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KANG, Hong Guk 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 24 NO. 2812 1950-09-27
    중좌 중등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 1248) 29 December 1950

PW NAME: KANG, Hong Guk (康洪國) (강홍국)
PW NUMBER: 63 NK 84306
RANK: Lt Col (中佐)
AGE: 42
DUTY: Head of 13th Div Hospital
UNIT: NKA, 13th Division Hospital
EDUCATION: “TOKAI” Commercial School, (Tokyo, Japan) 5 yrs, Grad.

PW never attended any medical schools. PW was cooperative. Reliability - Fair.

15 Jun 50 - Received order from health department of P’YONGYANG, NORTH KOREA to report to the health department with his stethoscope.
16 Jun 50 - Reported to Central Hospital in P’YONGYANG with 45 other doctors who previously had no connection with the military forces.
17 Jun 50 - Ordered to report to the 13th Div stationed at SINUIJU (新義州) KOREA. Was assigned duty as doctor in 2nd Regt (13th Div) located at YONGAMP’O (龍岩浦) KOREA.
18 Jun 50 - Arrived at HANP’O (汗浦) KOREA on 19 Jun 50 by rail. Left immediately.
26 Jun 50 - Arrived at IMJIN River (臨津江) KOREA on 26 Jun 50 by foot. Attacked by UN Air Force. Treated 11 wounded men. Left for MUNSAN (文山) KOREA. Attacked by UN Air Force on the way, so returned to IMJIN River. Sixteen died, 30 wounded.
27 Sep 50 - Departed because of inadequate military equipment and fear of air raid, captured same day.

a. The Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation (保健省) was located in the center of P’YONGYANG (平壤) KOREA. The Ministry was housed in one brick building which measured approx 50m X 100m X 40m (3-story high) with gable type, tile roof. PW once entered the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation on 15 Jun 50 and stayed here for about an hour to receive his duty assignment.

b. National Organizational Chart

c. Responsibilities of national organization
(1) To maintain public health.
(2) To complete public sanitation.
(3) To prevent occurrence of contagious diseases.
(4) To give complete treatment to all patients, regardless of status.
(5) To educate as many doctors as possible.
All hospitals and dispensaries located in NORTH KOREA were directly under the control of the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation in P’YONGYANG. No non-government hospitals or dispensaries existed in NORTH KOREA. Up to 1945, North Koreans were able to go to any hospital for necessary treatment. However, after the termination of World War II, first aid services (救急所) were established all over NORTH KOREA. All North Korean patients had to be examined by doctors of the first aid services to determine whether or not they should be hospitalized. Procedures of hospitalization were taken care of at these first aid services. Patients were not allowed to go to hospitals without clearance. Doctors were unskilled and non-attentive in curing patients because of low salaries. PW believed this was the system in the USSR. The public is dissatisfied with the present system. Japanese and Russian medical books were available in the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, but PW saw no library within the Ministry.
PW believed that the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation was responsible for compiling the vital statistics of NORTH KOREA.

d. System for collecting data on vital statistics.
When a baby is born, a parent (either father or mother) reports to the Administration Office within a week after the birth. Birth is recorded and the staff in charge notifies the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. The same applies when any deaths occur, however, in addition, a death certificate signed by the jurisdictional doctor must be forwarded at the same time. As for marriage, the bride and bride-groom and at least three witnesses have to report to the Administration Office who registers the marriage and notifies the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, within a week from the date of the wedding. As for divorces, all procedures are handled at the Court. It is believed that the public is not interested in vital statistics. In short, the people were not interested in anything but their own welfare.

e. Malaria
Malaria cases were chiefly found in HAMHUNG, KOREA. Most cases occurred between July and August, and more occurred in rural districts than in cities because of open ditches. Mortality rate was unknown, however, it was believed to be low. Those whose liver became enlarged and whose spleen ceased to function died.

f. Typhus
Typhus cases were chiefly found in rural districts in NORTH KOREA. Most cases occurred between January and March. Cause of typhus was said to be unsanitary clothing. PW heard from the head of a Military Sanitation Section in the winter of 1949 that the mortality rate of typhus patients in NORTH KOREA has gradually declined. At present, deaths from typhus were comparatively few.

