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KIM DOK YONG 이미지뷰어 새창

  • ISSUE NO. 3 NO. 835 1950-08-18
    소위 무학 남성
(Ref to ATIS Rpt No. 704)

Name: KIM DOK YONG (金德龍)
Age: 24 years.
Rank: Jr Lt
Military specialty: Infantryman.
Education: None.
Previous Occupation: Farmer
Length of service: 3 years.
Date of Capture: 18 August 50.
Place of Capture: HOHANG City (36° 02'N - 129° 22'E)
Interrogator: NAKAYAMA (FEAF) (Rpt No 133)

Unit Identification and Commanding Officers:
Division 7th UnknownMajor Gen 
Regiment2nd OM MYONG HOSr Col 
Battalion11thYEE KUNLt ColAge 35, educated in MANCHURlA & served in Chinese Red Army.
Company1st SONG YA LEONGSr Lt Age 27.
Platoon 3rd KIM DOK RONGJr LtAge 24, graduated from KUN KWAN HAKKYO (OCS of NORTH KOREA, in PYONGYANG)
Squad1st KIM KIL CHUNGSergeant 
 2ndKIM YONG PAKSergeant 
 3rdPARK KYONG KUNSergeant 
 4thZANG IK NAMSergeant 

Table of Organization and Equipment:
Battalion900Model 99, model 38 Jap make - 350.
  U.S. make M-1 and carbine - 350
  U.S. make HMG Water cooled - 4
  U.S. make LMG - 9
Company150Hand grenade U.S. make - 30
  U.S. make Rifles - 100
  U.S. make Light MG - 3
Platoon50LMG, U.S. make - 1
  Rifles - 45.
  Hand grenade - 10

Morale of Unit:
The entire unit had high morale and were sure that they would win the war between NORTH and SOUTH KOREA from the day he entered the North Korean Army in 27 November 47 until 17 August 50. In spite of low food supply and excessive fatigue duties the PW’s unit morale remained high.
When source engaged in actual combat with the South Korean Army and noticed their superiority in weapons, their uniforms, and seeing his unit’s casualties, his morale deteriorated and for the first time during his service with the North Korean Army, he discovered that he was one of the victims of the propaganda and lies of the North Korean Army.

The food supply was scarce and the supply unit did not haver an adequate system. When their food went low they drew their rice ration from the nearest unit. On 17 July 50, source observed a large warehouse with a large quantity of rice stored in TANGYANG. They obtained approximately 1 ton and when they arrived in CHONGSONG (36° 26'N - 129° 04'E), they were given 1000 pounds. They assumed that they would have a sufficient food supply when they captured POHANG. After a city or village was captured they appointed a leader and had all the young men of that locality gather rice and food products from the People and take it to the North Korean Army.

Composition of unit:
7th Division
NOTE: All the Battalions are the same.

The mission of the PW's unit, 11th Battalion, 1st Company, 3rd Platoon was to capture POHANG (36° 02'N - 129° 22'E) and await orders as to where they were to meet the 2nd Regiment of the 7th Division.

Source received his basic training at NANAM (41° 42'N - 129° 41'E). Training consisted of political indoctrination - 2 hours daily for 3 weeks, tactics - 3 hours daily, close order drill, calisthenics, and rifle drill with live ammunition. He remained in NANAM from 27 Nov 47 to 23 Sept 48. He was attached to the 2nd Division, 5th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 8th Company, 1st Platoon, 2nd Squad. At that time the 2nd Division consisted of only one battalion of 500-600 men.
From 23 September 49 to 13 November 49, he was a member of HEIJO CHUO KEII RENTAIN (Heijo Central Escort Regiment). Here he had political indoctrination for 2 hours a day, Military Courtesy, tactics for 2 hours, a total of 6 hours a day for approximately 13 months.
In political indoctrination, he was given the bad points of democracy, Russian history, Korean history and geographic location of all important sections of KOREA.
13 November 49, he entered the KUN KWAN HAKKYO in HEIJO (1st OCS of HEIJO). Here he was given Political indoctrination for 2 hours, world history for 2 hours, tactics and simulating rifle firing 2 hours a day till 27 June 50. He was appointed as a candidate to attend KUN KWAN HAKKYO (1st OCS of HEIJO) by his battalion Commander.

Departed HEIJO 28 June 50 on train for SEOUL with 15 officers who where graduates of the same class under the command of a Sr Lt and arrived on July 50. They bivouaced in an unknown area en route. Remained in SEOUL until 10 July; during the seven days they formed the 7th Division, 2nd Regiment, 11th Battalion, 1st Company, 3rd Platoon in YONGSON. On 10 July departed for DAN YANG, arrived on 24 July 50. Thereafter they could not travel during the day because the U.S. Air Force was strafing troops on the march.
15 JulyDANGYANG16 JulyFootStrafed by U.S.A.F.
24 JulyCHONGSONG25 JulyFootStrafed by U.S.A.F.
17 AugKIGYE17 AugFootEngaged in battle with the South Korean Army and retreated to POHANG.
When PW’s unit retreated to POHANG, he was captured and taken prisoner.

Location of Unit at Present:
RW did not Have any knowledge of where his unit, was located. When source was taken prisoner, the entire unit has suffered heavy losses in man power, weapons and equipment while retreating to POHANG. Most of the men in the 7th Division were taken prisoner. (SIC)

Type of Armor:
No tanks or armored vehicles were in this unit.

Source of Equipment:
Most of the equipment was sent from Russia. Some weapons were of Japanese and U.S. make.
Hours and Amount of Electricity Supplied to the Public in NORTH KOREA and Occupied Areas:
Electric power in north Korea is very low and the hours are very short. The blackout is enforced in NORTH KOREA arid occupied areas from 1000 to 0800 hours. Most of the areas are without electricity.

Signs of Dissatisfaction in NORTH KOREA:
No specified area, but source did notice that most of the North Koreans are not satisfied with the government rules and regulations enforced upon them.

Rumors in NORTH KOREA:
Source heard rumors that the U.N. Forces are trying to form their own government in SOUTH KOREA and eventually in NORTH KOREA. In event they win the war they will take all the resources and rice products out of KOREA and the people will be taxed heavily.

COMMENTS: PW was uneducated but for being an outstanding soldier was chosen by the Battalion Commander as a candidate to KUN KWAN HAKKYO (OCS of N. KOREA) in HEIJO. He was commissioned Jr Lt upon graduation. When the 7th Division was formed in HEIJO he became a Plt Leader.


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