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LEE, Myon Kyu 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 18 NO. 2367 1950-11-17
    중사 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (521 - MISD - 0283) 22 November 1950

PW NAME: LEE, Myon Kyu (李明楑) (리명규)
PW NO: #476
DUTY: Sqd Leader
UNIT: 30th Security Forces AA Machine Gun Bn, 2nd Co, 2nd Plat, 2nd Sqd.
HOME ADDRESS: Same as above

PW was cooperative and talked freely. He appeared to hate the NKA officers and communists strongly. The dates in this report may not be too reliable.
Reliability: Fair
Age: 21
Education: Primary School (6 yrs)
Length of Service: 3 mos 3 wks
Physical Condition: Good

o/a 25 Jul 50 - Conscripted into 30th Security Forces, AA MG Bn at PYOKYANG and was sent to a primary school with many other conscripts. Officers from various units came to pick up replacements. PW, with the newly organized 30th SF M MG Bn, went to PYONGCHON NI (平川里) and stayed with an unknown unit for 2 days.
o/a 27 Jul 50 - The 30th SF AA MG Bn arrived at a mountain near CHUNGHWA (中和). There the unit was engaged in training the men to operate antiaircraft machine guns and small arms. This training lasted for about 2 months.
Early Oct 50 - The 30th SF AA MG Bn departed the CHUNGHWA area by truck and arrived at MUNCHON (文川) about 2 days Later. Then the entire unit boarded the train after resting 1 day at MUNCHON.
o/a 10 Oct 50 - The 30th SF AA MG Bn arrived at HAMHUNG (咸興) and the 3rd Co and the 1st Plat of the 2nd Co detrained and took up positions in the vicinity of HAMHUNG. At TANCHON (端川) during the latter part of Oct, the 1st Co separated from the 2nd Co with its destination a mountain called “SAN SAM PONG” (phonetic) near CHONGJIN (淸津). The 2nd Co arrived at HONGGUN (洪君).
The 2nd Co was assigned the defense of the #1 Power Plant in HONG GUN against attacking UN aircraft. During the period PW was stationed at this Power Plant, the plant was attacked about 5 times by fighter planes. However, the plant escaped damage but PW’s unit was not successful in shooting down UN aircraft.
Late Oct 50 - The 2nd Co, receiving word that UN forces were advancing in the TANCHON area, started retreating north from the #1 Power Plant. The retreat was orderly.
o/a 31 Oct 50 - The 2nd Co arrived at HYESAN JIN (惠山鎭) via KAPSAN (甲山). After sleeping one night the Co received orders to engage UN forces and it eparted HYESAN JIN.
o/a 2 Nov 50 - The 2nd Co (alone) arrived at KAPSAN and reported to the Local Communist Headquarters. The Co commander told the men that the communist headquarters telephoned the Front Line #1 defense HQ at SANG NI (上里).
o/a 4 Nov 50 - The 2nd Co arrived at the Front Line #1 defense HQs. The 2nd Plat was selected as guard Plat for HQs and the 3rd Plat was sent out to battle (destination unknown). That evening HQs and it’s new guard Plat (13 men) moved to KAPSAN due to advancing UN troops.
o/a 13 Nov 50 - HQ’s commander and his aides started retreating toward KANGGYE (江界) on a jeep. The following day the C of S and his men started retreating toward KANGGYE on a truck leaving orders to the guard Plat to go into battle.
o/a 15 Nov 50 - PW and 6 others departed KAPSAN on foot with 2 anti-aircraft machine guns loaded on an ox-cart. They arrived at a point approx 2km S of KAPSAN and while the 2 men, who were not in PW’s Sqd and the civilian ox-cart owner were placing the 2 machine guns in a civilian house the others deserted. Before departing KAPSAN PW and his Sqd (4 men) decided to desert and they possessed one safe-conduct pass, which was picked up at KAPSAN.
17 Nov 50 - PW and his Sqd arrived in the HONG GUN are and with a white towel on a pole and the one safe-conduct pass, surrendered to UN troops.

