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KIM T’ae Pong 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 6 NO. 1139 1950-09-12
    전사 중등교육 남성
ATIS INTERROGATION REPORT NO. 1139 17 September 1950
FIELD REPORT (ADVATIS - 0777) 15 September 1950

PW NAME: KIM T’ae Pong (金泰奉) (김태봉)
PW NO: 63 NK 922
RANK: Pvt (戰士)
AGE: 19
DUTY: Runner
UNIT: 7th Div, 2nd Regt, 2nd Bn, HMG Co
EDUCATION: 1 year Tech School - Middle School Grad
PLACE OF CAPTURE: 12 km E of UIRYONG (宜寧) (의령)

Subject was very cooperative and intelligent, and was in good physical condition. Reliability - Good.

26 Jun 50 - Inducted into 7th Border Constabulary Brigade, then stationed in CH’ORWON (鐵原). The strength of the 1st Bn was approx 700 men. With the exception of officers and NCO's, all of the men were recent conscripts. PW heard that the Brigade was composed of four (4) bns but disposition of the units is not known.
29 Jun 50 - 1st Bn departed CH'ORWON. The men were unarmed with the exception of the NCO’s and officers. Mode of travel - march.
2 Jul 50 - 1st Bn arrived SEOUL. At about 0800, at a point 5 km N of SEOUL, the 1st Bn and a single tank were attacked by two US fighter aircraft. The tank was destroyed and the battalion suffered the loss of 3 men.
9 Jul 50 - 1st Bn departed SEOUL. The men were still unarmed. The strength of the unit was about 700 men.
9 Jul - O/a 17 Aug 50 - 1st Bn was on the road between SEOUL and KURYE (九礼). Route of march was via SUWON (水原), P'YONGT'AEK (平澤), CHOAN (天安), CHOCH’IWON (鳥致院),
T'AEJON (大田), KUMSAN (錦山), CHINAN (鎭安) and NAMWON (南原). Enroute, approximately 120 men developed sore feet and dropped out while an estimated 180 men deserted. Consequently only about 400 men reached KURYE. A large number of the men deserted because of illness due to malnutrition. The troops lived off the land and often went without food for several days. The men marched entire distance unarmed. The unit did not sustain any air attacks enroute. The 1st Bn remained in KURYE (求礼) until 24 Aug 50. The unit recruited volunteers from the KURYE-NAMWON Areas which brought the unit strength up to about 500 men.
O/a 25 Aug 50 - 1st Bn arrived CHINJU via HADONG (河東) and SACH’ON (泗川). Between SACH'ON and CHINJU, the unit underwent an air attack and lost 30 men. Strength of the 1st Bn upon arrival at CHINJU was approx 450 men. The unit rested in the hill about 4 km NE of CHINJU until 28 Aug 50. There were no NKPA units in the CHINJU Area.
O/a 30 Aug 50 - 1st Bn reached UIRYONG (宜寧) and proceeded to a point 2 km N of the to the town. Upon arrival at this point, the men were told that the 1st Bn had been redesignated as the 2nd Bn, 2nd Regt, 7th Div. The 2nd Regt was assembled at this point. The strength of the regt was about 1,500 men. The men were issued rifles and 45 rounds of ammunition. Subject noticed that weapons of the 2nd Bn consisted of 6 x HMG, 4 x 82-mm Mortars and rifles only.
O/a 2 Sep 50 - 2nd Bn departed above area at about 2100 hrs, marched through UIRYONG and crossed the NAM River at about 2400 hours. The crossing was made at the site of a destroyed highway bridge SE of UIRYONG.
O/a 3 Sep 50 - The bn rested at a point 3 km E of the destroyed bridge until 2200 hours. At 2200 hours, the 1st Co was ordered to attack American positions 2 km E of the Bn area. 2nd and 3rd Co and the HMG and 82-mm Mortar Co’s were deployed to the N of the 1st Co. As the 1st Co started the attack, the other units advanced to the hills 4 km NE of the American positions. The 1st Co was completely annihilated in the attack and only one man from the unit rejoined the Bn. The strength of the Bn was approximately 300 men after the engagement.
4 - 6 Sep 50 - The bn was constantly under artillery fire but no actual contact with American units was made. The Bn losses during this period was about 20 men. At 06 2000 Sep 50, the Bn marched E and arrived at TAESAN (大山) (1140-1370) Myon at about 07 0500 Sep 50. There was no enemy resistance enroute. On 7 Sep 50, the unit made preparations for an assault.
8 Sep 50 - At about 0300 hrs, the bn attacked American positions on a low ridge about 2 km NE of UNHUNG-SAN. The strength of the 2nd Bn was about 280 men prior to the attack. By 08 1000 Sep 50, the engagement was over. The 2nd Bn was completely wiped out in the attempt to storm the American positions with the exception of the unit commanders and NGO's, numbering about 50, who fled during the last moments of the attack. PW deserted his unit when he realized that his unit was decimated and leaderless.
11 Sep 50 - PW met a deserter from the 3rd Bn, 2nd Regt. Subject also picked up a Surrender Leaflet and decided to surrender.
12 Sep 50 - PW surrendered to US Forces.

