt, 25.
4th Co, CO-LEE, Chan Hae, Sr Lt.
10th Div CG - LEE, Pan Nam, Maj Gen.

e. Weapons and Equipment: Arty Regt
9 HMG 1000 rd per HMG
Arty Regt unknown number of PPsh-SMG, Russian Rfiles, US Carbines, and US M-l Rifles. Each man carried approx 100 rd of ammo.
1 Wireless Russian telephone at Regt Hq.
15 Field telephones.

f. Ammo and Supply:
(1) Ammo - There was no resupply in ammunition. All-troops were told to pick up any ammunition or weapon which were in possession of dead enemy or their own troops.
(2) Food - Food was either bought with money or forceably taken from villagers.
(3) Medical - PW has not heard of any sickness other than cold. Cold caught because of lack of clothing. If any person became seriously ill or wounded, they were left behind in care of villagers. Medical supply was scarce. Supply point was unknown.
(4) Clothing - Only the set they wore. Stated many troops confiscated additional clothing from villagers; however, no excess clothing was carried.
⅓ of the troops wore NK Uniform.
⅓ of the troops wore civilian clothes.
⅓ of the troops wore US Uniform.
The US uniforms were obtained from dead UN troops.
(5) Shelter - From HWACH’ON, North KOREA up until TAESA-DONG (DR 9827), shelter was taken in villages. From 25 Jan 51 all shelter was in the mountains under trees or on side of mountains.

g. Foreign Elements:
In HWACH’ON, PW heard from the Arty Regt Political Advisor that there was one army of CCF troops CHORWON, North KOREA.

h. Morale:
Morale was very low due to insufficiency in food, equipment and too much walking. Stated the officers’ morale was fair.

i. Effectiveness of Weapons:
NK troops feared air attack and Arty.

j. UN PW:
25 Jan 51, PW saw 2 American PW at TAESA-DONG (DR 9827). These two Americans were questioned at 10th Div Hq, then released for them to return to their uni toward ANDONG (ER 7646). The PW heard that the 10th Div Hq gave these two Americans the following paper in Korean:
“These two American have been questioned at the 10th Div Hq and are hereby released to return to their own unit”.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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