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LEE Sang Sop 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 7 NO. 1245 1950-09-18
    특무상사 고등교육 남성
ATIS INTERROGATION REPORT NO. 1245 22 September 1950
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0842) 19 September 1950

PW NAME: LEE Sang Sop (李商燮) (리상섭)
RANK: M/Sgt (特務上士)
AGE: 21
DUTY: Assistant to Medical Officer
UNIT: 16th Brig (101st Unit) Medical Co
EDUCATION: Medical College (1 yr)
PLACE OF CAPTURE: 5 km NW of PUGONG NI (1130-1390) on W bank of river
HOME ADDRESS: Same as above

PW was intelligent and cooperative. His physical condition was good. PW not recommend for further interrogation.

8 Jul 50: PW was drafted into the Army at P'YONGYANG (平壤) and was immediately attached to the Medical Co of the 16th Brig (101st Unit)
20 Jul 50: The 16th Brig arrived at CH'ORWON (鉄原) and held a full-scale maneuver for a period of 15 days.
5 Aug 50: The 16th Brig arrived at SEOUL by train and immediately departed by trucks the following day.
17 Aug 50: The 16th Brig arrived at HYOPCH'ON (俠川) via T'AEJON travelling under the river of darkness. However, they were attacked from the air many times enroute. PW once observed 4 x SU-76 self-propelled guns being destroyed by bombing attack 14 km North of HYOPCH'ON. PW states that the Medical Co treated a total of 61 soldiers wounded from air attacks.
1 Sep 50: The 16th Brig crossed the NAKTONG River west of HYOPCH'ON and immediately engaged in battle. The Medical Co crossed the river after the advance units of the 16th Brig advanced 8 km beyond the NAKTONG River. The 16th Brig was engaged in battle continuously and the PW heard that one (1) tank battalion was completely wiped out.
16 Sep 50: The Medical Co lost one killed and six (6) men wounded by artillery fire. They started retreating across the NAKTONG River to a point 12 km West of the NAKTONG River and 12 km East of HYOPCH'ON at SINPANNI.
18 Sep 50: PW was left behind east of the NAKTONG River with a medical officer to take care of the wounded but the medical officer also followed the Medical Co and the PW was left alone to take care of the wounded. Therefore, he surrendered to the US forces.

Unit Organization & Strength:
1. Original Organization & strength: The 16th Brig was also known as the 101st Unit and was composed of two (2) tank battalions, two (2) infantry battalions, one (1) artillery regiment, reconnaissance company, medical company, signal company and engineer company. The Medical Co’s total strength was only 42 men. PW was unable to give the total strength of the 16th Brig. PW heard that 1 tank battalion did not participate in the battle cross the NAKTONG River.
2. Last known composition of Unit: PW heard that one (1) tank battalion was wiped out and the two (2) infantry battalions lost 708 of their men. He also heard that the remainder of the 16th Brig was retreating across the NAKTONG River towards HYOPCH'ON. Further details unknown.

PW observed 7 x T-34/85 tanks and 2 x SU-76 self-propelled artillery crossing the NAKTONG River. The Medical Unit was equipped with 29 PPsh M1943 SMGs, 4 PPsh M1941 SMGs and 9 rifles. All the men were given 100 rounds of ammunition.

Unit History:
The 16th Brig (or the 101st Unit) was organized at P'YONGYANG Jul 50. Further details unknown.

PW believes that one (1) tank battalion of the 16th Brig did not participate in battle. It was located 12 km East of the NAKTONG River and 12 km West of HYOPCH'ON.

Roads: The roads were damaged in many places by bombs but repaired for vehicles to travel.
Bridges: All major bridges were damaged and only a small percentage were repaired.

The objective of the 16th Brig was to capture MIRYANG (密陽) and this was to be done by 4 Sep 50. PW heard that the 16th Brig was ordered to retreat to a point 12 km East of HYOPCH'ON where they were to reorganize and wait for the arrival of replacements from the Volunteer Army.

Own unit: PW heard that the 16th Brig CG was a Maj Gen (少將) who was trained in USSR (name unknown). Medical Co CO of the 16th Brig was Maj (少佐) LEE Chang Yop (李昌葉).

Morale and Propaganda:
The morale of the troops was very high up until SUWON (水原) but slowly dropped as the 16th Brig neared the front lines. Repeated attacks from the air and observing many wounded troops being evacuated to the rear lowered the morale of the troops. They also heard that their troops were retreating on other sectors of the battlefront and this was one of the big factors in lowering the morale of the men.
PW saw US propaganda leaflets on three occasions near the NAKTONG River. He also obtained a Safe Conduct Pass and he utilized it when surrendering to the US forces. PW was often told that he would be killed if captured by the ROK forces but he changed his mind after reading the US propaganda leaflets and the Safe Conduct Pass.

PW heard that cholera was prevalent in TAEGU, therefore all the troops of the 16th Brig were given cholera innoculations before crossing the NAKTONG River (about 27 Aug 50). He states that this was the first time cholera shots were given to tile troops. PW states that no other immunization shots were ever given to the troops of the 16th Brig. Some of the pharmaceutical supplies of the Medical unit was morphine, camphor, quinine, sulphadizine, diazine, penicillin, sulphomin, soda, iodine and mercurichrome.
The medical units were ordered not to use any red cross marks on any of their equipment because they were told that US forces would fire upon anything with red cross markings. After crossing the NAKTONG River, the Medical Co hoisted a Red Cross flag on a tree to indicate their position but they were immediately ordered to take it down because it would drew fire. Medical personnel and vehicles did not have any Red Cross.

For the Commanding Officer:



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