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KIM, Yong Gol 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 7 NO. 1244 1950-09-17
    소위 초등교육 남성
ATIS INTERROGATION REPORT NO. 1244 22 September 1950
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0841) 19 September 1950

PW NAME: KIM, Yong Gol (金鎔杰) (김용걸)
RANK: Jr. Lt (少尉)
AGE: 34
DUTY: Loud Speaker Technician
UNIT: 2nd Div Culture Section, Mobile Broadcast Unit
EDUCATION: Primary School 6 years
OCCUPATION: Projectionist
PLACE OF CAPTURE: 6 km SW of CH’ANGNYONG (1140-1390)
PLACE OF BIRTH: HAMGYONG NAME DO, PUKCHON-Gun, PUKCHONG-myon, TONG-Ni #311 咸鏡南道 北靑郡 北靑面 東里 三一一番地

PW worked in a movie house for 10 years. PW was in good physical condition and was cooperative. PW surrendered to US forces on 16 Sep 50 with white flag when he was unable to retreat across the NAKTONG River with his unit. Recommend further interrogation on NKPA Propaganda Activities.

16 Jun 50 - Inducted in NKPA at P'YONGYANG (平壤). Commissioned Jr Lt.
17 Jun 50 - Received one week training including political, propaganda and technical lectures.
24 Jun 50 - Departed P'YONGYANG by train alone.
25 Jun 50 - Arrived HAMHUNG (咸興). Assigned to 2nd Div Culture Section, Mobile move Unit.
26 Jun 50 - Departed HAMHUNG by train with 5 men.
27 Jun 50 - Arrived HA CH’ORWON (鐵原). Departed same night by truck.
28 Jun 50 - Arrived at small village just S of 38° Parallel via KUMHWA (金華) and HWACH’ON (華川). Departed same evening by truck. Arrived CH’UNCH’ON (春川) same night 2400 hours.
29 Jun 50 - TDY to Propaganda Broadcast Unit. Made propaganda tour of town with a loud speaker truck.
30 Jun 50 - Departed CH’UNCH’ON by truck.
2 Jul 50 - Arrived ANSONG (安城) via KYONGAN-Ni (京安里) and KUMYANGJANG-Ni (金良場里). Made propaganda tour of town with a loud speaker truck. Departed next day by truck.
5 Jul 50 - Arrived CH’ONGJU (淸州) after two day stop at CHINCH'ON (鎭川).
8 Jul 50 - Departed CH’ONGJU (淸州).
9 Jul 50 - Arrived CH’ONG-SAN (靑山). Stayed in this town while the 2nd Div fought at YONGSAN. (龍山?). The mobile broadcast unit could not locate the Div Hqs for one week.
15 Jul 50 - Departed CH’ONG-SAN (靑山) by truck.
16 Jul 50 - Arrived at point 6 km NW of KUMCH’ON (金泉).
20 Jul 50 - Departed this small village in order to locate Div Hqs. But after 5 days stay at CHIRE (智禮) returned to KUMCH'ON.
17 Aug 50 - Departed KUMCH'ON by truck.
19 Aug 50 - Arrived KOCH'ANG (居昌). Departed next day after making a propaganda route.
21 Aug 50 - Arrived HYOPCH’ON (俠川). Departed same night.
22 Aug 50 - Arrived SIN PAN NI (新反里). Rested one week. The mobile broadcast unit received notice from Div Hqs that they were to be tried before a court martial as they had neglected to contact the Div Hqs for almost a period of a month while they were in KUMCH'ON. Attacked by three F-51 and F-81 type aircraft with rockets and strafed. The truck of the mobile broadcast unit was damaged but soon repaired. No casualties.
4 Sep 50 - Crossed NAKTONG River at night. The 2nd Div Hqs had crossed this river on 30 Aug 50.
5 Sep 50 - Arrived at point 2 km W of PUGONG-Ni (富谷里). Made propaganda speeches for 3 days toward UN Forces in both Korean and English. Two young American PWs who were brought down from Div Hqs were used to make the English Propaganda speeches.
17 Sep 50 - Heard that the Div Hqs and elements of the unit had retreated across the NAKTONG River during the night and his mobile movie unit realized that it was impossible to retreat across the river. PW read UN Safe Conduct Passes. Attacked by US aircraft. PW hid under bridge. Following this attack the US infantry occupied the village in which PW and 4 others were hiding. PW made a white flag with his handkerchief and surrendered to the US Forces.
PW stated that the 2 US PsW were taken with the 2nd Div when the Div retreated across the NAKTONG River.

Unit Organization and Strength:
The 2nd Div was under the II Corps and was composed of the 17th, 6th, 4th Regts, SP Arty Bn, Training Bn and the Culture Section.
The culture Section (17 men) was composed of a document section and an anti enemy section. The document section(6 men) was composed of a mobile movie unit (3 men) and an art unit (1 man).
The Anti-enemy section (7 men) was composed of the planning section and a propaganda section (5 men). The propaganda unit controlled the broadcast unit (2 men). However, the anti-enemy section received direct orders from II Corps Hqs thru the 2nd Div CG.
The Anti-enemy section was organized 13 Sep 50. Previously the work was carried out by the Regt culture section and by the document section. No further information.

