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TSENG, Tzu-ming|PAN, Shou-chon|LI, Wi-wang 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 34 NO. 3332 1951-01-25
    전사 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (528 LDI - 0167) 25 January 1951

PW NAMES: (a) TSENG, Tzu-ming (曾子明) Chinese
(b) PAN, Shou-chon (潘守■) Chinese
(c) LI, Wi-wang (李■■) Chinese
PW NO: (a) Jackson Temporary #217
(b) Jackson Temporary #218
(c) Jackson Temporary #219
AGES: (a) 17
(b) 33
(c) 27
RANKS: (a) Pvt
(b) Pvt
(c) Pvt
DUTY: Riflemen
UNIT: 50th Army, 150th Div, 449th Regt, 2nd Bn, 4th Co, 1st Plat
EDUCATION: (a) 5 months primary school
(b) & (c) None
PLACE OF CAPTURE: Vic Hill 404 (CS3721)
DATE OF CAPTURE: 251800 Jan 51
HOME ADDRESSES: Same as above

PW were lightly wounded. They were of average intelligence and cooperative but information was limited. Not recommended for further interrogation.

a. Unit Organization, Strength and Equipment:
The 50th Army (Code No: 57th Unit) was composed of the 148th, 149th, and 150th Div, Arty Regt, Security Regt, a Med Unit, a Propaganda Unit, a Sig Unit, a Transportation Unit, and an Administration Section. 150th Div was composed of the 448th, 449th, and 450th Regt, Arty Bn, Security Bn, a Med Unit, a Propaganda Unit, Sig Co, a Transportation Unit, and an Administration Section. 449th Regt was composed of three Inf Bn, Arty Btry, Mortar Co, Security Co, Med Unit, Propaganda Unit, Sig Plat, and Transportation Plat. 2nd Bn was composed of 3 Rifle Co and HMG Co. 4th Co was composed of 3 Rifle Sqd and LMG Sqd.
50th Army, 150th Div, 449th Regt, 2nd Bn, 4th Co was also known as the 57th Unit, 3rd Bn, 2nd Co, 2nd Volunteer Unit, 5th Combat Unit.
50th Armyapprox 30,0001 Nov 50unk 
150th Div〃 8,000unk 
445th Regt〃 2,000unk 
2nd Bn〃 500unk 
4th Co1249024 Jan 51
1st Plat3020
Casualties were caused by air strikes, artillery and sickness. Air strikes took the heaviest toll.
PW Co had 6 LMG, 2 60mm mortars, rifles (Japanese make), four hand grenades per man, five bangalore torpedoes one meter long, two inches diameter, 3.5 kg with steal tubular casing and screw type fuze. The torpedoes were used against tanks on suicide missions. Co also had four land mines (weight 3.5 kg).
HMG Co had 4 HMG.
Mortar Co had 4 82mm mortars.
Arty Btry had 4 type 92 guns which were used against personnel, tanks, and artillery.
Transportation Plat had four horsecarts each drawn by a team of three horses. No trucks.
The Sig Plat had an unk number of telephones.

b. Unit Assignment and Intentions:
PW unit was to defend the area vic CS306269 by digging foxholes and trenches. PW had no knowledge of overall mission or reinforcement, or evacuation possibilities.

c. Disposition:
PW heard from stretcher bearers who took wounded to the Regt CP that it was located approx 2 miles to the rear of their Co CP on 18 Jan 51. During daylight hours, the CP in the village were vacated and the personnel bid in the mountains. After dark, they returned to the village.

d. Communications:
Communication in PW Co was carried out by messengers and by bugle calls. Telephones were used by Bn and higher headquarters.

e. Personalities:
SUN(Phonetic) - 1st Plat Ldr - 4th Co, 2nd Bn
CHUI(Phonetic) - 4th Co CO, 2nd Bn
TU(Phonetic) - 2nd Bn CO, 449th Regt
FU, Lien-hu(Phonetic) - Asst CO, 449th Regt
WAN, Ja-sun(Phonetic) - CG - 150th Div
CHON(Phonetic) - 50th Army CG

f. Morale:
Morale was low in PW unit because of insufficient food and fatigue due to constant marching and lack of sleep.

g. Chronology:
PW were formerly in the CKA and were integrated into the CCF. The 449th Regt crossed the border by way of ANTUNG to SINUIJU, date unk. The Regt proceeded southward via PYONGYANG and SEOUL. Details and date unk. PW Co and Bn arrived at vic CS306269 o/a 16 Jan 51.

h. Food and Ammo Supplies:
Food was procured from local villages. 80 rd of ammo per man were issued prior to entering KOREA, and 20 additional rd were issued on 22 Jan 51. Horsecarts were used for hauling supplies on the MSR. Source of supplies unk.

i. Replacements:
No replacements were received by PW unit.
Wounded personnel were sent to the rear for medical attention and upon recovering were returned to their original units.

j. Psychological Warfare:
PW saw UN leaflets and they intended to surrender, however, did not have the opportunity. No aerial broadcasts were heard.

k. Air Force and Navy:
PW heard from Co CO that there were 50 planes in SEOUL on 23 Jan 51. Details unk.

l. Medical:
Tetanus immunization was received at PYONGYANG, date unk. No other immunizations were received. PW had no knowledge of narcotics or drugs used by CCF.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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