g. Encephalitis
An encephalitis epidemic occurred in the cities of NORTH KOREA once, lasting from July 1949 to September 1949. The original area of occurrence was believed to be P’YONGYANG, KOREA. Many Russian doctors came to P’YONGYANG during the latter part of August 1949 to find the cause. They found out that it was the result of unsanitary conditions such as stagnant ditches, tall grass and unscreened windows. Orders were given to all health departments to destroy ditches or pout petroleum into ditches, cut grass and screen windows. PW believed that the head of the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation reported this case to the health department in the USSR. Approx two Russian doctors were dispatched to each city in NORTH KOREA. Total number of patients was unknown, however, approx 30% of the total died due to a shortage of doctors and lack of care.

h. Cholera
A cholera epidemic occurred in summer (June or July) of 1946 in HAMHUNG, KOREA and WONSAN, KOREA areas. Traffic was closed and eating raw vegetables and fruits and drinking unsterilized or unboiled water were prohibited for about a month. Some of the houses were said to be burned. PW stated that cholera germs could stand cold but not heat. A great number of people died in the above mentioned areas. They died due to loss of water, weakening of the heart and intestinal troubles.

i. Mosquitoes
Area of occurrence - HAMGYONG NAMDO (咸鏡南道), P’YONGAN NAMDO (平安南道), P’YONGAN PUKTO (平安北道), HWANGHAEDO (黃海道) and KANGWONDO (江原道). Mosquitoes carried malaria. The Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation had control over the mosquito problem. However, no program was carried out to kill mosquitoes except in 1949 when encephalitis occurred.

j. Lice
Lice carried typhus germs and recurrent fever germs. Lice was found chiefly in rural areas more than in cities because people residing in the country wore dirty clothes for a long time and had no adequate sterilizing and bath facilities. In cities, people took baths almost everyday and sterilized their clothes at hot steam services which were controlled by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. There was one hot steam service in each district of a city. As a rule, people residing in the rural areas, especially farmers, wore the same clothes for about two to three months. PW stated that these people took a bath just once during a winter due to the lack of bathing facilities. However, nothing was done about it.

h. Bed bugs
Bed bugs were found in old houses. PW did not know what kind of disease bed bugs carried. No attention was paid to bed bugs.

l. Fleas
Same as above.

m. Flies
Flies carried typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery and cholera germs. Orders were give to administrative offices from the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation to check the sewage every day, clear roads, collect human and animal wastes, sprinkle calcium chloride in toilets and keep garbage in cement pools with covers.

n. Mice
Mice carried plague germs. Very seldom were people found suffering from plague in NORTH KOREA, so nothing was done to exterminate mice.
Immunization against typhoid was given twice a year all citizens of NORTH KOREA. Japanese made hypodermic syringes were used. There were a few Russian syringes but were not used because needles were thick and hard to handle. Vaccine which was used for injection was manufactured in P’YONGYANG, KOREA controlled by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. Students were immunized at schools by doctors sent from jurisdictional hospitals. Others were immunized at their jurisdictional hospitals. Orders for immunization were given originally from the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitization, then relayed to all administration offices, then to the heads of each district and finally to individuals. As a result, mortality rate of typhoid lowered gradually after 1938. In general, immunization was not done against typhus due to lack of typhus vaccine. PW stated that typhus vaccine was not manufactured in NORTH KOREA because of poor mechanical facilities and lack of skill. Immunization against cholera was given all citizens in NORTH KOREA in Apr 50. PW stated that NORTH KOREA succeeded in mass producing cholera vaccine in P’YONGYANG, KOREA in 1949.
In general, food was inadequate because rice, apples and fish were shipped out to the USSR every year. People generally ate the same things day after day.

o. Staple Food
Rice, barley, millet, potatoes, oats and corn.

p. Vegetable
Rape, root radish, carrots, lettuce, egg plants, cucumbers, pumpkins, onions, peppers and beans.

q. Meat
Pork, beef, chicken, duck, sheep, goat and dog.

r. Fish
Sea bream, mackerel, salmon, horse mackerel, tuna, oysters, clams and seaweed.