CHAE, Un Nin (崔應仁), Lt Col, age about 37, 30th SF AA MG Bn CO. Last observed at HAMHUNG o/a 10 Oct 50, Said to have been in the CCF in MANCHURIA.
KIM, Pong Yong (金鳳用), Sr Lt, age about 21, C of S, 30th SF AA MG Bn, Last seen at HAMHUNG o/a 10 Oct 50.
YUN, Kyu Sam (尹奎三), Lt, age about 27, 2nd Co CO. Last seen at the front line HQs at SANG RI o/a 4 Nov 50.
SON, Hung Yon (宗興鏞), Jr Lt, age about 21, 2nd Co, 2nd Plat Leader to which PW was assigned. Last seen at the front line HQs at SANG RI o/a 4 Nov 50.

30th Security Forces AA MG Bn:524 Unit
 APO 8650

The 30th SF AA MG Bn comprised the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd AA/MG Cos. PW observed that there was a 31st SF AA MG Bn and a 32nd SF AA MG Bn and a special anti-aircraft machine gun company in the vicinity of P'YONGYANG during the latter part of Jul 50. When the 30th SF AA MG Bn departed P’YONGYANG area PW heard that 31st SF AA MG Bn and 32nd SF AA MG Bn were sent to S KOREA and the special anti-aircraft machine gun company was sent to the CHONGJIN area.
There were approx 80 men in each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd AA MG Cos in the 30th SF AA MG Bn. PW believed that many men had deserted. There were 3 Plats to a Co and 4 Sqds to a Plat. Each Sqd had a 12.7mm DSHK M 1938 AA machine gun. There was an insufficient amount of ammunition, Many of these machine guns were destroyed or abandoned while retreating.
In the 2nd Co to which PW was assigned there were 16/PPSH tommy guns and 12 carbines. Plat Ldrs and Co COs carried pistols.
During the early part of Nov 50 when PW was in KAPSAN he saw 3 x 45mm AA guns which were sent from HYESANJIN but these guns were returned because ammunition was not available for them.

Most of men in the 2nd Co (PW’s Co) wanted to desert but they were too closely watched by their superiors.
At KAPSAN PW observed surrender leaflets being dropped on 2 occasions during the early part of Nov 50. PW and one of the men in his Sqd managed to get 2 leaflets without being caught. One was written in Chinese characters with a picture of a man raising his hand (probably for CCF troops), but since PW could not read it he discarded it, The other leaflet was written in Korean so they kept it. After reading it they talked of deserting whenever they were alone.

O/a 13 Nov 50 the commander of the Front Line #1 defense HQ at SANG NI retreated toward KANGGYE with his aide, jeep driver, body guard, messenger and nurse. This officer was a Sr Col and his HQs was at SANG NI until o/a 13 Nov 50. A civilian home was used for his office.
PW did not know the origin of orders received at the front line HQs.
O/a 31 Oct 50, PW observed many recruits at HYESANJIN. They were still in civilian clothes and it appeared to him that a new unit was being organized.
PW was estimated that there were enough recruits for a Regt. Further detail information unknown.
O/a 10 Nov 50, PW heard from the Front Line #1 Defense HQs operations officers' orderly, Pvt PAK, Ki Un that the 568th. Unit commander was killed by the orders of the HQs commander. This order was given because the 568th Unit retreated and did very little fighting with UN troops and also because he sent false reports to the Front Line Defense HQs.
The Defense HQs commander wore epaulets with a yellow field and red lines. At times he wore epaulets. with a gray field and red lines with four stars.
The operation officer wore epaulet with a yellow field and red lines with 3 stars.
The personal nurse of the commander had the rank of Jr Lt. It was rumored that she was formerly in the CCF in MANCHURIA. She was fluent in Chinese.

For the AC of S G-2:


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