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YANG, Jo Ling 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 20 NO. 2557 1950-11-11
    미분류 미분류 남성
FIELD REPORT (2 Div - LDI - 0025) 12 November 1950

PW NAME: YANG, Jo Ling (18)
RANK: Assistant Plat Ldr
DUTY: Culture Instructor
UNIT: 38th Army, 2nd Div (113 Div), 5th Regt (338 Unit), 1st Bn
PLACE AND DATE OF CAPTURE: TAIAN-CHAM 1100 hrs 11 Nov 50 (7 km NE of KETCHON) (BV 4301)

a. Evaluation: PW was cooperative in answering questions and information seems to be reliable. Tactical info limited because they traveled at night thru mountains and in foreign country.
b. Recommended for further interrogation.
PW heard from his section leader that approx 30,000 men of 38th Army are already in KOREA and fighting against UN Forces.
On or about 24 Oct 50 2,000 men of 5th Regt entrained at CHIAN, MANCHURIA (126 10′-41 10′) and crossed YALU River to KOREA. They got off the train after traveling about 40 km in the morning of 25 Oct 50. They marched into mountain for approx 12 km south from RR station. PW heard from an officer that as soon as they arrived, 3rd Bn (700 men) started to unknown destination on trucks.
Night of 25 Oct 50, 1300 to 1400 men from the 1st and 2nd Bn of 5th Regt on approx 20 trucks traveled south for approx 8 km over the main road.
On or about 3 Nov 50 1st and. 2nd Bns arrived HUICHON (BV6849) by foot and met 3rd Bn of 5th Regt. When they arrived at above-mentioned place, 3rd Bn was fighting against UN Forces and pushoe them back to KUJANGPONG (BV4517) in the morning of 4 Nov 50.
Night of 5 Nov 50 5th legt departed KUJANGPONG toward SINANJU (YD24 86) by main road, but they received heavy fire the morning of 7 Nov 50 and withdrew into the mountain. PW and one other were so hungry and could not move so they remained in the mountain, but were captured at TAIAN-CHAM (BV4301) 7 km NE of KETCHAN.
PW heard from other officers that destination of 5th Regt was SINANJU and mission was to harass and scatter the enemy and if they don’t succeed in this, they were to let the enemy push them back and let other unit to envelope the enemy.

38th Army Comdr: RYANG, Shing Chu
2nd Div Comdr: CHIAN, Tsu O (30)
5th Regt Comdr: CHU, Yue Hwa (30)
Political Chief: SHIN, Zai (30)
1st Bn CO: KUO, Kui Hu (27)
PW stated that morale of half of the troops was low, because of not enough food, and morale of the other half, mostly communists, is fairly high.
PW heard from Political Chief CHIN, Zai that since KIM, Il Sung is a fellow communist, we must help him and also if the UN Forces control all KOREA, MANCHURIA will be in danger.
REMARKS: Since PW was a member of the Special Service, he could not give much tactical information.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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