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MUN, Kwan Gyu 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 9 NO. 1465 1950-09-23
    전사 중등교육 남성
ATIS INTERROGATION REPORT NO. 1465 29 September 1950
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0920) 26 September 1950

PW NAME: MUN, Kwan Gyu (文款奎) (문관규)
PW NO: 63 NK 4820
RANK: Pvt (戰士)
AGE: 17
DUTY: Rifleman
UNIT: 13th Div, 23rd Regt, 1st Bn, Medical Plt
EDUCATION: 9 years
PLACE OF CAPTURE: YUHAK-SAN (1143.3-146 3.2)
HOME ADDRESS: Same as above

PW’s 1st Bn Medical Plt was ordered to retreat to TABU-DONG (多富洞). UN Forces were in the area so PW’s plt was told to retreat to YUHAK-SAN (遊鶴山). During the confusion the troops realized the hopeless situation and decided to lay down their arms. PW surrendered 23 Sep 50. Cooperative and sincere but information limited Not recommended for further interrogation.

21 Mar 50 - PW was inducted into the NKPA at SINUIJU (新義州). Received 2 months of basic training. Departed by rail 18 Jun 50 for P’YONGYANG (平壤) and arrived NAMCH’ONJOM (南川香) 25 Jun 50 with 23rd Regt, consisting of approx 2,000 men.
30 Jun 50 - Arrived at INCH’ON. The 23rd Regt was then assigned the mission of preparing the defense of INCH’ON. Trenches were dug. Ammunition dumps and gun emplements prepared. 23rd Regt spent approx 20 days on this mission.
21 Jul 50 - Departed for SUWON. Infantry were loaded on trucks while PW’s medical unit had to haul their supplies and equipment on horse drawn carts.
25 Jul 50 - Arrived at SUWON. Departed by rail 26 Jul 50, and passed thru P’YONGTAEK (平澤), CH’ONAN (天安), CHOCH’IWON (鳥致院) and east to CH’ONGJU (淸州). Arrived at CHONGJU o/a 1 Aug 50.
2 Aug 50 - Departed CHONGJU and marched to MIN’GYONG arriving 4 Aug 50. Departed 5 Aug 50, marched - arrived SANGJU (尙州).
O/a 8 Aug 50 - Departed SANGJU, crossed NAKTONG River then headed southeast for T’AEGU. PW with approx 20 cart drivers departed 10 Aug 50, and arrived at NAKSONG-DONG (洛成洞) 11 Aug 50. PW and other 20 cart driver stayed in the hills in the NAKSONG-DONG Area for appox 20 days caring for the horses.
1 Sep 50 - PW and the rest of drivers were then given rifles and were told to go out toward the front and join the battle of HAJANG-DONG. PW had no will to fight so he shot himself thru his left hand as an excuse to return to rear 8 Sep 50. PW returned to the 14th Div Hospital. PW was treated and released 18 Sep 50 and returned to the front against his wil 19 Sep 50.
PW surrendered to UN Forcese at 23 0900 Sep 50.

Original Organization and Strength:
23rd Regt approx 2,500 men. 1st Bn approx 600 men.

Actual Battle Organization and Strength:
23rd Regt approx 2,200 men. 2st Bn, 580 men.

Last Known Composition of Unit:
23rd Regt, approximately 300 men.

Roads leading toward the north from TABU-DONG - fair.

23rd Regt, 2st Bn Medic unitw were equipped with M1938 Carbine, 100 rounds.
Infantry with M1891/30 rifles.
Each squad had one DP LMG.

Morale and Propaganda:
PW saw propaganda leaflets. wanted to get hold of a Safe Conduct Pass and cross over to UN Lines. Found a pass and kept it until time of surrender. Approx 60% of the troops in the 1st Bn of the 23rd Regt want to lay down their arms and quit fighting. Many other troops are deserting their units and the majority of the troops are fighting under threat of death. Majority of the NKPA troops are changing their minds about KIM, Il Song. Reason for the change is his complete disregard of life and the sight of thousands of their comrades killed or wounded. The lack of food, warm clothing, the poor mail situation, and the sickening stench of the dead throughout the area plus lack of first class fighting equipment are all caused leading to the vary low morale of the NKPA troops.
PW claims that a loud speaker system of some sort at the front lines would have a great effect upon NKPA troops. PW feels sure that with this system many would be glad to lay down their arms if some sort of protection would be given them. PW strongly feels that the UN Forces should try this method.
The most feared weapon in the P-51

Approx 20 female nurses at the 13th Div Hospital and two women doctors. The highest ranking woman doctor is a Sr Capt. All of the NCO nurses and women doctors came from CHINA.
600 bottles of penicillin were received at INCH’ON for the 1st Bn Medical Unit.

For the Commanding Officer:



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