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JUSU Sung 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 20 NO. 2554 1950-11-11
    전사 미분류 남성
FIELD REPORT (2 Div - LDI - 0024) 12 November 1950

PW NAME: JUSU Sung (19) (Chinese)
DUTY: officers Orderly (supply)
UNIT: 38th Army, 2nd Div, 338th Regt, 1st Rn
PLACE AND DATE OF CAPTURE: TABAN JUN 1400 11 Nov 50 (vic of YE 5505)

a. Evaluation: Because PW only had 6 months education and also very vague on dates and directions, the information is considered as being of doubtful reliability.

b. Not recommended for further interrogation.
On or about 22 Oct 50, 338th Regt crossed the YALU River by train but PW did not know the location or the strength but stated that one company strength was approx 160 men. Heard from officers that 38th, 39th, and 42nd Armies crossed the YALU River and estimates the strength of each Army to be approx 30,000 men.
The 2nd Div was known as 113th Div and was redesignated 2nd Div upon crossing the border. This unit is also known as “Tungan 2nd Branch Unit”.
On or about 4 Nov 50 heard from Korean officer that they were near KUJANG (BV4617), when they were resting in mountain. On or about 7 Nov 50 the unit traveled approx 25 miles from above location. PW did not know which direction they traveled except that they took mountain trails during the night. Heard from Political leader that the unit was going to SINANJU (YD 2486).
PW was working for the supply officer and states that this Bn never received any ammo or weapons after they crossed the border except on 6 Nov 50 when they received enough canned goods for one can per 3 men.
11 Nov 50 PW and one man was captured when he stayed behind when the unit moved to an unk location, because he was hungry and tired.
1100 hrs 11 Nov 50 when PW and 1 man came down to unk village to find food, they were captured.
They were usually fed two times a day but after they crossed the border the unit consumed all their rations 10 days after the crossing, Since then they have been taking food from villages.

Believes that morale of the troops are low because he heard soldiers saying that they did not want to fight in KOREA and want to go back to MANCHURIA.

Before the unit crossed the border, PW heard from officer that they must help the NK Army because they helped the CCF during the fight with Nationalist Army. Also heard him say that if the ROK Army control all of KOREA, they will invade MANCHURIA next.
Heard from officer that if they (CCF) captured any PWs they will not kill but if UN troops captured any CCF men they are shot.

38th Corps CO: LYANG Sing Chu, Ass’t Bn CO: TEN Song Yong (30)
Supply Officer: BO An Lai (30) food
〃   〃 : JAI Su Chin (30) ammo
Political Leader: LYW Jo Kwi (20)

For the AC of S, G-2:


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