Date: June 15, 1960 6:30PM
Ref: Embtel 1338
National Assembly this morning passed constitutional amendment bill by vote of 208 to 3 of total 211 present. (Seven absentees included three IP members under arrest and one who traveling abroad; all DP Assemblymen present.) HUH Government earlier stated promulgation would follow immediately upon formal notification passage; promulgation made 1600 hours today.
Editorials all major papers this morning urged passage constitution with Chosun Ilbo, until today last hold-out, issuing strong warning against LP attempt to block amendment. “Youth and Student League for Safeguarding Democracy and Nation”, which organized small demonstration in front Assembly building June 13 (Embtel 1332), had sound jeep touring central city area this morning calling on people remain alert on occasion vote constitutional amendment and urging all Assemblymen attend session. League also organized demonstration several hundred who gathered in front Assembly to urge passage as Assemblymen entered building. Prior to opening session, atmosphere inside Assembly building one of excitement but there evident confidence that bill would pass without difficulty.
Required two-thirds quorum obtained by 1040 hours, but Speaker KWAK Sang-hun delayed opening session to permit arrival late-comers. Before opening vote, Speaker Kwak reminded Assemblymen of obligation to people to vote on constitutional amendment today. Kwak stressed that every member was free to vote according to his conscience and scored efforts reportedly made by “some organization which seems support RHEE Syngman” to intimidate certain Assemblymen into opposing bill. At same time, Kwak urged Assemblymen vote in accordance will of people and to reflect in their vote desires of those students who died April 19. Kwak asserted that passage amendment, to be followed by consolidation cabinet system and development strong majority party, would be fulfillment desires of the people.
Speaker Kwak opened voting at 1055 hours; final vote cast by AN Kyun-sop (LP) who had been delayed in reaching Assembly; results announced approximately 1130. Although before balloting it was explained that vote each member would be announced, Speaker ruled this unnecessary and read only names those negative votes - YI Ok-tong, KIM Kong-p’yong, and Kim Ch’ang-dong, all LP. Announcement outcome vote set off impromptu cheers led by CHO Yong-gyu (DP) with packed galleries joining in applause. In excitement, Speaker Kwak forgot to declare formally passage of bill until reminded by one his colleagues from the floor.
Kwak expressed his gratitude to Assemblymen who joined in voting which he characterized as an apology by Korean politicians to people. Kwak reminded his colleagues that number law bills incidental to new constitution await final action and stated he would request government to postpone announcement election date until after passage there measures. Speaker also reminded Assemblymen of earlier resolution hold plenary session Juno 22 to welcome President Eisenhower. On call of speaker, Assemblymen and galleries then stood in minute silent prayer for dead students, followed by Mansei. Session declared closed at 1140.
Proceedings broadcast to crowds outside Assembly who by time passage had swelled to several thousand. Passage greeted with cheers, and after close session Speaker led group in Mansei.
COMMENT: Virtually unanimous passage amendment bill came as surprise, although as of this morning press observers anticipated there would not be more than dosen negative votes. Efforts to block passage evidently collapsed late yesterday. CHONG Il-hyong (DP) told Embassy officers last evening that younger new faction members had agreed vote in favor amendment; this may have persuaded LP opponents of bill that it would be futile to absent selves or cast negative vote. Throughout proceedings today number LP and young new faction Democrats sat in resigned silence.
Cabinet system will come into effect immediately upon promulgation amendment. In accordance Article 10 of Addendum, HUH Chung, as Senior member State Council, “shall be regarded as Prime Minister” pending selection Prime Minister following election new Assembly. Probable that date Assembly elections will be announced around June 22.
POL: DLRanard DCM: MGreen