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KIM, Tong Su 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 15 NO. 2020 1950-10-13
    총위 중등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (164- MISDI - 1115) 15 October 1950

PW NAME: KIM, Tong Su (金東洙) (김동수)
RANK: Capt (大尉)
ORGN: 5th Div, Eng Bn, Rear Echelon Supply Section
DUTIES: Supply Officer
AGE: 26
OCCUPATION: Factory Janitor
ADDRESS: Northeast CHINA, CHANGCHUN, MAITZE-TING, 4th Block-#1 (東北 長春 梅枝町 四一番地)
DATE AND PLACE OF CAPTURE: 131400 K Oct 50, approx 12km North of KAESONG (on the KAESONG-KUMCH’ON Road) by the U.S. 5th Cav)

Cooperative. Report limited for the most part to data on the CCF and on NKA supplies received from the USSR. PW deserted from the 5th Div on 20 Jul 50 and has no idea what happened to it since then. PW served almost two (2) years with the CCF. Information appears to be reliable. PW Claims to be strongly anti-communist. He allegedly escaped from the PYONGYANG Prison where he was serving a 15 yr sentence for shooting two officers and deserting. Recommend interrogation for further details on the CCF and on Soviet aid to the NKA.

While passing through NAMCH’ONJOM o/a 8 Oct 50, PW was told by Jr Lt CH’OE, Ok Sun (崔玉順) (최옥순) (female), aide de camp to the CG, that the NKA Front Line Hq was located at NAMCH’ONJOM in a restaurant. The building was constructed of wood and had a tile roof. It was in the center of the town (BT 7245)

Inducted on 15 Sep 47 at CHANGCHUN (MANCHURIA) into the LEE GONG KWANG Branch Unit (composed of approx 10,000 Koreans, 250 Japanese, and 50 Chinese) of the Northeast Democratic United Army (CCF).
Departed o/a 21 Sep 47 from CHANGCHUN by train with approx 450 Korean and Japanese conscripts (Japanese “Conscripts” were former Japanese PW’s of the USSR) and arrived at TUNGHUA (MAHCHURIA) o/a Oct 47. At TUNGHUA, PW received approx 3 months infantry basic training in the LEE ONG KWANG Branch Unit’s 1st Bn, 3rd Co.
Departed from TUNGHUA during Jan 48, marched with the entire LEE HONG KWANG Brandch Unit as it evacuated from TUNGHUA when the Chinese Nationalist Army captured the city, and arrived at the CH’ANG-PAI-SHAN Mountain range (on the MANCHURIA-KOREA Border). PW’s unit trained and cultivated farms for approx 1 yar; then, they returned to TUNGHUA. During 1949, the Northeast Democratic United Army was redesignated the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army and the LEE HONG KWANG Branch Unit was named the 166th Div of the people Liberation Army.
During Jul 1949, the 166th Div (CCF) moved to SHEN-YANG (MUKDEN). At that time PW was transferred to the 164th Div located at CHANGCHUN. During the latter part of Jul 49, all non-Koreans in the 164th Div (CCF) were transferred to other CCF units and the 164th Div was sent to NANAM (KOREA).
On 15 Aug 49, the 164th Div (CCF) was rename the 5th NKA Div and PW was commissioned as a Capt. (PW had held no rank in the CCF but had been a Plat Ldr). PW remained at NANAM as Supply Officer for the Engr Bn, 5th Div until the Div departed for the 38th parallel on 17 Jun 50. PW crossed the 38th parallel o/a 25 Jun 50 and traveled with Div until it reached YONGDOK o/a 20 Jul 50.
O/a 21 Jul 50, PW deserted with one Jr Lt and approx 30 EM but were apprehended by personnel of the 1st Regt, 5th Div on the same day because several persons in PW’s group were communists and maintained liaison with the 5th Div. One of these informers was on Pvt CH’OE, Nam Yun (崔南淪) (최남윤) who was in the Rear Echelon Supply Sect, Engr Bn, 5th Div. PW and 15 EM were sent to NANAM to be courts-martialed. Enroute to NANAM, while unsuccessfully attempting to escape, PW shot a Jr Lt and a Lt of the Internal Affairs Office who were guarding them.
PW and the 15 EM arrived at NANAM on 4 Aug 40. O/a 11 Aug 50 PW was courts-martialed and sentenced to serve 15 years imprisonment at the PYONGYANG Prison. PW departed from NANAM with the 15 EM who were courts-martialed with him o/a 13 Aug 50, by train and arrived at PYONGYANG on 15 Aug 50.
On 1 Oct 50, PW escaped with hundreds of other prisoners when the PYONGYANG Prison was bombed by UN aircraft. As PW was still wearing his NKA uniform, he succeeded in hitch-hiking to the 38th parallel where he met some old Korean friends who had served with the 166th Div (CCF) who told him that UN forces had captured SEOUL. Thereupon PW decided to walk to SEOUL and join the ROK Army. Approx 12km north of KAESONG, PW saw US Troops, so he surrendered to them (5th US Cav) immediately at 131400 K Oct 50.

