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CH’ON, Ch’o Hong 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 13 NO. 1824 1950-10-01
    소위 초등교육 남성
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 1074) 8 October 1950

PW NAME: CH’ON, Ch’o Hong (田處洪) (전허홍)
RANK: Jr Lt (少尉)
DUTY: Liaison Officer
UNIT: 4th Div Hq.
EDUCATION: Primary School (6 years)
OCCUPATION: Lathe Operator
PLACE OF CAPTURE: CH’ONGSAN (淸山) (1070-1490)
PLACE OF BIRTH: P’YONGAN-PUKTO, SUNCH’ON-Gun, SIMCH’ON-Myon, KOGUNYONG-Ni #683 (平安北道 宣川郡 深川面 古軍營里 六八三)
HOME ADDRESS: P’YONGAN-PUKTO, CH’OLSAN-Gun, YOHAN-Myon, WONSE P’YONG-Ni #198 (平安北道 鉄山郡 餘閑面 元世平里 一九八)

PW was of average intelligence and very cooperative. He had very little information to offer covering period 5 Sep to 1 Oct 50. He was surprisingly. Well informed of affairs up to the above period. No further interrogation recommended.

27 May 48 - Inducted into 1st Regt, 1st Div at SINUIJU (新義州). Received three months basic training.
Aug 48 - Hospitalized at P'YONGYANG with appendicitis.
1 Oct 48 - Released from hospital and assigned as clerk to Intendance Section, 4th Div.
25 Feb 50 - Transferred to Training Bn, 4th Div at CHINNAMP'O.
May 50 - Transferred to 3rd Bn, 18th Regt, 4th Div. Promoted to M/Sgt.
24 Jun 50 - Returned to Training an 4th Div and departed for combat the following morning.
? Jul 50 - Arrived at HYOPCH’ON in late Jul 50, via SEOUL, SUWON, P'YONGTAEK, TAEJON, KUNSAN, MUJU (茂洙), KOCH’ANG.
26 Aug 50 - Commissioned Jr Lt and reassigned to Hq, 4th Div.
1 Sep 50 - 4th Div crossed the NAKTONG River, Headquarters remained behind.
5 Sep 50 - PW wounded And sent to civilian hospital in CHONJU (全州)
26 Sep 50 - All patients, numbering 200-300, told to evacuate area to TAEJON.
1 Oct 50 - PW and 5 others, on reaching CH'ONGSAN (淸山), were told by local farmers it would be futile to attempt escape and advised them to surrender. The group gave themselves up to local police.

CG, I Corps - LEE, Kwon Mu (李權武) (이권무)
Maj Gan (小將)
37 - 38
Gen LEE started his military career as CO, 1st Regt, lat Div in 47. Appointed CG, 4th Div in Sep 48. LEE argued that because he was educated in RUSSIA there was no need for Soviet Adviser. Lost his case, so LEE went into private firm as asst manager. However, LEE was ordered back to duty. Assumed command of 4th Div, Dec 48. It is only hearsay but his promotion to CG, I Corps was Mid-June.
C/S 4th Div (參謀長): HO, Pong Hak (許鳳學) (허봉학)
Sr Col (   )
32 - 33 years old
Chief of Arty, 4th Div (砲兵副 師團長):
KIM, Ch'on Bok (金天福) (김천복)
Sr Col (總佐)
27 - 28
Commissioned upon graduation from P‘YONGYANG Institute (now 2nd OCS). In 48, went to 1st OCS as Capt and upon graduation, promoted to Maj and assigned as Deputy. Chief of Arty Regt, 4th Div. Promoted to Div Arty CO after the outbreak of war. Promoted to present position when former CO was killed in action.
Political Officer, 4th Div (文化副 師團長):
PAK, Kum Ch'ol (朴金哲) (박금철)
Sr Col (總佐)
42 - 43
Imprisoned for 10 years during Jap occupation of KOREA for maintaining liaison with North KOREA President KIM, I1 Song (金日成). Released in Aug 45, In 47 (approx) was Political Officer (Maj), 3rd Regt. In Sep 48, promoted to Political Officer, 4th Div.
Division Signal Officer, 4th Div (師團通信課長):
CHON, Mun Uk (全文郁) (전문옥)
Lt Col (中佐)
32 - 33
Russian educated. Was interpreter before he entered the army.
I Corpe Artillery Commander (第一軍團 砲兵司令長):
LEE, Kuk (李克) (이극)
Sr. Col (總佐)
29 - 30
Was CO, 3rd Div Arty Regt. Became Chief of Artillery, 4th Div, in Sep 48. Promoted to present position Jul 50.
CO, 16th Regt, 4th Div:
CHU, To Il (朱道一) (주도일)
Lt Col (中佐)
37 - 38
Was at one time infantry instructor at P'YONGYANG Institute. In 48, was CO, SP Arty Bn, 4th Div. On 25 Feb 50, became CO, Training Bn, 4th Div. Became CO, 16th Regt, in Aug 50.
Personnel Officer, 4th Div (第四師團 幹部課長):
O, Chong Ok (吳正玉) (오정옥)
Capt (總尉)

Ration per man per day in NKA:
 EM (grams)Officer (grams)
Other staples100---
Oil (Seed)2025
Soybean paste3030
Soy sauce2020

The ration of staples was to be increased to 1,000 grams for front line troops, but this was seldom done.

Casualties and Replacements for 4th Div (5 Aug 50 - 1 Sep 50):
At the time of crossing of the NAKTONG River on 5 Aug 50, the Div strength was estimated at 7,000 men. For the ensuing 15 days, the Div never engaged in any major engagements, endeavoring only to establish and strengthen its defences. But it sustained such heavy losses from aerial attacks that after it withdrew and made a count, each regiment which started with 1,500 plus man was decimated as follows:
16th Regt: 299 officers and EM
5th Regt: 460-470 men
18th Regt: 900 men
No information of supporting and service units.
Withdrawal across the NAKTONG River was on 25 Aug 50. Up to the end of Aug 50, replacements streamed in which brought each regiment up to 1500 (approx). The 4th Div recrossed the NAKTONG River on the eve of 1 Sep 50.

Extent of Duties of Liaison Officer, Staff Section:
Orders, including any of top secret nature, from the Div Hq to regiments were always transmitted by wireless or radio. Whenever such communications were disrupted or destroyed, it was the Liaison Officer's duty to transmit the orders which were always in writing.

Unit History:
19 Aug 50, the 4th Div received the title "Guard Division" (KUNWI SADAN) (近衛師團) for its outstanding conduct in battle. The Div was the third to receive this honorary title, the other two being the 3rd Div and the 105th Armored Div. After successful completion of the war, all members of these Divs were to receive medals. The Divs would receive special colors.
Because the 4th Division showed the best performance among the Divs that entered SEOUL (others being the 3rd, 6th Rifle Divs, 105th Armored), it received an alternate unit designation the SEOUL Division, on 28 Jun 50. SEOUL is to be the site of Div Hq if the war is won.

For the Commanding Officer:



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