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YUN, Bong Hun 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 27 NO. 2978 1950-11-13
    중위 중등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (164 MISDI - 1317) 12 Jan 1951

PW NAME: YUN, Bong Hun (尹奉勳)(윤봉훈)(NKA)
RANK: Lt Col (中佐)
ORGN: 13th Inf Div, 19th Inf Regt
EDUCATION: Middle School, 5 yrs
AGE: 22
DATE & PLACE OF CAPTURE: Surrendered at 131000 I Nov 50 at SUBIMYON (ER1677) to ROK police.

PW has been voluntarily serving with the ROK Police in combating by-passed North Korean troops and guerrilla units in the TAEBAEK SAN (DS9306) area from 13 Nov 50 to 9 Jan 51 when he was escorted by ROK MP's to the UN PW stockade. To his knowledge, he cannot think of any reason for this reversal. To his knowledge, he cannot think of any reason for this reversal. The PW allegedly even fought NK guerrillas alongside the ROK police.
PW was very cooperative and talked freely.
Information seems reliable.

3. T/O & E AND STRENGTH OF PW'S UNIT: (As of Sep 50)
The 13th Div (code 717)(APO 6001) was composed of the 19th (code: 719, APO 6002), 21st (code: 720; APO 6003) and 23rd (code: 721; APO 6004) Rifle Regiments, Artillery Regt (code: 718; APO 6005), 76mm SPG Bn (code: 724; APO 70010), NCO Training Bn (code: 723; APO 70011), Medical Bn (code: 725; APO 6001 "Ku"), and Engineer Bn.
The 19th Regt was composed of 3 Rifle Bns, 76mm Gun Co, 45mm Gun Bn, Signal Co, Recon Co, Engineer Plat, Guard Plat, SMG Co, and Medical Unit.
The 19th Regt was composed of 168 men on 13 Nov 50.
PW, the 19th Regimental Commander, surrendered with these troops on 131000 Nov 50.

PW observed approx 4,000 NK troops concentrated around TAEBAEK SAN (DS9306) and TONGKO SAN (Highest Mt South of TAEBAEK SAN) during the period 9 Nov 50 - 13 Nov 50. These troops were by-passed NK troops of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Divisions and guerrilla elements. Approximately 400 females were included in this group. Approximately 2,000 troops were armed with US carbines, M-1 rifles, USSR M1891/30 rifles, pistols and handgrenades.
These troops were planning to go to CHIRI SAN (CQ8410).
These troops had been confident that final victory would be theirs, because they had been told that NK troops, CCF troops and USSR troops were coming to aid them.