Morale of the new recruits was extremely low and the majority of them waited for an opportunity to desert. The officers and NCO’s had firm control over the men only because the men realized that disobedience would mean death. Lack of food and rest was the primary cause of low morale.

No information is available on methods and course of supply. Subject heard from his platoon leader that the men would be issued quilted uniforms in the winter. No details available.

2nd Bn, 2nd Regt completely decimated. Only about 50 officers and NCO's remain. Strength of other units, unknown.

Code Numbers:
2nd Regt, 7th Div - 702
3rd Regt, 7th Div - 703
1st Regt, 7th Div - 701

Name: LEE Ik Son (李익선) (리익선)
Rank: Maj Gen
Age: 45
Position: CG, 7th Div
Remarks: Was CG of 7th Border Constabulary Brigade
Name: HAN, Sok Kun (韓錫君) (한석군)
Rank: Sr Lt
Age: 24
Position: CO, HMG Co, 2nd Bn, 2nd Regt.

PW picked up a Surrender Leaflet 11 Sep 50, which dispelled most of his fears about his treatment after surrendering. PW was almost positive that no harm would come to him since the Surrender Leaflet bore the name of Gen MacAthur. Subject. states that most of the surrender leaflets dropped on 11 Sep 50, landed in the flat plain. and rice paddies where there were no NKPA troops. If the leaflets were dropped in the mountains, the NKPA troops who pick them up would not have to fear detection by their leaders while reading them.
PW states that upon reading the leaflet, he began to think about the lack of food and rest and also about the rough treatment the men had received from their superiors. He came to the conclusion that surrender was better than continuing to live as he had been living.

PW Information:
O/a 20 Aug 50, the men of the 2nd Bn, 2nd Regt were told that PsW were not to be maltreated. No detailed information on treatment is available.

Currency Information:
Exchange Rate: The troops are able to convert NK currency into S. Korean currency at the rate of 1:8 ie, 1 NK WON to 8 SK WONs. Conversions were made at the military finance offices. Subject heard that the rate of exchange from ruble to NK WON was 1:5, ie, 1 ruble to 5 WONs.
Extent of usage: (as of 26 Jun 50) The people had faith in their currency and there was no indication that the value of the currency was declining. Some of the prevailing prices were: 1.5 kg of rice - 40 to 50 WONs on the blackmarket. (Subject heard in the latter part of Jul 50, that price had risen to 1,500 WON) 1 kg salt - 80 WON.
Average worker received 800 WON per month. Skilled laborers such as lathe operators and carpenters received 900-1,200 WON per month. A highly skilled research chemist received 2,600 WON per month. A Japanese chemical engineer received 6,000 WON per month.

Usage of Red Cross Insignia:
Most of the NKPA hospital vehicles have red crosses painted on a white field. The insignias were usually painted on the sides of the vehicles. No insignia ware painted on the top. In some instance, vehicles merely had a red cross flag attached to the rear.

For the Commanding Officer:



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