Name: LEE, Tok San (李德山)
Rank: Maj Gen (少將)
Duty: CG
Orgn: 5th Div

Name: CHO, Kwan (趙寬)
Rank: Col (大佐)
Duty: C/S
Orgn: 5th Div

Name: CHANG, Pok (張福)
Rank: Sr Col (總左)
Duty: Political Officer
Orgn: 5th Div

Name: PANG, Ho San (方虎山)
Rank: Maj Gen (少將)
Duty: CG
Orgn: 6th Div

Name: HONG, Im (洪林)
Rank: Sr Col (總左)
Duty: Political Officer
Orgn: 6th Div

Name: NO, Chol Yong (盧哲用)
Rank: Sr Col (總左)
Duty: C/S
Orgn: 6th Div

Name: KIM, Ung (金雄)
Rank: Maj Gen (少將)
Duty: CG
Orgn: Front Line Hq, NKA

PW heard from peddlers at the PUKCH’ONG RR station o/a 1 Aug 50 that UW PW’s (number unknown) frequently debarked from trains arriving at PUKCH’ONG and proceeded on foot or on trucks to KOMDOK-SAN (mountain approx 40 km north of PUKCH’ONG) where a POW Camp is located.

PW heard a rumor while he was in the PYONGYANG Prison that the CCF was sending 150,000 Chinese soldiers to aid the NKA.
PW observed from 20 to 30 Soviet EM wearing infantry and airforce insignia at HAMHUNG o/a 1 Aug 50.
During May 50, PW went to CHONGJIN as Supply Officer for the Engr, 5th Div. At that time CHONGJIN harbor was full of Soviet merchant ships unloading trucks, weapons, and ammunition. Ships had Soviet crews. Some of the Soviet sailors were of Korean ancestry and told PW that they came from VLADIVOSTOK. (The entire 5th Div was fully equipped during May 50 from supplies unloaded from these Soviet ships) The Engr Bn, 5th Div received the following equipment and ammo from the Soviet ships at CHONGJIN at this time:
a. 1 x 2½ ton truck
b. 70 x PPsh SMG
c. 300 x M1924/27 carbine
d. 15 x TOKAREV pistol
e. 300 x Engineer Picks and Shovels
f. 1 x Field telephone
g. Wire Reels (Unk number)
h. AT Mines (Unk number)
i. Anti-Personnel Mines (Unk number)
j. Hand grenades (Unk number)
k. AT Grenades (Unk number)
l. Gasoline (Unk amount)
m. Motor Oil (Unk amount)
n. 100 x Field Tent
o. 4 x Mine Detector
p. Dynamite (Unk amount)
q. 1 x Kitchen trailer
r. 30,000 x rounds 7.62mm ammo for carbines
s. 10,400 rounds x 7.62 ammo for SMG
The People Liberation Army had a total of approx 4,000,000 personnel as of Jul 50. Approx 1,000,000 of these soldiers were stationed in MANCHURIA.
CCF divisions are numbered consecutively. The CCF had at least 166 divisions as of Jul 50. The 6th, 164th, and 166th Divisions (composed of Koreans) were sent to KOREA and became the NKA 7th, 5th, and 6th Divisions respectively.

For the AC of S, G-2:


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