PW was inducted into a Railroad Guard Unit at HAMHUNG (CV7319) 18 Nov 46 and was assigned to the 1st Headquarters Guard Co of the Railroad Guard Hq located in HAMHUNG.
2 Oct 47, the RR Guard Hq moved to WONSAN (CU6536).
1 Oct 48, PW was assigned to the 1st Officers School (第一軍官学校) located in PYONGYANG.
5 Oct 49, PW graduated from the 1st Officers School with a rank of Jr Lt and was assigned as C/S of 19th Inf Regimental Rear Unit located in SINUIJU (XE1839).
From Oct 49 to June 50, the 13th Inf Div was engaged in training.
12 Jun 50, the 13th Div departed SINUIJU on train and travelled to KUMCHON (BT5496). Detraining at KUMCHON, the 13th Div assembled and prepared for combat.
15 Jun 50, the 13th Div departed KUMCHON and marched through mountainous terrain to YONCH'ON (CT3218), arriving at YONCH'ON on 19 June 50.
20 Jun 50, the 13th Div departed YONCH'ON and marched through CHONKOK (全谷) to MUNSON (文先 on 38th parallel N of SEOUL).
Arriving at the MUNSON area 25 Jun 50, the 1st Bn, 19th Regt engaged a ROK unit. Due to superiority of the ROK unit in the MUNSON area, the 13th Div moved Eastward to TONGTUCH'ON (CT2900), arriving at TONGTUCH'ON on 27 Jun 50. 13th Div regrouped at TUNGTUCH'ON and departed for SEOUL on 27 Jun 50, arriving at SEOUL 1 Jul 50.
While traveling from SEOUL to SANGJU (BS6479), the following places were passed:
Place DepartedDateMode of TravelPlace ArrivedDate
SEOUL3 Jul 50MarchedSUWON7 Jul 50
SUWON (CS2426)7 Jul 50ICH'ON9 Jul 50
ICH'ON (CS6227)9 Jul 50CHANGHOWON-Nl13 Jul 50
CHANGHOWON-NI (CS7908)13 Jul 50UMSONG23 Jul 50
UMSONG (CS0073)23 Jul 50TANYANG29 Jul 50
TANYANG (DS4402)29 Jul 50HAMCH'ANG7 Aug 50
HAMCH'ANG (DR2644)7 Aug 50SANGJU13 Aug 50
13th Div captured SANGJU 13 Aug 50.
13th Div crossed the NAKTONG River East of SANGJU 17 Aug 50 but suffered heavy casualties (19th Regt, approx 50%) from UN air strikes.
19th Regt arrived at SANGJANG DONG (BR8930) 25 Aug 50. Here, the regiment regrouped with the addition of many South Korean conscripts.
19th Regt engaged UN units frequently and fought southward to TABU DONG (DQ5689), reaching TABU DONG 3 Sep 50. 19th Regt suffered heavy losses during these engagements.
PW was appointed as 19th Regimental Commander 10 Sep 50.
The 19th Regt moved to KASAN (Walked City N of TAEGU), arriving there on 20 Sep 50.
22 Sep 50, the 19th Regt was ordered to proceed to CHORWON. The 19th Regt totaled 200 men at this time.
19th Regt departed KASAN on 22 Sep 50 and marched through KUNWI (DR6109), ANDONG (DR7646), YONGJU (DR6796), to TANYANG (DS4402). Arriving at TANYANG o/a 15 Oct 50, PW discovered that their route Northward was blocked.
19th Regt (totaling 170 troops) marched to TONGKORAN (동고산), S of TAEBAEK SAN, arriving there on 9 Nov 50.
Approx 3,000 by-passed NK troops of the 3rd and 4th Divisions were concentrated at TONGKOSAN on 9 Nov 50.
PW and 168 others (remnants of the 19th Regt) surrendered to ROK police at SUBI MYON on 131000 Nov 50, when the PW led his Regt, fully armed, to the Police Station to surrender.

6. PERSONALITIES: (as of Sep 50)
CH'OE, Yong Kon (崔鏞健)
Lt Gen (中將), CG, Central Sector
LEE, Ik Son (李益善)
Maj Gen (少將), CG, 13th Division
KANG, Kon (姜健)
Lt Gen (中將), Chief of Staff, NKA
KIM, Chaek (金策)
Commander, Front line Hq

The by-passed NK troops in the TAEBAEK SAN (DS9306) area were raiding villages to obtain food, arms and ammo.

8. UN PW'S:
All captured US PW's were sent to the NKA Intelligence Bureau (情報部)

1. Did you surrender voluntarily? If so, why?
a. PW voluntarily surrendered with 167 others under his command.
He surrendered because he believed that NKA will lose the war and because he wanted to help the ROK.
2. Did you see any United Nations leaflets, or hear any loudspeaker broadcasts?
a. PW observed a UN leaflet which was signed by Gen MacARTHUR which stated: "If you volunteer we will not kill you; why don't you surrender and work for United Korea?"
3. What was your reaction to them?
a. PW was influenced by the leaflet into surrendering.
4. Did you hear other soldiers discuss leaflets or broadcasts? What did they say or do?
a. No

For the AC of S, G-2:


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