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KIN Ju Ok 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 26 NO. 2927 1950-12-19
    소좌 미분류 남성
FIELD REPORT (2 - LDI - 0048) 24 December 1950

PW NAME: KIN Ju Ok (37)
RANK: 7th Rank (equivalent to Army Major)
DUTY: G-5 (civil affairs)
UNIT: Hq II Corps, 1st “Heidan” (equiv to Div)
PLACE AND DATE OF CAPTURE: Vicinity of Ozoni, 19 Dec

PW was cooperative but it is felt that in answering some question he held back and refuse to reveal information that an officer of his rank and position should fully understand and be acquainted with.
Not recommended for further interrogation.

27 Nov 50 at KARICH’ON (Hqs II Corps) the 1st “Heidan”, with strength of 2800 men composed of stragglers from annihilated Divs, received orders from Corps CG, Maj Gen LEE Song Hyap to proceed south toward the TAEBAEK Mt, acting as an advance party to contact, join and organize guerrilla parties.
They were to be followed and given protective security by the 10th Div, a fully armed and equipped unit of 12,000 men, with attached Artillery Bn and Trucking Units.
The Corps Hq stayed in KARICH’ON protected by 6th Div of only 4000-5000 men, placed in strategic position in the KANGWON Province, along the SEOUL-WONSAN railroad.
From Yangu the 1st “Heidan” travelled alone and continued south towards the TAEBAEK Mt searching for concentrated guerrilla forces.
14 or 15 Dec 1st “Heidan” made contact with the CHIRISAN and North KYONGSANG guerrilla bands in vicinity of IPPUNGI and immediately joined them, establishing their Hqs in IPPUNGI.
The CHIRISAN Guerrilla Force was organized approximately 1000 men and scheduled to go south to CHIRISAN Mt to contact and join parent unit at end of the year. They were equipped with the following weapons: 2 x 60mm mortars, 6 LMGs, 2 HMGs, 600 rifles, and 100 rounds of ammo per man.
The North KYONGSANG Guerrilla Force was composed of approx 1000 men, 200 of which had rifles.
1st “Heidan” had the following weapons: 2 x 60mm mortars, 2 x 82mm mortars, 2 HMGs, 10 LMGs, 400 M-1 rifles, 400 PPSH, SMGs, u/k no. of Carbine, u/k no. of Russian rifles, 1-2 hand grenades per man and approx 100 rds per man. Each mortar had about 25 rds.
Guerrilla bands within a 5km radius of IPPUNGI, occupying every available village. They were poorly clothed in NK uniform or civilian clothes. The 1st “Heidan” troops also in IPPUNGI area were issued winter clothing before departing KARICHON.
15 Dec 1st “Heidan” Hq received message from runner that the 10th Div surrounded and captured HONGCH’ON, W of CHUNCH’ONG, about the end of Nov and were advancing south. No indication of the 10th div joining them was given. Present location u/k.
19 Dec 50 one squad of 40 men and 43 supply bearers were sent out to make recon of TANSAN, SUNHUN, and OZONI villages to prepare a joint attack, together with surrounding guerrilla forces, by the end of year.
Just before leaving PW was told by Heidan CO, Lt Col KIM Je Hyop that the 1st “Heidan” was going to stay in IPPUNGI for the rest of the year, expanding their guerrilla bands and launch a major attack to widen their perimeter depending on result of recon.
The recon party was unexpectedly ambushed by OZONI Police. They did not expect to encounter any opposition or UN Forces in strength and estimated only small ROK units in major villages.
Up till about 10 Dec 50 all communication between 10th Div Hqs and 1st “Heidan” Hqs were made by radio, but ever since their radio went out, these were only by runners. It took approximately 3 days, traveling about 50 KM per day to go back to 10th Div Hqs.
Due to PW’s duties he was only given general information and not able to obtain tactical information of his unit and of higher Hqs. Knowledge of liaison and communication with other unit and actual disposition of his unit were limited. Use communication Section as alibi.

a. No UN Forces above 38th Parallel, b. CCF are here to assist us, c. Victory will be ours soon.
PW heard that the 9th Div and 2nd Div were in vicinity of P’YONGYANG.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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