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CHUNG, Shi Tung|TING, Fung Ching 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 35 NO. 3394 1951-01-29
    전사 무학 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS MISD - 0234) 30 January 1951

NAME: CHUNG, Shi Tung (陳犧東)
AGE: 18
DUTY: Rifleman
UNIT: 38th Army, 112 Div, 335 Regt, 2nd Bn, 4th Co, 2nd Plat, 4 Sqd
OCCUPATION: Store Keeper (Laborer)

NAME: TING, Fung Ching (丁鳳淸)
AGE: 28
UNIT: 38th Army, 112 Div, 335 Regt, 2nd Bn, 4th Co, 1st Plat, 1 Sqd
DUTY: Rifleman
DATE AND PLACE CAPTURED: 290700 Jan 51, CS525279

PW were cooperative, information gathered here is considered fairly reliable. PW were wounded, therefore, interrogation conducted was brief.

a. Chronology:
Prior to arriving at CS525279 27 Jan 51, the 2nd Bn was stationed at approximately 12 km NW of CS525279, here the unit spent three days digging fox holes.
26 Jan 51, PW unit departed the above mentioned area. They were told by the Bn Comdr that the UN forces were infiltrating, therefore, they were sent to repel this enemy at any cost.
282200 Jan 51, PW 2nd Bn engaged the enemy for approximately two hours before retreating. During the engagement PW were wounded and were captured the following morning.

b. Organization & Strength:
The 38th Army was composed of the 112th, 113th, 114th Div and an Artillery Regt totaling about 30,000 men. In each division, there were three infantry Regt and an Arty Bn, totaling about 8,000 men.
In 112th Div, were the 334th, 335th, 336th Regt and an Arty Bn.
PW estimated that the 2nd Bn strength prior to their capture was 500, and 4th Co, 110 men.

c. Location of his Own Unit:
Prior to enemy attack on 282200 Jan 51, the Bn CP was located on the NE slope of hill at CS525279. The Company CP (the 4th, 5th, 6th Co) were deployed on the NE edge within a 200m radius of the Bn CP.

d. Location of Other Units:
38th Army crossed the HAN River around 15 Jan 51. Location of deployment unknown.
PW believe their unit (the 335 Regt) was the most advance element of the 38th Army because he observed no other unit of the 38th Army ahead of theirs.

e. Status of Arms, Ammunition, Supply, Equipment:
4th Co prior to his capture had:
Present status
2X82mm Mortars 11 rd each
9 LMG 800 rd each
50 M-1 Rifles & Carbines 200 rd each

f. Status of Food & Clothing:
No food supply or clothing had been received after departing YONCHON (CT3117) about a month ago. At YONCHON each soldier of the 4th Co received a new pair of shoes.

g. Personalities:
YU, CHUNG KIANG (魚振江), 32, 1st Plat Ldr.

h. Mission:
The mission of the 2nd Bn was to defend the hill at CS525279 and to wait for the enemy, who were approaching the area and to attack if there should be an opportunity.

i. Artillery and River Crossing:
PW observed four 38.1mm Artillery pieces in the Artillery Regt o/a 16 Jan 51, after crossing the HAN River. Crossing of the HAN River was made over a concrete bridge, location unk.

For the AC of S G-2:


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