Duties of Sections:
Document Section - Handled all newspaper and mail delivery and censorship.
Art Section - Printing of leaflets and posters.
Movie Section: Movies. However the section did not bring projectors with them to front line. PW was actually member of this section but was TDY to broadcasting unit.
Anti-enemy Section - Control of sub-section.
Planning Section: Made contact with front line units and organized ROK PsW into units to take NKPA propaganda leaflets to enemy zones.
PW heard that these ROK PsW were trained at SEOUL and assigned to the planning section by the Corps Hqs.
Propaganda Section - Makes drafts for leaflets. Coordinate propaganda matters with planning section. All captured documents and leaflets were first taken to the Corps Hqs and copies were sent to this propaganda section to be further analyzed and translated at this section.
Broadcast Section: Received pamphlets from the propaganda section and made broadcasts to the South Koreans and to UN Forces which were prepared by the propaganda section.

Unit History:
The 2nd Div replaced the 4th Div which was annihilated during their effort to cross the NilKTONG River. PW stated that the 2nd Div was also disorganized and received heavy casualties during the engagement in this NAKTONG River Area.

The 9th Div was located just N of the 2nd Div but PW heard that it also had retreated W of the NAKTONG River. Date unknown.
PW heard that the 2nd Div CP was located just W of CH'ANGNYONG (昌寧). Present location, after the CP had retreated across the NAKTONG River was unknown.
The II Corps Hqs was located 40 km SW, by road, from the 2nd Div Hqs. Exact location unknown. Also present location unknown.
Location of ammunition dumps were unknown, but PW stated that a liaison man from the front line was sent to HYOPCH’ON (陜川) to expedite the supply of artillery shells. Supply routes unknown. All supplies were from the USSR however PW stated that the PPsh M194l SMG was manufactured somewhere in North KOREA.
80% of the trucks were from RUSSIA and PW heard that US-made DODGE 2 1/2-ton trucks were brought by water from HONGKONG in exchange for dried souids.
PW stated that most radio broadcasts were made at P'YONGYANG and relayed at SEOUL,

PW heard that a test run was made on RR to KUMCH’ON on or about 12 Aug 50. Condition of roads were poor. Most bridges were destroyed and by-passes were made with sand bags.
Liaison men were used to contact Div Hqs from the mobile broadcast unit. Div Hqs had a wireless car. No further info.

The mission of the 2nd Div was to capture CH’ONGDO (1160-1410) via CH'ANGNYONG by 3 Sep 50, and cut the supply route to T'AEGU. When the 2nd Div realized that they would not carry their mission they changed their objective to capture; CH’ANGYONG.
The mission of the mobile broadcasting unit was to call upon the refugees evacuated in the hills and convince them to return to their homes to work. On the front line their mission was to call upon the UN forces to surrender bv using US PsW and ROK PsW.

CG, 2nd Div - CH’OE, Hyong (崔현); Maj Gen Previously a Cpl (Sig) with the Russian Army.
Head Anti-Enemy Sect - KIM, (fnu); Maj
Head Propaganda Sect - Kill, Ho Sun (金호순); Sr Lt
Head Planning Sect - HO (fnu) (許?)

Morale and Propaganda:
Morale of 2nd Div was very low as the Div received heavy casualties and lacked experienced men. PW stated that the UN leaflets were quite effective and PW himself would never have given up if he had not seen a UN Safe Conduct Leaflet.

NKPA Propaganda:
The following propaganda subjects were broadcast to the S Korean people in occupied areas.
1. Come down from the hills and return to your homes so you can continue with your work.
2. The NKPA has obtained victory and liberated the S Korea people.
3. The Korean people must unite and the S. Korean people must help the NKPA in its effort and maintain or assist in supplying the front lines.
4. How corrupted the ROK politics are.
5. President SYNGMAN RHEE has escaped to JAPAN leaving his people behind.
6. The American Imperialists are interfering with the Civil War in KOREA.
The following propaganda subjects were broadcasted to the US Forces, after broadcasting jazz music, by US PsW and records.
1. How their beloved wives or sweethearts are waiting for them.
2. What an easy life the US PsW are leading upon capture by NKPA.
They would broadcast to the ROK forces requesting them to surrender.
The American PsW talked through the microphone in a very soft tone and PW believed that it would not reach the US Forces front line as the broadcast trucks were usually parked approx 6,000 meters from the lines to avoid artillery shelling. The propaganda broadcasts did not have any effect.
The subjects for propaganda broadcasts were prepared at the Corp Hqs and translated into English at the Div Anti-Enemy Section, Propaganda Section by (Korean Nat’l) translators inducted at SEOUL by the NKPA.

Although PW was a movie technician, he never was engaged in propaganda movie work.
PW stated that the movies which he saw during his training were all made in RUSSIA.

For the Commanding Officer:



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