s. Oil - Soybean oil

t. Rationing System Only Applied to the Following Personnel:
(1) Government officials
(2) Teachers and students
(3) Factory employers and employees
(4) Military personnel
(5) Social party members - Agricultural Association, Welfare Society, Women’s Society, Labor Unions and various parties such as Communist Party, Democratic Party and “BLUE FRIENDS PARTY” (靑友堂)
Food and all daily necessary items were rationed. Price was half the price of the open market. PW believed this rationing system was put into effect after the termination of World War II. Students received 900 grams of rice per day. The purity and sanitation of food was controlled by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. Members of sanitary sections make inspections before food is sent to the markets. As for perishable items inspection was made at the markets about twice a month by members of the sanitary sections. Method of inspection were unknown. This inspection policy was put into effect after the occurrence of cholera which was in 1946. Sanitary members, once a month, gathered a group of men concerned and gave lectures on purity and sanitation of food and their effectiveness. However, as a rule, very few people carried out these instructions.
Drugs, medicinals, medical supplies and equipment used in NORTH KOREA were controlled by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. All above-mentioned items were checked for quality by members of the inspection sections of the ministry. PW believed that Japanese method of standardization of quality was applied in NORTH KOREA.
The production of the above items was controlled by the Ministry of Industry located in P’YONGYANG, KOREA. However, distribution of these items was controlled by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. Imported items were controlled by the Ministry of Industry.

u. Sources of Items Imported:
(1) Santonin - Large amount of santonin was imported by rail in 1947 and 1948.
(2) Morphine - Morphine was imported in 1947 and 1948. Thereafter, morphine was produced in P’YONGYANG, however, quality was much inferior to that of RUSSIA.
(3) Camphorated olive oil - Since 1946 to the present date.
(4) Potassium permanganate - Imported when encephalitis occurred in 1949. Potassium permanganate was imported in the largest quantity among the imported items.
(5) Sodium bicarbonate - After 1948 sodium bicarbonate was produced at the Ministry of Industry in P’YONGYANG, KOREA. It was said that the quality of sodium bicarbonate made in P’YONGYANG was just as good as that made in RUSSIA.
(6) Alcohol - Imported since 1946 in small quantities. However, alcohol was produced in HAMHUNG, KOREA since 1948. The strength of alcohol produced here was said to be 90%.
(7) Iodine - Imported since 1946 in small amounts.
(8) Bandages, antiseptic gauze and absorbent cotton - Imported since 1946 in large amounts. Large quantity of cotton was produced in RUSSIA.

All items imported from MANCHURIA were between latter part of 1945 to 1948. These items were all ex-Japanese military items.
(1) Various blood arresting liquid medicines such as thrombogen, medulan, gelatine and adrenalin.
(2) Heart stimulants - camphor and digitalis.
(3) Antifebrile - aspirin and phenacetin.
(4) Stomatitis - Tincture of amara.
(5) Digestive - Sodium bicarbonate.
(6) Absorbent cotton, antiseptic gauze, etc.
(7) Various medical instruments and equipment especially surgical instruments such as scalpels, scissors, forceps, pincettes, abdominal wall spreaders, injection syringes, test tubes, glass made medicine and instrument containers, cystoscopes, esophagoscopes, microscopes, cutting knives, bone forceps, rotten bone forceps, saws, intestinal forceps, trocars and instruments to gather putrid granulations.

A large amount of the following items were imported from HONGKONG, CHINA since the summer of 1948 up to the present by ship. PW stated that items were bartered with dried cuttlefish and fertilizer. PW heard from one of the businessmen that dried cuttlefish was used as medicine to prevent sickness occurring from water. It is said that the water in HONGKONG, CHINA caused sickness. The following items were imported:
(1) Penicillin (oil and powder type)
(2) Streptomycin
(3) Sulfadiazine
(4) Sulfathiazole
(5) DDT
(6) Calcium chloride

x. Items Short in Supply:
(1) For parasitic diseases (drugs such as santonin and filicin X).
(2) For alleviation of fever (drugs such as aspirin, quinine ethylcarbonate, quinine hydrochloride).
(3) Arsenic drugs, Salvarsan (neo arsphenamine, neo danvarsan, “eiramizol” - phonetic, “spiraruzen” - phonetic).
(4) Vaccine - Typhus vaccine, diphtheria blood sera, “kasugankuren” (phonetic) vaccine, tetanus blood sera.
(5) Sulfa drugs - Sulfadiazine, sulfathiazole.
(6) General anesthetic drugs - Chloroform, ether, ethyl chloride.
(7) Local anesthetic drugs - Novocain, bankain, procaine.
(8) Surgical equipment - Absorbent cotton, antiseptic gauze, bandage, tape.
(9) Surgical drugs - General plaster and boric acid.
Medical Equipment
(1) Optical equipment - Lenses
(2) Rubber equipment - Rubber tubes, urethra tubes.
(3) Glass equipment - Injection-syringes, test tubes, various bottles.

