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YEN, Wan Chun 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 34 NO. 3338 1951-01-26
    전사 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (IX CORPS MID - 0226) 27 January 1951

NAME: YEN, Wan Chun (嚴万春)
AGE: 22
UNIT: 50th Army, 150th Div, 450th Regt, 1st Bn, 3rd Co, 2nd Plat, 6th Sqd
DUTY: Rifleman
DATE CAPTURED, PLACE: Captured approx 100m N of YONGJI-RI (CS483210) 260900 Jan 51
OCCUPATION: Restaurant Owner
EDUCATION: Primary School (3 yrs)
Nationality: Chinese

PW was cooperative during interrogation and tried to give all the information he could. Information was limited, however, because of PW unfamiliarity with military organizations. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Organization and Strength:
The 50th Army was composed of the 148th, 150th and one other Div.
PW started that 150th Div consisted of three Regt. Strength of these Regt was approx 1500 each, and they were divided into Bns of approx 400-500 men each. A MG Co and 82mm Mortar Plat in each Bn. PW Regt had a M92 Gun Btry. Bn had 3 Co each.

b. Unit Location:
450th Regt CP was loc in village at (CS467229); 2nd and 3rd Bn were loc on a hill approx 800m north of YANGJI RI RR Station, between (CS476223) and (CS479223). 1st Bn CP was loc on a mountain 800m southwest of a village (CS472216), approx 1200m from the YANGJI RI RR station. PW Co CP was loc near a river approx 400m west southwest of YANGJI RI.
O/a 24 Jan 51, PW Co CO mentioned that another Regt was on a mountain northeast of YANGJI RI RR Station. CO further stated that other elements of 150th Div were deployed in hills approx 4 km northeast of YANGJI RI.

c. Chronology:
50th Army entered KOREA approx two months ago. O/a 11 Jan 51, 450th Regt passed through SEOUL as advance element. Regt, after passing SEOUL, crossed HAN River over frozen river bed. Approx 800m away from crossing was a road. He also observed a few trucks on the south bank of the river.
After traveling to a point about 10 kms southeast of SEOUL the Regt bivouaced for the right. During the night of 16 Jan 51, 1st Bn, following 2nd and 3rd Bn, departed the bivouac area for YANJI RI. Traveling generally southeast, the 1st Bn arr TAEHWA SAN (CS4927) 17 Jan 51. 2nd and 3rd Bns arr on the same day, ahead of 1st Bn. 450th Regt rested here 4 days. Departing TAEHWA SAN, Regt arrived vic YANGJI-RI 251600 Jan.
PW plat was ordered to reconnoiter enemy dispositions in vic YANGJI-RI on day of arrival. At 1800 br the Plat engaged the en and was dispersed. PW was separated from his unit and was captured on 260600 Jan 51 by 2nd Bn, 8th US Cav.

d. Weapons:
There were 6 x 62mm Mortars in the Mortar Co, and 4 HMG in the MG Co. Ea Inf Co had 6 LMG, with troops carrying Type 38 and Russ rifles. No arty pieces or tanks were observed.
Following ammunition supplies were available:
60mm Mortars 35 rd ea
62mm Mortars Unknown
LMG 1000 rd ea
Rifles 70 rd ea

e. Supply:
Supplies last received at ANTUNG, MANCHURIA, prior to entering KOREA.
CCF is very short of rations and at best only two meals each day are available. There were days when PW went hungry.

f. Medical:
About 50% of PW Co was suffering from stomach ailments, malnutrition and frostbite.

g. Mission:
PW stated that the Co CO told men they were to rest at YONGJI-RI area for 2 or 3 days.

h. Personalities:
RIN (FNU) 1st Bn CO
TWAO (FNU) 3rd Co CO
CHU (FNU) 540th Regt CO

i. Morale:
Officers are in high spirits, but due to the shortage of food the morale of the troops is very low. 50% of PW Co is suffering from some physical ailment. Even those who are suffering from frostbite are forced to fight as long as they are able to walk.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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