a. Medical Schools
(1) KIM IL SONG University (金日成大學)
Location: P’YONGYANG, KOREA. Approx 1 km north of P’YONGYANG RR station. Students entering this university had to be the graduates of Senior High Schools. Length of course - 5 years.
Location: Approx 2 km west HAMHUNG RR station. Students entering this college must be graduates of Senior High Schools. Length of course - 5 years.
Location: Approx 2 km north of CH’ONGJIN RR station. In the middle of an open field, a few residential houses were scattered here and there. Length of course - 5 years. Students entering this college had to be graduates of Senior High Schools.
Location: Approx 1 km west of SINUIJU RR station in the middle of the city. Students entering this institute had to be graduates of Junior High Schools. Length of course - three years.
Location: CHINNAMP’O, KOREA. Students entering this institute had to be graduates of Junior High Schools. Length of course - 3 years.
Location: WONSAN, KOREA. Students entering this institute had to be graduates of Junior High Schools. Length of course - 3 years.
Location: Approx 2 km west of HAMHUNG RR station. Students entering this institute had to be graduates of Junior High Schools. Length of course - 3 years.
Location: SONGJIN, KOREA. Requirements of entry to this institute was the same as above. Length of course - 3 years.
Location: CH’ONGJIN, KOREA. Requirements of entry to this institute was same as above. Length of course - 3 years.

a. KIM, Myong Hak (金明學)
Nationality - Korean Age - 50
Graduated SEVERANCE Medical College located in SEOUL. He was a famous surgeon. Became M.D. sometime before 1945. Went to WONSAN, KOREA and practiced surgery in the Charity Hospital. Opened a private hospital in WONSAN, KOREA. Became a professor of HAMHUNG MEDICAL INSTITUTE sometime after 1945.

b. CH’OE, Myong Hak (崔命學)
Nationality - Korean Age - 50
Graduated SEVERANCE Medical College located in SEOUL, KOREA. Specialist in surgery. Possessed M.D. certificate. Became the head of Charity Hospital in WONSAN, KOREA before 1945. Opened a private surgical hospital in HAMHUNG, KOREA until Russian troops advanced into HAMHUNG, KOREA sometime in 1945. Became a professor of HAMHUNG MEDICAL COLLEGE. Was professor of surgery at the KIM IL SONG University located in P’YONGYANG, KOREA in 1948 or 1949. Was a councillor in HAMGYONG NAMDO, KOREA (咸鏡南道). He was once threatened by Korean Communists who would kill him because he was rich and was a councillor in KOREA. He cured many Korean Communists. Korean Communists appreciated this and admired his work. They changed their minds about assassinating him and forced him to join the Communist party. He became a real communist afterwards.

c. SONG, Chu Yong (成周永)
Nationality - Korean Age - 53
Graduated from the University of TOKYO (東京大學) JAPAN. Majored in surgery. Possessed M.D. certificate. Stayed in a research section in the University of TOKYO for an unknown period. Was a surgeon in SOUTH KOREA, then opened a private surgical hospital in CH’ONGJIN, KOREA until the fall of 1945. Became a professor of CH’ONGJIN MEDICAL COLLEGE (淸津醫料大學).

d. YANG, Chin Hong (楊珍鴻)
Nationality - Korean Age - 50
M.D. in GERMANY. In GERMANY five to six years. Specialist on internal disease. Engaged in research work while in GERMANY. Opened a private internal medicine hospital in TUMEN, MANCHURIA (圖們) and there for about two years but failed to continue the management because of liquor and women trouble. Opened a private general hospital in CH’ONGJIN, KOREA in 1934. 1945 became the president of CH’ONGJIN MEDICAL COLLEGE (淸津醫料大學). Became professor of the University of SEOUL, KOREA Aug 50. He was a member of NEW PEOPLES’ PARTY (新民堂), which later was combined with the Communist party. PW believed YANG played an important role in the party.

For the Commanding Officer:


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